September, 1939
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
HAY F EV E R—A B ritish M issionary from India c o m p l e t e l y freed of
an unobtrusive, inconspicuous, conse crated life. A relative of Robert Inger- soll, known in the •family as Aunt Sarah, living on the Pacific Coast, was a de vout Bible student and a beautiful Christian. One day she received by mail a package which, on opening, proved to be a copy of one of R. G. Ingersoll’s books, an attack on the Bible. On the flyleaf was written these words over Ingersoll’s signature: “If all Christians had lived like Aiint Sarah, perhaps this book would never have been written.” The indisputable fact of a consistent Christian life was more disquieting to the great infidel’s unbelief than any thing else.—The Christian Herald. The Beatitudes M atthew 5:1-16 MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God” (Matt. 5:9). APPROACH: Sometime after Jesus had been tempted by Satan, He was talking one day with some of-His fol lowers, for already people were listen ing to the message w h i c h He had there is a person on this earth but wants to be happy. Some people think that money will make them happy; oth ers think a good time will make them happy. Many of us think only of the things on this earth that would make us happy. Jesus taught His disciples to think about the happiness which they should have in heaven. He said the ones who know that they have nothing worth anything here will be happy—“blessed” is the word the Bible uses—in heaven, for the whole kingdom will be theirs; those who mourn shall be comforted; the meek shall inherit the earth; those who really hunger and thirst to be righteous shall be filled with righteousness; the ones who show mercy here in this life shall be given mercy in heaven; the pure in heart shall see God; the peacemakers shall be called the children of God; those who suffer because they are righteous shall have the kingdom of heaven; those who are persecuted here and spoken evil of, falsely, shall have their re ward in heaven. Jesus said to His disciples, “Ye are the l i g h t of the w o r l d . . . Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good brought to them from His Father, and many believed. Such people we call Jesus’ disciples. On this day, Jesus was telling them how to be happy. LESSON STORY1 Every one of us wants to be happy. I don’t think that
works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” This is the way to be happy. Object Lesson T he F lashlight F amily OBJECTS: Five flashlights, a silver dollar, and purple and green cellophane paper. LESSON: Mr. and Mrs. Flashlight and their three children are all Chris tians, but I am sorry to tell you that Frances, the youngest, is the only one who remembers the words of the Lord Jesus and lets her light shine for Him. , Here is Mr. Flashlight. He is a member of the church, but you will notice from the coin which keeps his light from shining, that he has for- g o t t e n the words of Jesus, “Let your light- so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in h e a v e n” (Matt. 5:16). Mrs. Flashlight has a pretty purple bonnet. (Use cellophane or thin silk). Pride keeps her from letting her light shine for Christ. Notice how purple the light is! This is Fanny Flashlight, Her hat is green and speaks to us of envy. The light, she gives is green. People, when looking at her, cannot be reminded of Christ, as they see only her envy. Frank Flashlight is just like most
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Mother's riot home. But i know about the Sunday School books All the girls and boys are waiting for thelrS: They-te swell!. I read mine all the time all b y . myself.' The Bible ¿tones are Scr keen and make Jesus. so wonderful, to me . I .Wish all the boys and girls -in the. .world 'couId .h'ayé htènii'* ' s W, >
THEGOSPELLIGHTPRESS...Specialists inSundaySchool Literature . * HENRIETTA C. MEARS, Editor
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