King's Business - 1939-09

September; 1939



working among more than a hundred thousand Moslems and pagans in the region. L. E. and Mrs. Spencer (Martha Gil­ lespie), 704 Western Ave., Trinidad, Colo., have been engaged in American Sunday School Union missionary work in communities in the vicinity of Trin­ idad: Theresa Bush is a member of the China Inland Mission, on furlough from service in Kweichow Province, South­ west China, and has been staying for several weeks at 238 S. Ave. 51, Los Angeles, Calif. Nora M. Steiner, ’28, 608 W. Com­ monwealth, Alhambra, Calif., has been on furlough from service in Tanganyika Territory under the Africa Inland Mis­ sion. Maxine McNeal, ’23, is at home on furlough from her work in China under the South Chihli Mission. Mail can be addressed to 163 N. Chicago St., Los Angeles, Calif. Harry J. (’12) and Mrs. Hill (Mary Ross, T4) and their son Robert ar­ rived from Pyeng Yang, Korea, oh July 23 at Los Angeles Harbor. Mary Elizabeth, their daughter, has been at­ tending Wheaton College for three years. Their plans for this year are not yet definite. They can be addressed at 1346 San Luis Rey, Glendale, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Hill have been working under the Presbyterian board. John Ryan, B. Th. ’39, has been called to the pastorate of the Mount Hermon Baptist Church of Denver, Colo. George Smart, ’33, has recently been appointed by the Northern Baptist Home Mission Board to Carson City, Nev., for missionary work among In­ dians. Mr. Smart attended Gordon Col­ lege of Theology and Missions after his graduation from the Bible Institute. William Arthur Ellis, ’31, was gradu­ ated from the Presbyterian Seminary at San Anselmo, Calif., on May 11. He has been ordained and is now serving as pastor of the Gommunity Presbyterian Church of Live Oak, Calif. Married Peter Becker, B. Th. ’39, and Gertrude Schroeder, B. Chr. Ed. ’39, Aug. 17, Paso Robles, Calif. Frank W. Busenitz and Hester Ciaas- sen, ’33, July 25, Newton, Kans. John E. Kullberg and Willabell Bige­ low, ’32, June 11, Selma, Calif. George E. Maas and Mildred Zellers, ’37, May 13, Bakersfield, Calif. N. B. Vanderford and Mildred Larsen, ’28, June 14, Orland, Calif. Born To Fuad and Mrs. Saadeh (Gudrun Estvad, ’24), a daughter, Mary Jane, May 13, Damascus, Syria. To Hermann (’35) and Mrs. Weber, a son, Alfred Paul, July 12, Oakland, Cal.

the earth to escort and protect you. Let each one of us read again 2 Co­ rinthians 5:18-20: “And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to him­ self by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of recon­ ciliation. ' Now then we are ambassa­ dors for Christ, as though God did be­ seech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” And let us realize' that this mighty Creator is the God of whom we are ambassa­ dors, that He knows our every thought, and let us be ashamed to be lax in our duties of entreating men to accept Christ.

reveal, but it has' stretched our con­ ception of the whole physical realm past the breaking point. I think we may be fairly sure that the 200-inch telescope will again increase our knowl­ edge of the heavens and with it will give us a new view of the power of our great God. May the missionary, starting for the foreign field, underscore “All power” in Matthew 28:18 where it reads: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore . . . and, lo, I am with you alway.” Look into the sky and know that there lies visible evidence of God’s pow­ er far beyond our conception. His going with you makes you safer than if He ordered all the armies and navies of

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE “Fellowship in the Furtherance of the Gospel” E RIC S. (’25) and MRS. HORN (Syvilla E. Ferron, ’25) are stationed at the London office of the Sudan Interior Mission, FALL SEMESTER AT THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES September 5 and 6 Scheduled as Registration Days

Dawson House, 48 Tufton St., London, S. W. 1, England. Mr. Horn. has been asked by R. V. Bingham, General Di­ rector of the Mission, to accept the position of British Secretary. Mrs. Horn continues to assist in the office work at the London center. Their little son, Bobbie, will be six years old this Sep­ tember. Ben Erickson, ’33, is pastor of the Evangelical Free Church, Keene, Nebr. Marion Adams, ’33, returned in June on furlough from service under the Orinoco River Mission in Venezuela, S. A. She has been staying at her home, 5626 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, Calif. Iris Schwartz, ’39, has gone to serve with Mrs. Iva Lauber, ’27, in the Good News Mission, a ministry to Navajo Indians, at Houck, Ariz. •Donald (’25) and Mrs. Mackay, 186 Hess St. North, Hamilton, Ont., have been engaged for six and a half years in Jewish- mission work under the Friends of Israel, Hamilton, Ont., Can. J. I. Parker, ’19, Rt. 5, Box 193, Van­ couver, Wash., has been pastor of a United Brethren Church for fourteen years. One of his sons has been serving as President of a district Christian En­ deavor Union comprising three counties. A group of alumni and former stu­ dents of Biola met for a reunion at the home of Betty Horsch at Aberdeen, Idaho, Elda Toevs served as assistant to the hostess. After a , social: time James Brown, Th. B. ’39, conducted the

By the grace of the Lord, Biola again this fall welcomes students for the study of His Word. Thus there is a continued opportunity and responsibility of Institute graduates to interest younger Christians in Bible training. In­ formation concerning the ampli­ fied three-year and four-year courses offered in recent years will be sent at the .request of former and prospective students who will address the Office of the Registrar, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. devotionals. Ella Neuman brought a message in song and Malcolm Wenger gave the devotional message in closing. Those present were Agnes and Irene (’36) Becker, James Brown, Th. B. ’39, Betty Horsch, Alice Lehman, ’31, Ran­ dolph Moser, Ella Neuman, Elda Toevs, Maurice Wed-el, and Arthur, Carl, Elma (’35), and Malcolm Wenger. John (’31) and Mrs. Wiebe (Nancy Tupman, ’32), Sudan Interior Mission, Talata Mafara, Nigeria, British W. Africa, wrote in June from their new station, requesting prayer for real' con­ versions during their ten months in this field before their furlough will be due. They are the only missionaries


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