King's Business - 1939-09

September, 1939



the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed mfe with the garments of salvation, he hath cov­ ered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adometh herself with her jewels” (Isa. 61:10). Question: What price was paid by the Lord Jesus Christ for these gar­ ments ? Answers “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” (1 Pet. 1:18,19). Question: When do these garments become the possession of the Chris­ tian? Answer: When he believes—and with­ out cost. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of your­ selves: it is the gift of God: N

Bible Arithmetic Multiply the number of disciples by the number of chapters in the Book of Mark. Subtract the number of fishes mentioned in John 21. Divide by the number of days and nights that Jonah was in the great fish. Add the num­ ber of stones which David placed in his bag when he went out to meet Go­ liath. Divide by the number' of lepers who failed to return to give thanks to the Lord Jesus for their healing. Your answer will be the number of the chap­ ter of a certain book in the Bible which gives the account of the first miracle which the Lord Jesus performed. Name the book and chapter.

said that I would, I want you to get down from the table, and walk over here and take it from my hand. Now will you do that? Now, if you think that in place of giving you the dollar, I will put it back into my pocket, don’t walk over, but if you will trust me, come over and get it.” The silence was supreme now, and the minister, as he had said he would, walked clear over to the other side of the platform, turned around and waited. And slowly Jerry clambered down and with eyes still glued on the bill walked over and TOOK IT and held it tightly. As Jerry smiled up at him, the minis­ ter turned toward the congregation and said, “Now don’t you see, boys and girls, and older folks_ too, that is just what God wants us to do! He truly has many great and wonderful things in store for us, but He does want you and me to trust Him. He does want you to believe Him, and to take Him at His word, and to reach out to' take the things that He offers you. God is true, and He will do what He has promised to do, but He waits for us to believe Him fully and to trust Him completely.” The Deliverer Regardless of his own danger, a brave member of the coast guard descended the face of an overhanging cliff. Show­ ers of stones and pieces of rock might fall. The rope might fray out and break. But a man was in danger. Climbing from the shore too adventurously, he had reached a point where h could not climb either up or down. He was on a narrow ledge of rock in great peril. If he became exhausted or if he slept, he probably would roll off and be dashed upon the rocks below. His earnest cry was heard. His posi­ tion of grave need was seen. Tne coast guard heard about him, and, procuring a long rope, one of their - umber made the descent. Happily he was in time, and was enabled to save the exhausted man, both of the men being hauled to the top amid the rejoicing of all who saw the rescue. Were you ever delivered from such danger? I was. I can say of One who “delivered” me “from so great a death”: I was in great peril. I could in no way deliver myself. But the Lord Jesus Christ came down to deliver. At in­ finite cost to Himself, the Son of God, veiling His glory, came to die for my Sins on the cross of Calvary. It is needless to say that the brave rescuer in the ¿tory of the coast guard was thanked by the man he saved, and that everyone present applauded him. Have you thanked the Great Deliver­ er? Has your heart gone out in praise to the Lord Jesus, who, unasked by us, came to seek and to save the lost?— Adapted from Signposts on Life’s Way, by Inglis Fleming.

God's Care

God is near me every day In my work and in my play, Loving me in every way; He cares for me. God is near me all the night, When the stars are shining bright, Keeps me safe till morning light; He cares for me. God is near me when I pray, Hearing every word I say; I will love Him and obey; He cares for me. Discussion: (Discuss clothing.) Gar­ ments worn often indicate the charac­ ter of service a person gives. Examples are a soldier’s uniform, a nurse’s uni­ form, etc. God has provided garments for His children. They are costly gar­ ments, purchased by the Lord Jesus Christ when He died upon the cross. The world offers many beautiful gar­ ments, but none can compare with the garments which the Lord Jesus has provided for us. Question: What are the garments of a Christian? Answer: “I will greatly rejoice in *For a complete list of Scriptures for memory work in the Christian Life Series, see previous copies of T he K in g ' s B u s in e s s . — S e l e c t e d . Memory Work for September C h r is t ia n L i f e S e r ie s *

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