King's Business - 1939-09

September, 1939

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


strength, and they can be our strength, too. Next, Satan tempted Jesus to Show His power to the world by jumping off a > pinnacle of the temple. But Jesus was not going to do things in Satan’s way. He was obedient only to God. And again He answered Satan with a Bible verse. The third time, Satan tried to tempt Christ to bow down and wor­ ship him. Satan said he would give Christ all ( of the kingdoms of the world. But the Lord Jesus answered him, “It is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou.serve.” When Satan tempts us, we should, do as the Lord Jesus did, go to God and His Word, and He will protect us and save us from sinning.

a forgery and not written by Moses) It is better to follow the Lord Jesus in these important matters than to fol­ low the wise of this present evil world. Golden Text Illustration H ebrews 4:15 I was walking on the business street of a little town when I saw a lad of seven or eight stop in front of a grocery where a barrel of apples was temptingly displayed. The contents had been pro­ tected by a screen, but this had been displaced. The boy saw his opportunity. After a hasty look into the store to see whether any one wàs looking, he slipped his hand into the barrel, and drew out an apple. Then I thought he would hurry away, but he paused as if unde­ cided. He looked at the fruit. At last he started to leave, but again he paused and came back to the grocery. When he reached it, he hesitated a moment more, with the purloined apple held above thè barrel. Then I realized that there was a struggle going on in the heart of the boy. I held my breath. Would he take the fruit, or would he leave .it? The question was answered as soon as asked. With a decided mo­ tion, in great contrast to his previous indecision, he dropped the coveted apple, then down the street he ran as fast as his little legs would carry him, sobbing as he went. Running away from the temptation was his way of saying, "Get thee hence, Satan.”—John T. Faris. When Jesus Said No - M atthew 4 ■MEMORY VERSE: “Depart f r o m evil, and do good” (Psa. 34:14). APPROACH: Because Jesus Christ had come to thik world as a man, He had all of the temptations which any one of us might have. You know that Satan is ever trying to témpt us to sin,

20 bright talk s to boys and Illustrated by fam iliar objects. “TALKS ON TEXTS” 20 children’s Sermons. .Illunjinated by fascinating illustrations. “Paper Tearing Talks” 15 Gospel talks'.., Paper is folded, then torn and the object is unfolded. In­ teresting to old and young. Full di­ rections. One Pastor w rites: “Your talks are the best I have ever used or have been able to find.” Each set $1.00 All Three $2.00 55, talks—whole year w ith the Children Over 47,000 in use. H&ddon Service* Box 164B, Fairfield, Conn. S u m m e r P r o f i t s for W o m e n ’ s Organizations W rite at' once for folder describing most attractive offer ever made by this com­ pany. Learn how your organization can earn those needed funds more quickly, more easily. Offer lasts for limited time only. Mail card today to Metal Sponge Sales Corporation, Lehigh Avenue and Mascher Street, -Philadelphia, Pa. Gottschalk’s ------ | METAL SPONGE -------- Extra large“"

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Object Lesson P ure G old

OBJECTS: A gold ring, a cheap ring from the five-and-ten-cest store, some nitric acid, and -a swab made with a toothpick and cotton. LESSON: Which one of these rings would you like to have ? One looks bright and the other rather dull. Be­ fore you choose, I want you to know that one is real gold, and the other Is not. Most of you have chosen the bright shining one. There is a way to find out which is gold and which is an imitation of gold. I will dip this swab in acid and show you how to make the test. This dull-looking ring is not changed by the acid. It is real gold. Now we will test the bright-looking one. Im- mediately .it turns green, showing that it is not real gold. As we have been making this test, I have been reminded of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was taken into the wilder­ ness and tempted by the devil, in order that it might be shown that He is the sinless Son of God. If He had not been the Son of God, He would have come forth tarnished by sin, as all human beings are; but the fact that He did not sin proved that He was God’s sinless Son. "For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15). How glad we should be that Jesus Christ is without sin, for otherwise He could not be our Saviour*

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and he came even to the Lord Jesus Christ and tempted Him, top. *LESSON STORY: Jesus had b e e n in the wilderness forty days 'without food, when Satan came to Him, tempting Him to do wrong. Three


Calvert School world-famous home .. ... plan gives superior education to thousands of children not near good schools or-unable to attend school. Complete courses for each grade from K indergar­ ten to High School. All books, m aterials and teacher guidance included. Enthusiastically en­ dorsed by educators and parents. Low cost. W rite today for. free catalog. State child’s age. Calvert School, 59E Tuscany Road, Baltimore, Md. WATCH and JEWELRY R E P A IR IN G All work - guaranteed. Spècial courtesies; to readers of this magazine. 12 years, same lo­ cation. Around corner from Bible Institute. 'M ail inquiries invited. CHARLES YOGLE 7OT W. 6th St. Los Angeles

times he came tempting Him. He knew ’how hungry. Jesus must be, so he first came tempting Him to turn the stones into bread. Now, because Jesus was the Son of God, He had power to do this miracle, but because He obeyed in all things the will of His Father, He would not use His power in a selfish way. He answered Satan with a Bible verse. He said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by,every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” The words of God written in the Bible were Jesus’

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