King's Business - 1939-09

September, 1939

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


George Whitefield, while preaching once on the text, had two flippant young men in the congregation. One was heard to say to the other in mirth, “What if the door be shut? Another will open!”' Mr. Whitefield said later in the ser­ mon, “It is possible that there may be .some one here -who is careless and trif­ ling, and says, ‘What matter if the door be shut? Another will open!” ’ The two young men looked at each other in alarm. Mr. Whitefield proceeded: “Yes, an­ other door will open. It will be the door tp the bottomless pit—the door of hell !’ Anecdotes Illustrative of New Testament Texts. When Trees Are Standing Tall L u k e 21:29-33 MEMORY VERSE: “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time” (Eccl. 3:11). APPROACH: When Jesus was here on earth, He told the people that He had come to die for their sins and that He should rise from the dead and go since that time, people have been wait­ ing for the time when Jesus should come again. When should it be ? They won­ dered and wondered. LESSON STORY: Jesus told His fol­ lowers that there would be signs by which they should know that the time would soon be here. He told them to look at the fig tree. When the new shoots begin to show, then it is plain that summer will soon be here. And just so, when all of the signs which God has foretold to the people begin to take place, then we may know that the Lord Jesus is soon coming again. One of these signs was that the Jewish people would begin to gather again in their own country, the country about Jeru­ salem. For the first time in almost two thousand years, this very thing has be­ gun to happen. Many other signs have taken place too. This means that the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ must be near at hand. How are we to be ready for His com­ ing? The Bible tells us. Be ready, it tells us. We who love the Lord Jesus as our Saviour should want to .live rightly, so that if the day comes sudden­ ly we shall not be unprepared but ready to stand before the Son of Man. I to be with the Fath­ er. And because He rose, they, too, who belieyed on Him as t h e S on of God, should rise and be forever w i t h the Father. And He told them that He, Him­ self, would come again to take them to the Father. Ever

even be the prophet of this people” (2:11). The meaning here is that the people by their ungodly actions had for­ feited the right to have the ministry of a true prophet of God. Therefore, as a divine judgment upon them, He will give them prophets who are liars. They will actually go so far as to have pro­ phets who will prophesy to them, not of the true God, blit will sing the praises of “wine and strong drink.” And this will come, remember, as a judgment for turning away from God. Many church leaders of our day ajre bewailing the fact that our country is being ruled in part by statesmen who sing the praises of strong drink as one of the essential means by which we may conquer the financial and economic depression. Per­ haps if these same church leaders would look back a bit further, they might find that all this is come as a permissive judgment of God upon men because in the past they have departed from the revealed truth of God. 3. The title of this week’s lesson is “Beverage Alcohol and Social Progress^” and the second Scripture chosen by the lesson committee is Luke 21:29-31, 34- 36. Now if the reader will scan this entire passage and its context, he will find that its subject is the second com­ ing of Christ and the establishment of His kingdom upon the earth. But per­ haps the passage is even more appro­ priate in connection with “social pro­ gress” than the committee may have thought. For the second coming of our Lord to set up His righteous kingdom will bring about more real social pro­ gress than has been experienced in all previous human history. It will intro­ duce sweeping changes in every depart­ ment of human life and organization. And best of all, the progress will be permanent, not dependent upon the whims of a fickle electorate as today. The second coming of Christ, for exam­ ple, will settle the liquor problem for­ ever. The first action He will take at His glorious appearance is recorded in Matthew 13:41-43. “The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of f i r e . . Then shall the right­ eous shine forth as the sun in the king­ dom of their father.” When these an­ gels are sent forth to do their work, it will mean the swift end of all the boot­ leggers and others who prey upon the weaknesses of humanity. Those who are really interested in “social progress” should not only be ready to strike a blow here and now on behalf of; right­ eousness, but they should also get "on their knees and pray for the coming of the Lord. ' Golden Text Illustration I C o r i n t h ia n s 6:9 “The door was shut” (Matt. 25:10}.

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