King's Business - 1939-09

T h e B ib le I n s t it u t e o f B o s A n g e le s

P h o to g r a p h b y W itz e i



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Los Angeles, Calif.

September, 1939

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


R oy L. L aurin , Associate Editor M ildred M. C ook , Managing Editor H. S. R isley , Circulation and Advt. Manager

fl-Millennial? Pre-Millennial? Post-Millennial? If you are a pre-millenarian, I have a message of supreme value for these dark days. I advertised this same message some time ago. The re spouses from those who had sent for it were filled with gratitude to God for a new revelation that had come to them; almost every one said in effect “This should be read by every Chris tian in America.” So I am making the s a m e an nouncement once again; I want to reach every true Christian who is longing for the coming of the King and I am doing my part to accom plish it. Whether I reach you de' pends on yourself. Just enclose 10c (stamps will do) in a letter and say, “I am a pre-mil­ lenarian; send me your message.” If you are not a pre-millenarian, please da not answer this advertisement. And may I remind you also of the continuous needs of onr missionary undertakings ? In the spirit of Isaiah 40:1-2, we stand astride the world and seek to bridge the gulf between misrepresented Christianity and misled Judaism. In this ministry of actuation (II Cor. 5:18) y o u r faithful, prayerful undergirding is Our work merits your every confi­ dence. It is a program of world-wide Gospel testimony to the Jews. Your fellowship in prayer and in gift is always welcome and appreciated. Our monthly publication, THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, is of course sent to aU con­ tributors.

O ffic ia l O rgan o f T h e B ib le I n s titu te o f T íos A n g e le s, In co rp o ra ted

r n r n i t T a m i l # r m a ^ i n e Motto: “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” —Rev. 1:5. * '

Volume XXX

September, 1939

Number 9


Around the King’s Table— Editorial Views and Reviews of Current News— Dan Gilbert. Exploring Infinity .


A View of God Through Our Great Telescopes— Peter W . Sto ner .......335 Planted . . Watered . . The Increase • The Gospel in Cellophane— Elmer L. Wilder Bible Institute Family Circle Junior King’s Business— Martha S. Hooker International Lesson Commentary

Daily Devotional Readings..... Our Literature Table............... Notes on Christian Endeavor— Mary G. Goodner

I N F O R M A T I O N F O R S U B S C R I B E R S THE KING’S BUSINESS is pub­ lished monthly at the rates below, payable in advance, for either old or new subscribers, in the United States or its possessions. These rates include postage. REMITTANCE: Should he made by Bank D raft, Express or P. O. Money Order, pay­ able to "The King’s Business.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside w rapper o r ' cover of magazine.

50 cents—For one annual subscrip­ tion, 50 cents per year (Twelve maga­ zines). One two-year subscription, $1.00 (Twenty-four magazines). 25 cents—For one six-months’ sub­ scription (Six magazines). S u b s c rip tio n s to C uba, D om . R e p u b - * S p a in , C e n tra l a n d S o u th A m e ric a n c o u n trie s , e x c e p t th e G u ia n a s a n d B ritis h H o n d u ra s, 50 c e n ts p e r ^ ea;r-A,,T o a11 o th e r fo re ig n c o u n trie s , in c lu d in g th e G u ia n a s a n d B ritis h H o n d u ra s. 75 c e n ts p e r y e a r. (C a n a d a 62 c e n ts.) I t re q u ire s o n e m o n th fo r a c h a n g e o f a d d re s s to b ecom e e ffe c tiv e . P le a se s e n d b o th o ld a n d n e w a d d re ss e s.

ADVERTISING: F or inform ation with refer­ ence to advertising in THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, address the ADVERTISING MAN­ AGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF.. ,or our eastern represen­ tative, Religious Press Association, 1108-10 Colonial Bldg., 13th and M arket Streets, Philadelphia,«Pa. Entered as Second Class M atter November 7, 1938, a t the Post Office a t Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing a t special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept' responsibility for loss or dam­ age to m anuscripts sent to it for consideration.

- . Hoffman Cohn, American Board of Missions the Jew s, Inc., — Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.

D e a r B ro th e r: I am a p re -m ille n a ria n : h e re in I e n clo se 10c; se n d .m e y o u r m e ssa g e . I a lso j o y f u l l y e n clo se ............ a s m y fe llo w s h ip w ith y o u in y o u r w o rld -w id e G o sp el m in is try to Is ra e l. J N a m e ....................... Address • . ,


558 South Hope Street


Los Angeles, California

C it y . . . . . . .

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September, 1939

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Around the King s Table E D I T O R I A L

“Could anything be more import­ ant to us than to learn how we suffered that lucky chance ? Is there any speculation more fasci­ nating than to ponder our probable end ? Or any investigation more thrilling than to determine whether we are, in fact, alone upon the face of the deep, or accompanied by a farflung handful of freaks like our­ selves? The 200-inch telescope may answer where all other instruments have failed.” To men of science we may seem to be “lucky”—but what a strange deduc­ tion! Science is presumably the tabu­ lation of exact facts. It is presumed to be based upon a mathematical cer­ tainty. How then can there be any room for luck in science ? After all, this so-called "luck” of ours is but another evidence of the moral and spiritual blindness of our modem-age wisdom. The very presence of the universe is a calculable fact that proves Deity. It proves more, because it demonstrates a personal Deity. If there is such a Deity, His reign and rule is by law, and law is science that is exact. The God of the Bible is the God who sus­ pended the earth in such exact proxim­ ity to the sun that there is a perfect balance in all the elements of life. He. did it in the beginning of all things. He continues that balance by His per­ sonal control of such laws as He insti­ tuted. That God has chosen to reveal Himself in the Bible as the written Word and in His Son, Jesus Christ as the Living Word. We may discover much in our star-gazing, but we will find out much more about God through the Scriptures.—Roy L. Laurin. “Pestilential Piffle” In the course of a commencement ad­ dress to the graduates of a certain med­ ical school, the speaker took occasion to refer to the literary trash of the day by speaking of “printed purveyors of pestilential piffle.” The description is apt. The bookstand offerings ¿re not only piffle but also a form of piffle that is a menace to mor­ als. We are not only becoming mental “softies” through our modern reading habits, but the low moral tone is also disarming the mind of high standards. It is the duty of parents, teachers, and preachers to sponsor good reading ma­ terial and to encourage youth particu­ larly in reading the Bible. —Roy L. Laurin.

ly preached. If not all religious broad­ casts are true to the Word—and it is sadly true that some are not—there are still sufficient of them to give more than a generous opportunity for one’s acquaintance with the Bible. Be an understanding Christian. Be a “know-so” and not a “hope-so” be­ liever. The way to understanding offers no magic formulas. It is simply this — “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). The way to un­ derstanding is gained by study. Thank God for Bible Institutes! These schools have given a pre-eminent place to the Bible. Thank God for Bible churches! We trust ministers will recognize their great opportunity and will preach ex­ pository sermons. Bible instruction, out of the Bible itself, in both church and Sunday-school, is our *great modem need.—Roy. L. Laurin. Are We Lucky? In a recent review of the astronomi­ cal prospects of the new 200-inch tele­ scope on Palomar Mountain in San Diego County, California, published in Time, the following statement was made: “We are interlopers, freaks—per­ haps the only ones of our kind in all space. We cling to a tiny rock at just the right distance from just the right sun; around us the vast bulk of cosmic material is either fiercely burning at temperatures of millions of degrees or else lying dis­ persed in unutterable thinness in the cold of absolute void. A slight de­ viation in either direction from our own happy medium, and out we go in an instant. ndIif Ibe^ lifted up from

More Problems The article in this issue entitled ‘‘Ex­ ploring1 Infinity” will acquaint our readers with the remarkable astronom­ ical possibilities of the new 200-inch Palomar telescope. The great glass un­ doubtedly will add much to our fund of information concerning the realms beyond us. It is possible, however, that our hopes are set too high, and as one scientist says, “Perhaps the 200 -inch will only repeat what the 100-inch ac­ complished on a smaller scale years ago—turn up a score of problems for every one it solves.” Man is still finite. While our applause is generous and sincere to these brilliant men who explore infinity for us, we must remember that we all need to approach these things with reverence and reserve. It was a sad observation when some one recently said, "We know a good deal more about iron than about God.” If our pursuit'were to find out more about the Creator rather than the creation, the practical benefits would be great, for it would benefit us morally. It is in this field that activity is more needed than anywhere else. —Roy L. Laurin. Stand and Understand “Stand therefore . , . ” (Eph. 6:14). “ . . . the Lord give thee understand­ ing in all things” (2 Tim. 2:7). Every Christian needs to experience both of these things. It is necessary not only to stand for something, but also to understand what we stand for. One is an attitude, while the other is an attainment. One is constancy, while the other is conviction. There can be no successful denial of the fact that we need Christians who stand for some­ thing. This is a day of change and shift. But if this fact is true, it is equally important that our position should be an intelligent one. Peter ad­ monishes us to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” Ours is a day when ignorance is in­ excusable. The truth is at hand in many agencies. The printed Word it­ self is multiplied almost beyond com­ putation. Christian magazines abound in great numbers. Tracts and books are- too numerous to mention, while in addition to all these is ih e miracle of radio, by which the gospel may be wide­

the earthmilldram allmen untome-

September, 1939

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Views and Reviews of Current News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D. C , and San Diego, California

PACIFISM IN REVERSE GEAR: The outlook is indeed dark for those who share the Utopians’ confidence that hu­ manity, by its own plans and panaceas, may usher in the reign of perpetuaj peace. Even a number of our leading “professional” pacifists have gone back on their own program of "peace at any price.” The Oxford Oath, . which pledged young people to refuse to bear arms even in defense of their country, has actually been repealed by the leading youth organizations which enthusiasti­ cally adopted it a few years ago. The Communist-controlled “pacifist” groups, which formerly sought to disarm Amer­ ica and American youth, are now de­ manding that our youth shoulder arms and prepare to fight to resist “militar­ ism and reaction.” There always was s o m e t h i n g “phoney” about the anti-war crusade of the radical pacifist groups against “war and fascism.” Revolution— civil war— was never denounced witli the same vigor as was international war. Outstanding leaders of the pacifist

movement are talking less and less about “preserving peace,” while they talk more and more about “collective security,” apparently to be achieved by economic and military coercion, by an exercise of force which can only lead up to another “war to end war.” DEMOCRATIC SPLIT DEEPENS: By the time this comment is put into type, Congress doubtless will have adjourned. During these closing days, as I write, one outstanding development overshad­ ows all others: The split within Con­ gress between the “conservative” and “liberal” elements of the Democratic Party is widening and deepening. A working alliance between Republicans and conservative Democrats is gaining the ascendancy. The “revolt of Congress” upset the New Deal apple cart on at least three major occasions. A coalition of Repub­ lican and Democratic Senators prevented passage of the Administration’s new “neutrality” bill. The President and

Secretary Hull had insisted that Con­ gress must amend the present neutral­ ity law so as to enable the United States to aid France and England in Case of war with the Rome-Berlin axis. The so-called “isolationist” bloc within the Senate stood firm, however, re­ fusing to give an inch. Their position is that America should take no sides, should not become involved in any way, to help any nation, in case of European hostilities. So far as the Senate is con­ cerned, America shall remain “isolated,” for the present at least. Against Administration pleas and threats, both houses of Congress pushed through the Hatch bill to prevent fed­ eral officeholders and employees; in­ cluding W. P. A. workers, from par­ ticipating in political activity. The bill was aimed especially to prevent the intimidating or terrorizing or threaten­ ing of government employees by bu­ reaucratic overlords. It Is intended to prevent the -firing or penalizing- of a worker for political reasons. [Continued on page 355]


Recognizing an event that was news in a world of indus­ trial strife, the ATLANTA CONSTITUTION of July 12 pub­ lished a front-page story under the following headings: “Toc- coa Factory is Dedicated to Principles of Christianity,? “Guid­ ance of God is Implored for $2,000,000 Plant,” “Big Gathering of Friends and Employes Cheer Declaration of Policy in Re­ vival-Like Atmosphere.” The paper stated, “The strangest— and most comforting—pact American big business has known since steam and electricity exaggerated man’s confidence in his own power was recorded high on a hilltop outside this north Georgia mountain city [Toccoa Falls] today when a . , . builder of road machinery dedicated his new $2,000,000 road machinery factory, to the guidance of God and His Son, the Saviour of humanity.” The Toccoa Falls factory of R. G. LeTourneau, Inc., manu­

facturers of earth-moving equipment, is the third of the com­ pany’s plants. Pictured at the left is part of the throng that gathered in the factory on the dedication day for evening revival serv­ ices. At the right is R. G. LeTourneau, president of the corporation, in a characteristic pose. He said, in part, “We hear the argument of what we could accomplish if we had a man to show us what to do. If we only had a man big enough to lead us out of our problem. A man who under­ stands, who knows just what to do at the right moment. A man who could win our confidence. We have that man_ that man is my Saviour and your Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.' If we would only listen to Him!” Would that other Industrial leaders In America could echo this testimony and would advance this plan!

September, 1939

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


“He hath set eternity in their heart, yet so that m a r , cannot find out the work that God hath done from the beginning even to the end” (Eccl. 3:11, R.V.).

M AN’S? insatiable desire to reach out into the unknown is creating a gigantic 200-inch Southern California. Why are men grinding the lens ot this great reflector with such precision that over its entire surface, 16% feet in diameter, the variation from the specifications will be no more than one millionth of an inch? Why are they content to live for weeks on a remote mountain top, or else to commute by airplane a full 90 miles to San Diego County from Pasa­ dena?

of God states the sharp contrast thus: “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. The heaven for height and the earth for depth . . . is unsearchable” (Prov. 2f- ”, 3). In other words, though the Word of God and the Christian's own experience both teach that God may be known personally and progressively, neither He nor His creation can ever be known fully. To have the joy of knowing God and His works better throughout eter­ nity, yet never to come to the full end of knowing God in Christ, this is the Christian’s privilege and glory. Yes, the opportunity for searching and learning is by no means limited to the material realm. Searching with Mighty Instruments Heretofore, man’s best achievement in the making of a lens and telescope mounting has been the 100-inch Hooker reflector at the Mount Wilson Observa­ tory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, located on Mount Wilson above Pasadena, California. This great “glass,” like the 200-inch one now be­ ing prepared, was the result of the vision and initiative of the late George Ellery Hale, who served as Chairman of the Observatory Council of the Cali­ fornia Institute of Technology. The 100-inch telescope can bring to the photographic negative, light from stars 500,000,000 light years away. When one remembers that light traveling at a speed of 186,000 miles per second requires only about 8 min­ utes to reach the earth from the sun, 92,900,000 miles distant, it would' seem

[For the benefit of K ing ' s B usiness readers who may not have at hand many facts about t h e 200-inch telescope, a member of the staff of the magazine has visited John A. Anderson, Executive Officer of the Observatory Council at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., to secure recent facts which are incorporated in the following article. Mr. Stoners article appears at the right of these pages. —E ditor .] Below: Palomar Mountain’s 300-Inch Telescope, Looking North. R. W. Porter Drawing, 1989. Note man near base.

telescope on Palomar Mountain in

Why has the G e n e r a l Education Board of the Rockefeller F o u n d a t i o n given' $6,000,000 to the Cali­ fornia Institute of Technol­ ogy for this observatory and telescope ? The search for a multi­ tude of new starry uni­ verses, some of which may prove to be 1 , 000 , 000,000 light years away—is only a phase of the new quest of John A. Anderson, assisted by his fellow astronomers. They expect the telescope to help ask questions as to the nature of the p h y s i c a l realm, questions which may find an answer to the prob­ lem of “the expanding uni­ verse.” It is this desire to know, to explore infinity, that dis­ tinguishes finite man from the infinite God. The Word

September, 1939



that the Mount Wilson 100-inch tele­ scope, now reaching 500,000,000 light years away, almost spans infinity. But the new 200-inch mirror'would be able to reveal light from stars 1,000,000,000 light years distant. One writer refers to the telescope as "a mirror that turns back time as nothing else in the world can do.” And yet the Christian’s Bible has an even more comprehensive span, the span of eternity: ‘‘Even from ever­ lasting to everlasting, thou art God” (Psa. 90:2). But the mind of man is never satis­ fied. Surely it could be expected that every one would be content with equip­ ment of which Captain C. S.'McDowell, who is supervising the entire construc­ tion Work on Palomar Mountain, says: “. . . we find that we have promise of an instrument even better than the astronomers’ fondest dreams. It is hoped that, 50 years hence, this instru­ ment will still be considered modem . .” And yet, even now as they await eagerly the revelations to be made by the 200-inch telescope, some astrono­ mers are wistfully wishing that the telescope might have been still larger! The thought or infinite space to be ex­ plored is a compelling lure. Seclusion Driving 50,000 miles to choose a suit­ able site for the observatory was one detail in Dr. Anderson’s preparation for the project. He chose Palomar Moun­ tain partly because of the favorable climatic conditions which promised a minimum of temperature changes and a maximum of nights free from haze and fog. But one of the principal fac­ tors in his decision was his knowledge that the surrounding mountainous area affords no possible location for the de­ velopment of neighboring cities. He knew how seriously the efficiency of the Mount Wilson Observatory has been reduced by the expansion of Pasadena and other cities, with iheir nightly glow in the sky from their countless brilliant lights. Is there not a hidden message for the Christian here? The one who would search out the infinite secrets of “the Father of lights’' must deliberately choose to be unhindered by lesser lights, the “neon signs” of the world below him. Hugeness and Accuracy Tremendous measurements and intri­ cate perfection are involved in the 200- inch telescope and its mounting. With its tube 60 feet in length, the telescope has a total weight of 1,000,000 pounds, of which approximately 250,000 pounds are in the tube alone. The telescope’s manufacture, consequently, has pre­ sented mechanical problems never here­ tofore met. The moving parts, which

A View of God Through Our Great Telescopes


Chairman, Department of Mathemat­ ics, Engineering, Astronomy, and Archi­ tecture, Pasadena Junior College, Pasa-, dena, Calif: N O, I do not mean to imply that the astronomers on Mount Wilson or at any other great observatory can set their telescopes to a certain position in the sky, place their eye to the eyepiece and say: “There is heaven, and through the pearly gates I can see God sitting on His throne.” Have you ever met a man and later read an account of his life s work, and thus for the first time had a real vision of the man? If so, you know what I mean when I say that perhaps you have accepted Christ as your personal Saviour and know the joy of salvation, but have you seen Him in His power? Do you realize what He implied when He said, “All power is given unto me”—even the power of Genesis 1:1 in creation? Have you felt comfort in His protecting power when He promises to be with you always? If not, let us 1o o k at Him through a telescope. We are told in the opening verse of the Bible that God created this universe of ours: “In the beginning God created [Continued on next page]

weigh about 425 tons, must be related to one another—and kept there—with an extreme degree of precision. Accuracy in the giant mirror requires that the glass of which it is made shall be ground to within one-millionth of an inch of specifications, over the entire surface. About five tons of glass have had to be ground off the huge 20-ton disk. For this 200-inch mirror, the problem of planning a special kind of Pyrex glass and casting it in the Corning Glass Works of Coming, N. Y„ was so tremendous that the final achievement is still a marvel to all who know the story of the undertaking. Visitors at the optical shop of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., are particularly im­ pressed by the extreme, caution with which the grinding is being done. The building itself is insulated with a layer of cork about three inches thick, to insure even temperatures for the glass and testing machines. From an obser­ vation gallery inclosed in glass, visitors may watch the grirtding and testing of the lens. The workmen change from

their street shoes and replace their ordinary clothing with special white garments which have no buttons, pock­ ets or cuffs capable of making scratches or carrying dust or sand. At the top of the ladder leading to the grinding table they change their shoes once more, for even a particle of dust could mar the usefulness of the glass. A lens of this kind must be accurate within one-tenth of a wave length of light, about one millionth of an inch. Fine iron oxide is the grinding agent used. No effort has been spared to make the final result perfect even beyond the original plans for the telescope. Does not the loyalty of the scientist to his work put most Christians to shame? If the astronomer spares no effort to reveal perfectly the secrets of the heavens, what excuse is there for the Christian who is slipshod and care­ less in preparing to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ to those around him? Knowledge Generously Shared * Cooperation of many groups was nec­ essary for providing this instrument for

September, 1939

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A VIEW OF GOD THROUGH OUR GREAT TELESCOPES [Continued from page 335] the heaven and the earth.” Power was required in that creation, more power than man has the ability to comprehend. Let us see how much of this power we are capable of picturing. We have always considered the earth as a gyeat body, and so it is. It is so large that if its land surface were divided into lots 50x 150 feet, there would be about the same number of them as there have been seconds in a period of 6,000 years, the time regarded by many as embracing man’s history since Adam. We look at the power developed at Boulder Dam and marvel at its greatness. But did you ever consider the power of the sun whose heat raised that water out of the ocean and placed it in the Colorado River behind the dam? The power of the sun is much greater than that of Boulder Dam. Its volume is more than a million times greater than that of the earth, and the sun is giving off so much energy that if we should try to buy the energy it gives off in twenty-four hours’ time, and were to pay one cent a kilowatt for it, we would have to collect enough silver dollars to cover the earth, land and water, more than a mile deep. This giving off of energy has been going on in the sun for an indefinitely long period of time. God created our sun, and into that creation went all of the power the sun has given off in all time past and will yet give off in all future time. No wonder God says the cattle on a thousand hills are His! In what we call our system of stars there are about 10,000,000,000 other stars averaging as large as our sun (the sun is a star). God created them all. It is impossible for man to con­ ceive of all of the power that went into that creation. This was the extent of our knowledge of the physical universe at the time the 100-inch telescope at Mount Wilson was constructed. The 100-Inch Telescope Before this time, astronomers told us that the physical universe was one unit, that the spiral nebulae and all other types of astronomical objects were within this system. Soon after the 100- inch telescope came into use, Edwin P. Hubble of Mount Wilson was able to measure the distance to the spiral ne­ bula in Andromeda, the closest one, and he' found it to be nearly one million light years away. This fact placed it f i r outside our system of stars; in fact, [Continued on page 339]

searching the heavens. For ex­ ample, the United States Navy lent Captain C. S. McDowell as Super­ vising Engineer for building the observatory. He will install the mirror in the telescope as soon as Dr. Anderson sends the glass and the auxiliary mirrors from the op­ tical shop at the California Insti­ tute of Technology. The spectro­ graphs and the other instruments are the product of expert work in many fields. I n t h e Scientific American for November, 1936, Cap­ tain McDowell states: “We have been fortunate in receiving whole-hearted cooper­ ation from a vast number of engineers and scientists scat­ tered throughout the nation. This cooperation reminds me of that which was obtained dur­ ing 1917-1918 on many war problems. Such assistance is very necessary in order that we may make the telescope and the observatory the best that science and engineering of to­ day can produce.” Similarly, in the matter of pro­ gressively knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as the infinite God, His people are dependent upon one an­ other in great measure. Each be­ liever has his own particular con­ tribution to make, for each one knows the Saviour in some slightly different aspect. It is in fellowship “with all saints” that the Christian is to “comprehend . . . what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge” (Eph. 3:18, 19). i What the 200-Inch Telescope Will Do Though, as scientists, Dr. Anderson and his associates are cautious about stating what they expect the telescope to reveal, one thing is certain: the telescope will raise new questions for investigation. Dr. Hale declared, in the Scientific American for May, 1936: “Every large télescopé, if effi­ ciently used under good atmos­ pheric conditions, not only adds to our knowledge of existing problems but reveals new ones for solution.” Because of the Increased light-gath­ ering power, as well as the development of new auxiliary apparatus, the volume of space which can be investigated will be greatly increased. It may prove to be fully eight times as great as that within the range of the 100-inch Mount Wilson Telescope, according to Captain McDowell. Of course the question the public most frequently asks regarding the telescope is, “When will it be finished?” Already the dome-shaped observatory on Palomar Mountain, in which the

THE BACK OF THE 200-INCH MIRROR Suspended from a crane in the optical shop at the California Institute of Technology, the giant mirror for Palomar Mountain shows here its ribbed construction which reduces unequal ex­ pansion during temperature changes. Each of the bands of webbing shown is about four inches wide. The face of the mirror is likewise about four inches thick. The experts in charge chose to aluminize rather than to silver the mirror, as this method makes the lens most efficient. telescope and mounting are to be in­ stalled, awaits the completion of the mirror. If the work of polishing the great glass continues according to schedule, the year of 1941 should see on the mountain in Shn Diego County such an assembling of scientists, engi­ neers, and newspaper reporters as the century has not yet beheld. What the telescope reveals will become a nine- days’ wonder to every American who can read—and a continuing source of amazement to those whose Interest is more than temporary curiosity. Infinity has been defined as “that which cannot be numbered.” Over­ whelmed by the knowledge that even astronomical figures do not exhaust the material creation, the Christian remem­ bers not only the physical realm but also the infinite mercies of God, and cries out: “Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered” (Psa. 40:5). “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearch­ able” !

September, 1939



Planted. .Watered"...The Increase “/ have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase ” (1 Cor; 3:6, 7). S HOWN In the bolder type below are portions of the appreciation of Biola expressed in a recent student publication, the Biolan, school yearbook uals are believed to have received all or part of their Bible-training in our Day, Evening, and Correspondence Schools, r in the Hunan Bible Institute of China, the China Department of Biola.

United States while serving on gospel teams or in glee clubs that witness in song and spoken testimony. This past summer a group of the young men have been spending their vacation taking the gospel to the desperately poor migrants of California. “WATERED , . . through the years by consecrated members of the faculty, by faithful workers of the administrative staff, and by the donors who have given generously and sacrificially of their means that the doors of the Institute might be kept open to train students without tuition charge.” The existence and continuance of the selfless work of Christian training given by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is a constant marvel to those familiar with the apparently insurmountable difficul­ ties confronting the school. If it be re­ membered that no charge has ever been made for tuition, that the Institute is not supported by any denominational board, and receives no subsidy from any national Christian group, and yet has literally expended millions in this work, received through the freewill offerings of a multitude of Christians scattered all over the world—four-fifths of them residents in parts of the United States other than in Los Angeles itself—the wonder of this miracle of grace, and the certainty of the divine overshadowing of its ministry, are so evident as to forbid mistake or contradiction. “But truly, God has given THE INCREASE , . . for when the final harvest time comes, there will be those from ‘every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation’ who have been touched either directly or indirectly by Biola.” The future of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is included in the two words “But God.” We engage our faitn tc this conviction. The increase which has al­ ready come will continue in the years that are ahead. The guarantee of this is in God’s Word, and the integrity of any work so founded cannot but commend itself to God’s people. We look forward with eager anticipation to the privilege of training young people for Christian service and to the fruitage of souls brought to Christ through their service. We look forward with increasing joy to the privilege of being a bulwark for the faith in an age of expanding unbelief. In these things and others, God will give “the increase,” Join us in the joy of being colaborers with Him and sharing in' “the increase.”

for 1939. Because the student writers have caught the inner spirit of the school’s history, their words have been chosen as the outline for the fuller story appearing on this page. “Standing as a beacon light in a great metropolis is the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles. Students come to the school from many parts of the worli and leave its doors to travel still farther in His service.” As recently published in The King’s Business, a partial census of the students trained at the Institute shows- the fol­ lowing results achieved by God’s grace through the instrumentality of Biola in training students for the foreign mission field: A total of 475 Bible Institute of Los Angeles students have served or are serving on the foreign mission field. Of this number 333 are now active, the remainder having returned to the home­ land, several in broken health. Of the group, nineteen already have gone to be “with Christ.” Each year new volunteers offer themselves upon the altar of serv­ ice. Twenty-nine regions of the earth are represented in these great mission­ ary enterprises, including Africa, Alaska, Borneo, Burma, Canary Islands, Ceylon, Central America, China, Cuba, Egypt, Europe, Hawaii, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Palestine, the Philippines, Siam, So. America, So. Sea Islands, and Syria. In the home field, the Alumni Secre­ tary’s records show that several hundred graduates are serving as pastors, Bible teachers, broadcasters of Christian radio programs, workers among Jewish people, teachers In Christian schools, and the like. The Day School graduates exceed 2,000 in number, and more than 20,000 individ­

“PLANTED . . . we may say, by Lyman and Milton Stewart, Reuben Archer Torrey, Thomas Corwin Hor­ ton, and their associates who early in this center*' saw the vision Of an institution dedicated ‘unto him that loved us, and washed, us from our sins in his own blood.’” The founding of this Bible Institute marks an epoch not only in the history of Los Angeles, but also in the develop­ ment of evangelical Christianity in the United States. Commencing in a small way as scarcely more than a Bible class, first, in an bbscure section of Los An­ geles, then housed in a local church, the seed blessed of God grew into a great Institute, occupying two height-limit steel and concrete buildings of thirteen stories, with an auditorium (now the Church of the Open Door home) capable of seating about 4,000 people. The Insti­ tute block is in the very heart of Los Angeles, adjoining the Public Library. The school’s activities have included an extensive series of Bible conferences; the publication of a national magazine, The King’s Business, nearly seven mil­ lion copies of which have been circu­ lated, not only throughout the United States, but in more than forty-five for­ eign lands; the ministry of a faithful group of Bible Women, and the carrying on of an active and extensive mission in China through the operation of the Biola Bands of native evangelists who have been instrumental in spreading the Word of God through teeming and unevangel­ ized districts of the great Chinese Re­ public. Students of Biola have visited most of the important cities of the

• Missionary influence at Biola reaches far beyond the student group, t h r o u g h the Student Mi s- s i o n a r y Union’s depu­ tation teams. Members pic- t u r e d h e r e served during t h e p a s t school year.

September, 1939

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The Gospel in Cellophane

By ELMER L WILDER Imperial, California

K T THE “Four Corners’’' she smil­ ingly waited for a “lift” across L the desert, which would place her in the large city—her desired des­ tination. Considering herself a “mod­ ern,” she found it easy to employ a modern -mode of transportation—hitch­ hiking. “That’s luck,” she thought, as a car horn sounded. “I’m catching a ride in a hurry.” I The car passed, and instead of “luck” it was providence, for a small bundle of tracts wrapped in bright cellophane fell at her feet. “That’s sweet,” she said. “A stick of candy. Like getting money from home without writing for it—no, it Isn’t candy after all.” ‘“ T H E F A C T S AB OUT THE WORLD’S MOST COSTLY STAMP,’”* she read through the cellophane wrap­ per as she picked it up. “I might as well broaden my knowl- edge as a philatelist while I am waiting for a ‘lift,’ ” she commented inwardly. Eagerly she removed the wrapper. The story told o£ how a one-cent stamp Was bought by Count Ferrary in 1878 for $625.00, and later was sold for $38,025.00. She found her interest aroused as she read about a more Costly stamp— the stamp of sin. She learned that this stamp had been c a n c e l e d by Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. She then turned to “THE TRUE STORY OF JACK RENO”’t a tract which told of the conversion of a burg­ lar after his Christian mother had been dead thirty years. “That sounds interesting . . . 1 don’t care if a ride is slow In coming this morning . . . I wonder if my mother’s prayers Could be following me,” she thought as she finished reading the second tract. “She told me when I left that she would pray for me . . . And [Dr. Wilder, who is a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles of the class of ’26, is pastor of the Imperial Community Church, Imperial, Calif . For several years he has written for T he K ing ' s B usiness the object les­ sons in the Sunday-school lesson helps. —E ditor .] ^Published by Francis E. Green, 1438 N . Ave. 46, Los Angeles, Calif. f Published by W . T . Oden, 12927 Rubens Ave., Venice, Calif.

the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. The little cellophane package helped her to think, to admit her need, and to act. One never knows wnen he may be used of God—as the tract distributor was that day—to answer a mother’s prayer. Whoever is faithfully giving out the Word of God will reap glorious results. Vacation Trips It waq New Year’s Day, and a Chris­ tian family had been spending the holi­ day in the mountains. They threw cellophane-wrapped tracts to a family that was picnicking by the side of the mountain road. A few days later a card came, saying, “I praise His name for such a wonderful Saviour.” The card stated that this family had been more than two h u n d r e d miles from their home w h e n the tract messages reached them.- On another occasion, a young man had gone to the beach for a swim. He was hitch-hiking home, late in the af­ ternoon, when a bundle of tracts was thrown to him. The next day a thrill­ ing message came to “Roadside Mes­ sengers” with an “X” in the square beside the words, “I accept Christ now as my Saviour.” The tract had ar­ rested his attention and led him to Christ. “We were on vacation in the High Sierras,” wrote a woman upon reach­ ing her home. “My husband had been fishing in Bishop Creek, and we were returning to our car when we saw your car approaching. I hurried across the road, and although I had no occasion to step back, I did, and there I found your tracts, which have proved a bless­ ing.” On Business for Christ An oil-field worker was walking along the highway between derricks. A Christian farmer, while on a business trip, was sowing the seed of thè Word of God. As he passed the man, the farmer threw him a bundle of tracts. Before the farmer returned home, the oil worker had written, “Your tracts were thrown to me today from a car going north, while I was walking on the highway. . It is my duty to take care of the oil wells my company has drilled. I thank yon for the tracts and would appreciate information on the subject I have crossed.” The Christian farmer is correspond-

here is a postal card. This is a real surprise package. Who.threw it to me ?” The postal read: “Mail this card, telling when and where you received and read these tracts, and you will re­ ceive a New Testament} free. Name, address, where received, and date. L J I accept Christ now as my Saviour and Lord. [ ] I have already accepted Him as my Saviour. [ ] I wish to know more about God’s plan of free salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.” There was a verse of Scripture, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, *and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Rom. 10:9). “I think I’ll send for the' New Testa­ ment. But which square shall I check ? I have never accepted Christ as Saviour. The last one fits me. ‘I wish to know more about God’s plan of free salva­ tion through His Son Jesus Christ.’ ” Turning the card over, she read the name and address, “ROADSIDE MES­ SENGERS, P. O. Box 14, Imperial, Calif.” “I’ll mail the card at my next stop. I pan just put my address as ‘General Delivery.’ ” In more senses than one, this girl had been at the crossroads^ Perhaps never before had she thought seriously of her need of traveling life’s way with %The American Bible Society, New York, N . Y ., publishes an inexpensive New Testament.

Packages Attract Young and Old

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