King's Business - 1939-09



September, 1939

severely censured those responsible for refusing to let the matter of amend­ ments to the Wagner law come to a vote. Conservative critics of the Labor Act, however, got revenge on the Adminis­ tration, which had blocked the revision program, in the House of Representa­ tives. Over the protests of Labor Sec­ retary Perkins, the House voted to make a special investigation of the activities of the National Labor Relations Board. The Board has been accused of unfair­ ness, bias, prejudice, unconstitutional usurpation of authority, and official misconduct. The House investigation will provide an opportunity to air these charges. The exposure is counted upon to strengthen the' drive for thorough­ going revision of the Wagner Act and a complete change in personnel of the Labor Board. Dairy Lunch Store Emphasizes Temperance WE THINK uttermilk’s etter’n C C EER YOU’RE WELCOME TO TWO Thus runs the temperance sign prominently displayed by Perry’s Lunch Room and Dairy Store, 617-619 West Sixth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Many patrons take advantage of the offer, and the crowded tables and counters at the noon hour indicate the lunch room has lost no favor by its stand for tem­ perance. See advertisement, page 365.

O bject Lesson D a r k n e s s a n d L ig h t

SIMPLY TRUSTING Day by day in the heart of China the Home of Onesiphorus, sustained by faith for more than 20 years, is min­ istering to hundreds of needy souls. Aid with Your Prayers and Gifts G ro p in g fo r th e G o sp el, h a ra s s e d by w a r a n d h u n g e r, C h in e se b o y s a n d g irls lo o k to u s fo r aid. H e lp u s m e e t th e ir n e e d s in H is n a m e . N o w th e fie ld s a re w h ite fo r h a rv e s t a s n e v e r b e fo re . TO ­ DAY y o u r g if t d o e s D O U B L E d u ty . W rite fo r F R E E Illu s tr a te d B o o k le t, “H e lp in g C h in a ’s H e lp le ss.” HOME OF ONESIPHORUS A m e ric a n O ffice 2811 N. R a c in e A ve., D r aw e r 1 1, C h ica g o Sunday School Literature Q U A R T E R L I E S a n d P A P E R S following the Int. Uniform Lesson Topics A free sample pack with catalogue sent on request to any Sunday School official. Address UNION GOSPEL PRESS B o x 605» II ii C lev ela n d , Ohio

OBJECTS: A flashlight with the bat­ tery removed, and the following articles concealed in the battery chamber: An imitation cigarette, a small flask-shaped bottle of vinegar, an imitation playing card, and some black rags. LESSON: This flashlight does not seem to want to work. What do you think is the matter? The battery is on the outside, and it looks as if it might work. There are many Christians who are just like this flashlight. The Holy Spirit, who is represented by the bat­ tery, is, of course, on the inside of every true Christian’s heart. But many people do not allow Him to fill them, and _therefore, they do not shine for Christ. As hard as I try, I cannot get the battery to go in farther. Let us see what is the matter. Here is a black rag, which reminds us of sin. Chris­ tians cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit unless they have put away known sin. Look at this! A playing card helped fO I

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