King's Business - 1939-09


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September, 1939

is another key, which adults are en­ joined to use in relation to their child­ ren: “provoke not.” How often this little tool is found to be rusty from disuse! How did the Lord Jesus Christ, while He was here on earth, “get along with older people” ? A study of such pas­ sages as Mark 5:25-314; Luke 2:51; 21:1-5 and John 19:25-27, will be a help to every young person, in his ef­ fort to solve the problem of personal relations. 1. Show gratitude. There are un­ counted hundreds of men and women— parents, teachers, and others—who have given unstintingly for young people’s good. Most of them have received no expression of gratitude from the ones whom they have befriended. An ap­ preciative word, bom of sincerity, would touch their hearts deeply. 2. Demonstrate patience. No charac­ ter is well rounded without the element of patience in it (cf. Rom. 12:12; Heb. 10:36; Jas. 1:4; 5:7). And patience is developed only through hardship. The petty frustrations, the little annoying mannerisms in other individuals are, for you, a means of attaining God- given poise.—Selected. rr. W hat S ome “O lder P eople ” H ave D one Caleb was eighty-five years old when he courageously demanded “this moun­ tain, whereof the Lord spake,” and drpve out the giants from his inheri­ tance (cf. Josh. 14:10-14; 15:14). It was "Paul the aged” (Philem. 9) who pleaded the case of a young Chris­ tian, in his Epistle that has been called “the masterpiece of Christian courtesy,” the letter to Philemon. in. W hen the B ishop H elped A Y oung M an “I will bless thee . . . and thou shalt be a blessing” (Gen. 12:2). A young man, sorely baffled, called on Phillips Brooks. The youth had thought about his problem a hundred times, and knew just how he would phrase it when he met the bishop. After a glorious hour of fellowship, he left with a radiance in his1soul. When he reached home, he suddenly remembered, for the first time, that he had completely forgotten to ask the bishop about his troublesome ques­ tion. “I did not care,” he said. “What I really needed was not the solution of a special problem, but the contagion of a triumphant spirit.” —Stars in the Sky. Helps for the Leader I. Two W ays to B ring A bout H appy R elations

¿ P £ c o n to RAISE FUNDS

Our plan offers your Church a digni­ fied, easy way to raise a large sum between now and December 15th. No experience necessary. Take orders for beautiful Personal Initial C hrist­ m as Greeting Cards among members and others. Now, modern designs w ith sender’s own initial in striking, embossed silver-effect seal on each card. Box of 21 Assorted Christmas Cards and Personal Initials wonder­ ful value a t $1 retail. Also special now 21-card Religious Assortment sells fdr $1. Your profits up to 100% —plus liberal Cash Bonus. We fur­

S O U T H L A N D H O T E L Soliciting the business of particular Christians «05 SOUTH FLOWER STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIF. One Block West of Bible Institute MRS. R. A. GREEN Proprietor COMFORTABLE . CLEAN . INEXPENSIVE P E R R Y ’S LUNCH ROOM and DAIRY STORE HOME COOKING Food to take out Catering to Christian people O pen 6 A. M. to 'M id n ig h t S u n d a y 7 A . M. to 10 F- M. W h o le som e A tm o sp h ere C e n tra l L o c a tio n 617-619 W. Sixth St. (B e t. G ra n d A ve. a n d H o p e S t.) L o s A n g e les, C alif. Located 20 years on Sixth St. N o liq u o r s e rv e d o r so ld .______ SEI "SmhmeLM^ CHRisT-Honomno dreetiiigs

nish samples of Box Assortments and money m ak­ ing sales suggestions. W rite for full details and Sample Offer. . __ v A r tis tic Card Co., 88 7 W a y St. , E lm ir a , N.Y . RAINBOW GOSPEL TRACTS The tracts th at are sure to a ttra c t attention. More than 200 titles, many illustrated with striking cartoons and illustrations. Send post­ age for a large sample package. Thousands of tracts FR EE to Christian workers. Sup­ ported by voluntary offerings. Pilgrim T ract Society, Inc., Dept. K, Randleman, N. C. C a A h ik w a M d S H O W N E W CHRISTMAS CARDS $ $ s Take orders in spare time for my attractive, different Christm as Cards. Make extra income weekly. Show beautiful $1 Box 21 Christm as Pold­ ers to friends, others. Make 50c prof­ it per box. Also other Christmas novelties, Everyday, Gift wrappings Rellj}™ * Etchings. All fast sellers. Also Christmas Cards w ith name, 50 for $1. FR EE SAMPLES. CHAS. C. SCHW ER . D ep t. M-42, W e s tfie ld . l * » s . ____________ Higley’s S. S. Quarterly Free s a m p le fo r th e a s k in g . Size 4x7 in., .72 p a g e s a n d co v er. C le a r a n d c o n cise in its teaching T ru e to th e W h o le B ib le. A ll y o u n e e d to p re p a re th e le sso n . o u r n e w 1 8 0 -p ag e c a ta lo g o f C h ris tia n W o rk e r’s S u p p lies. A g e n ts w a n te d . THE HIGLEY PRESS D ep t. K . B. B u tle r , Ind . fiting by the richness of the other’s capabilities. We live in an age when the advant­ ages of youth are overemphasized. Young people are often led to believe that the strength and virility which they possess are of greater value than ex­ perience, which only the passing years can give. It is true that many a person of middle age, or older, lacks a spon­ taneous interest in young people’s af­ fairs, dand therefore is misunderstood by young people; but it must be remem­ bered also that even from unresponsive individuals, the young person may pro­ fit, if he wills to do so. For this profiting, two old-fashioned and unpopular words come into play, both of which are found in our Scrip­ ture passage. They are the little words, "obey” and “honor.” They constitute a key which any young person may use, happily, for the unlocking of the heart’s does of many an older person. There SOfbrtl w/fh Name

New 1939 “S unsh ine Lin e” o f Christ-Honoring Gre eting Card Assortments, G R E A T E S T EVER! Rich, bea utiful, artistic —sell on sigh t. WE PAY THE POSTAGE—you r profits larger. Original Religious Line The “Sunsh ine Line” ha s al­ ways bee n th e lea der in Scrip­ ture - T ex t Greetings. Christ- honorin g cards grow in fa vor. Early repeat orders in di ca te thi s will b e a banner yea r for “Sunsh in e” representa tives. Sell Our Complete Line Includes lat es t Scrip tu re- Text Plaques, Mottoes. Calendars, Bib le-L ove r’s S ta tio n e» , Seals, Bibles, a n d EGERMlIIERn famous BIBLE STORY BOOK. Highest commissions. Credit pr iv ile ges . Our larg e cata log gives full deta ils . Write nearer off ice today. Dept. KB

; ' C O S PEL T RUM P ET;tC O M P A N Y Sacramento.California: Anderson. India

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