King's Business - 1939-09


TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

September, 1939

in view, the daily testings can be glori­ ous. Helps for the Leader X. > T here I s a D ifference A skilled physician who was about to perform a delicate operation said re­ assuringly to the patient, “I may hurt you, but I will not injure you.” -How often the Great Physician speaks to us that same message, if we would only listen! Richer life, more abun­ dant health, for every child of His is His only purpose.—Sunday School Times. II. L esson from the B ees A beekeeper told me the story of a hive—how, when the little bee is in the first stage, it is put into a hexagonal cell, and honey enough is stored there for its use until it reaches maturity. The honey is sealed with a capsule of wax, and when the tiny bee has fed itself on the honey and exhausted the supply, the time has come for it to emerge into the open. But oh, the wrestle, the tussle, the straining to get through that wax! It is the strait gate for the bee, so strait that in the agony of exit tiie bee rubs off the membrane that hid his wings, and on the other side is able to fly! Once- a moth got into the hive and fed on the wax cap­ sules, and the bees got out without any strain or trouble. But they could not fly; and the other bees stung them to death. Are you congratulating your­ self on having an easy time, with no hardness, no difficulties, no cross? Be­ ware lest, like the bees, you lose your wing-power, and perish miserably in the dust.—F. B. Meyer. HI. I n the D ark The Brussels lace is superior to all other lace. All the world seeks it. Do you know how it is made? The spin­ ning is done in a dark room, the only light admitted coming through a small aperture, and that light falling directly on the pattern. And the finest speci­ mens of Christian character I have ever seen are those whose windows all have been darkened by bereavement and mis­ fortune save one—but under that one window of prayer the divine workman­ ship went on until the resulting product was fit to deck a throne. —Christian Herald. OCTOBER 22, 1939 GETTING ALONG WITH OUR ASSOCIATES C olossian s 3:12-17 Meditation on the Lesson In our passage, a paragraph from a chapter which is one. of the mightiest in all Scripture, Paul enumerates some of the graces and virtues which the “elect of God” should manifest. He is writing under the 'inspiration of the

The ROY L. LAUR IN PUBLICAT IONS Special Limited Of fer

Showing Willard Hotel at left of Bible Institute Block. W I L L A R D (FRANCES E.) H O T E L F> B. H a rris o n , M a n a g e r 536-40 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California In Bible Institute Block, and next to Los Angeles Public Library “Ask Your Friends Who. Live Here ” A noted Temperance Lecturer and Traveler writes us as follows: T h e N a tio n a l V o ice ' " Pioneer $ in Temperance Broadcasting" E th e l H u b le r, S a m M o rris, E d . a n d P u b . J. R . Stchm idt, A ssoc. E d s. . A u g u s t 10, 1939 Frances E. W illard Hotel, 536 S . Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif. A tten tio n : Mr. F. B. Harrison, Mgr. Gentlem en : One of the m any difficulties that l have to contend w ith in m y hotel pa­ tronage is to fin d a strictly temper­ ance, Class A, hotel. When I fin d such, I have no hesi­ tancy in commending them. There­ fore, I can safely recommend your ho­ tel which is rightly named in honor of Frances E. W illard. Sincerely yours, ETHEL HUBLER, Editor, The . National Voice H O T E L (P ra n c e s E .) W IL L A R D is o p e r­ a te d a s a h ig h -c la s s te m p e ra n c e h o te l. A d jo in in g b e a u tifu l P u b lic L ib ra ry P a rk o n o n e *Side a n d th e C h u rc h o f th e O pen D o o r on th e o th e r, th is re s id e n tia l c e n te r is s u rro u n d e d b y a C h ris tia n a tm o s p h e re a n d e n v iro n m e n t t h a t a s s u re s a sa fe , c o m ­ fo r ta b le a n d e x c lu siv e p la c e to sto p . S om e Of its fe a tu re s a re : T w e n ty -fo u r h o u r d e sk a n d te le p h o n e s e rv ic e ; s e p a ra te flo o rs fo r m en a n d w o m e n ; e x te n siv e ro o f g a rd e n ; w a te r s o fte n e r in s ta lle d th ro u g h ­ o u t th e b u ild in g ; d e ta c h e d b a th s , s h o w e rs a n d c irc u la tin g ice w a te r on e v e ry flo o r, R A T E S T h e W illa rd is a C la ss A h o te l, h a s 320 ro o m s fu rn is h e d fo r y o u r c o m fo rt a n d c o n v en ien c e , n a n d o b lig in g a tte n d a n ts a re a lw a y s a t y o u r c a ll, . W rite f o r in f o r ­ m a tio n . F . B. HARR ISON , M a n a g er '53 6- 40 So. H o p e S t. T e le p h o n e T R ln ity 9941 LO C A T E D w ith in a fe w m in u te s ’ w a lk o f th e s h o p p in g d is tr ic t a n d e a s ily a c c e ssib le to a ll tr a n s p o r ta tio n d e p o ts, H o te l W il­ la r d o ffe rs a n id e a l h o m e to th o s e s e e k in g re fin e m e n t in liv in g . IS Stories of Fireproof Construction R o om s w ith d eta ch ed b a th s ¥17.00 to $25>00 p er m o n th R o om s w ith b a th ¥30.00 to ¥4 5.00 p er m on th. D a ily a n d W e e k ly R a te s in p ro p o rtio n

Roy L. Laurin, .Vice President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Co-pastor, Church of the. Open Dobr, author, lecturer, nationally known Gospel These works are the fruit of the first months of Mr. Laurin* s m inistry over’ radio station KMPC, Los Angeles, and represent his addresser printed by request for the benefit of his radio listeners. The few copies remaining^ are now offered post­ paid at the prices quoted. As the number is lim­ ited, it is suggested th at selections be made at once, w ith two alternatives givén. Studies in the F irst Epistle of John: “ Life a t Its Best,” giving. 12 expositions on the Christian Life. Bound in paper. I l l pagés, 15c. check ( )' Only a few copies left. Studies in the JEpistle to the Colossians: “ Quest and Conquest,” giving in 4 chapters the struc- ■ tu ral division of Colossians. Bound in paper, 70 pages. 250» check ( ) G reat Chapters of the Bible series: “ The Sermon on The Mount,” Treats M atthew Fivé, Six and -Seven in 7 chapters. -77 pages. Bound-in paper, 25c pasteboard, 35c. , ' check ( ) G reat Chapters of the Bible series:. “ The Com-: mencement of All T hings/’ dealing w ith Genesis One and Two under 3 general propositions.-.......15c Bound ip paper, 40 pages. check ( . ) A second booklet'in this series, “ The-Consume mation of All Things,” being à treatisë on Rév­ élation Twenty-one and Twenty-two. 40 pages. Bound in paper, 15c. check ( ) Bound with booklet above, 25c. • check ( ) O ther works include “ The (New Conquest,” a study .of Hebrews Eleven, 15c . • . cheçk ( ) “ The Trinities of C alvary,” a leaflet, 15c . . , cheek ( ) “ W hat Shall We Do w ith the Jews?” a searching plea for tolerance,. 10c. check . * ) E ntire series (7- works) paper bindings only, $1.50. cheçk ( ) Biola Book Room, 560 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. You may send me the booklets checked 'above, I enclose --------....— Name — -.—..— .— ...........— ...................... Address —1— ........— — ■•—■■—......... ........——.......- City...____ «...__ ...............__ _ State-----— .------------- - (Cut out and send whole ad w ith; preferences m arked: 1st, 2nd and 3rd.)

L o s A n g e le s, C ali f.

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