King's Business - 1939-09


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September, 1939

June, 1939, Buyers1 Guide Contest Won By Shut-In nnafav 01.1» ___ 9..

Wooster, Ohio

THE HANDY WACKS CORF., Sparta, Mich., have proved to be a very courteous company to deal w ith; I am pleased w ith the waxed paper and napkins I bought for $1.19, and am selling a t a profit. THE METAL SPONGE SALES CORP., Philadelphia, P a., sent me their filin g plan, and I ordered $8.33 worth of Gott- m etal sponges. I wrote to the MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, Chicago, III., for a Bible test and other free literature. THE NATIONAL PRODUCTS CO»-,” Chicago, HI., sent a . catalog and a little gold cross along with their selling pian. I accepted $4.00 w orth of the crosses to sell. My brother and wife took a number of pictures while on a trip, so they sent 75 cents worth to THE PHOTO M ILL, Minneapolis, Minn., for developing. I wrote to MRS. G. ROBERTS, Voronto, Can., for a sample of her asthm a remedy. The April issue had a number of ads th at I answered. THE NOVEL MOTTO CO., Phila­ delphia, Pa., sent me their free motto circular. I requested story papers and Sunday-school building handbook from the David C. Cook Co.. Elgin, HI. THE NATIONAL ART SCHOOL, Chicago, Hi., sent hie their free booklet and outline of their a rt course in which I am much interested. I wrote to the JOHN RUDIN & CO., Chicago, HI., for their booklet, “ Opportunity for Christian Leadership.” ARNOLD CARL WESTPHAL, Greensburg, Ind., sent me a Vacation Bible School course which is- very valuable In children’s work. And from JOSEPH W. JOHNSTON, Pasadena, Calif., 1

got free “Bible B roadcasts, Joshua—1 Kings.” In May I sent for free tracts from the PILGRIM TRACT SOCIETY, Randleman, N, C., and the VICTORY TRACT LEAGUE BOOK 5 2 ? ? !' Columbia, S. C., and the GOSPEL TRACT SOCIETY, Springfield, Mol Then for some free Daily Vacation Bible School lessons I wrote to THE SCRIPTURE PRESS, 800 N. Clark St., Chicago, HI., and THE STANDARD PUBLISHING Q0., Cincinnati, O. I had a roll of negatives developed for 95 cents a t the UNI­ VERSAL PHOTO SERVICE CO., Minneapolis, Minn. I wrote for a free catalog and quarterly from THE HIGLEY PRESS, Butler, Ind., and for information in regard to publishing manu- scripts fr.«in FORTUNY'S PUBLISHERS, New York. For information regarding Jewish work in New York, I answered MISS RUTH ANGEL, New York, N. Y., in the June issue, and re­ quested a magazine describing Russian orphan­ age work from the RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, INC., Chicago, Hi. I also wrote to the CHRISTIAN ART INSTITUTE, West Chester, Pa., for their free chalk talk catalog. Every day children come to my room to have me teach them Bible stories, verses, choruses, and object lessons. So I find the m aterial I have purchased from these companies a real help to me and an inspiration to the children. Happy in Him, Miss Lucille Varns. P. S. I mentioned THE KING’S BUSINESS to each advertiser.

Dear § irs: June 8, 1939. I am a shut-in, so do not get out to do any buying, and am unable to leave my room to earn money. Because of this circumstance, I alw ays read the Buyers' Guide, and for a long 1 q ? 1 have been answering many of the ads. since January 1, I have answered thirty ads and bought $31.99 worth of merchandise. 1 M i r i n g 85? F ° ST*:B ADDBESSING AND CO., Eos Angeles, for information, and to UNION GOSPEL PRESS, Cleveland! Ohio, and DAVID C. COOK CO., Elgin, niTT for their catalogs. Upon receipt of their sam- m aterial for children's work, 1 sent $1.00 to the Union Gospel Press for a year’s subscription to a very fine story paper, “ Young People s Delight,” and postal cards. David C. Cook s • color books for children's Bible study ®re exceptionally nice—I have purchased three for 15 cents. In February I w rote to “ PROPHECY,” Los M g!L e,S'¿ °Z * sample copy of their “Prophecy 1 have found the ABNER ROYCE CO., Cleveland, Ohio, a very fine company to deal with. I have purchased $13.30 w orth of spices, extracts, etc., from them, which I am selling a t a profit. ¥ i ^ ^ J L w r°te to the SILVER PUBLISH­ ING SOCIETY, Pittsburgh, P a., for a number Jam es McConkey's books. THE JONES GRAIN MILL, Los Angeles, sent me their yearbook, a n d . from them I ordered seven pounds of a health drink amounting to $9.95.

™ J . S Buyers' G“l“ T? ? np^iLt- Ends,D?eemEer 30, 1939 N 1 UA .1 E N PR IZ E S— 1 a n n u a l su b -

ADD IT IO NAL AW A R D S __E v e r y p ar-

SE CON D PR IZ E — 1 a n n u a l su b sc r ip tio n i ° b ™ « f “ T e ^ l h e ^ ^ w l . 8 * “ d

sc r lp tlo n to TH E KIN G’ S B U S I-

tlc lp a n t In th e c o n te s t w ill re -

N E SS * c e lv e r e c o g n itio n fo r h is w o rk . _ „ J B f sure % s{ate that you have mentioned THE KING’S BUSINESS when writina to advertiser* ) For further particulars address: Circulation Manager, .THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.


JOHN RUDIN St COMPANY, INC., 1018 S. W abash Ave., Chicago, 111., featuring special Christm as greeting card. See display ad page 354. c h a s . c C s c h w e r , w e s t f ie l d ! m a ss ., showing a different selection of Christmas fold­ ers. See display ad page 365. WESTERN ART STUDIOS, 957 S. SPRING S t T, Los Angeles, Calif., offering outstanding box as­ sortm ents of Christm as cards. See display* ad page 349, ■, WETMORE St SUGDEN, INC., 749 MONROE •' xRocIlester» N. Y„ specializing in personal Cmristmas greeting cards. See display ad page "ANNUITIES AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, BIBLE HOUSE, New York, N. Y. Free booklet describing annui- ties. See display ad inside front cover._______ ' MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, 153 INSTITUTE Placfr, Chicago, 111. W rite to r booklet regarding annuity plan. See display ad inside back cover. THE SALVATION ARMY, EXTENSION DEPT., I l l W. Washington St., Chicago, III., will send Income Gift Contracts (Annuity) booklet upon request. See display ad page 355. ART WORK NATIONAL ART SCHOOL, INC., 3601 MICHI- gan Ave., Chicago, 111., will send free booklet describing “ Koehne Method” of photo coloring. See display ad page 359. ___________________ ASTHMA REMEDY ” MRS. K. R O B E R T S , 35 ROXBORO ST„ W. Toronto, Can., will send inform ation on asthm a remedy. See display ad nage 351. ATTORNEY GEORGE A. HOOPER, 608 S, H ILL ST., LOS Angeles, Calif., Attorney and Counselor a t Law, See display ad page 360, ____________ BANKING (Savings) EQUITABLE PLAN COMPANY, 704 S. SPRING St, Los Angeles, Calif. Allows 5% on savings accounts. See display ad page 368.

BIBLE BINDING GRACE BIBLE HOUSE AND BINDERY. BIBLES repaired and rebound. Flexible leather cavers a specialty. New Analytical Bible, best and big­ gest biblical library within two covers. Grace Whidden, 8086 E, Fourth St„ Long Beach, Calif. BIBLE CHARTS ~ JfROF. LEW IS ll. JAM fSoir," 751 o L lv E AVH., Long Beach, Calif., publisher of Jam ison’s Chronological “ Panoram a of the Bible.” See display ad page 354, ________________ BIBLE COMMENTARY FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY, 158 FIFTH Ave., New York., N. Y„ publishers of “ Gray’s Commentary on the Bible,” “ Smith’s Bible Dic­ tionary,” and “ Cruden’s Complete Concordance.” See display ad on back cover. BOOK STORES ~ BIOLA BOOK ROOM,. 560 SOUTH HOPE 8T„ Los Angeles, Calif. H eadquarters Fundamental Literature, See display ad page 364, COLLEGE BOOK SHOP, 781 W. 6TH ST„ LOS Angeles, Calif. Books bought and sold. See dis- play ad page 368. JUDSON PRESS, 313 W. THIRD STREET, LOS Angeles, Calif. Everything to r the church. See display ad page 360.________________ J WESTERN BOOK AND TRACT C O M P A N Y (Oakland’s Leading Bible House), 1719 Franklin St., Oakland, Calif., Dr. H. A. Ironside, Presi­ dent. Christian literature. Send for our catalogs and receive free booklet, also. CHOIR AND PULPIT GOWNS" DEMOULIN BROS. St CO-, 1186 S. 4TH ST., Greenville, HI., m akers of choir gowns and pul­ pit hangings. See display ad inside front cover. 58 NEW c k u iK GOWNS—BLACK. POPLIN— academic style—all or part—$3.75 each. Lindner, 485 R P Seventh Ave., New York. NATIONAL ACADEMIC CAP St GOWN CO., 881-83 Arch St,, Philadelphia, P a. Send tor catalogne of robes and other church appoint­ ments. See display ad page 349.

If Paid In Advance $17.10

Listings 30 words ¿-Inch 1-Inch

Times 19 19 19

Price $18.00 94.00 48.00

99.80 45.60

AGENTS WANTED ARTISTIC CARD CO., 887 WAY ST.. ELMIRA, N. Y„ offers Personal' Initial C hristm as Cards. See display ad page 365. BETTER GREETINGS, BOX 882, WICHITA, K aos., featuring outstanding assortm ents of C hristm as Greeting Cards. See display, ad page ® I N S T I T U T E COLPORTAGE ASS’N., 810 N. Wells St., Chicago, HI., will send particulars about colportage wokk upon request. See display ad page 349. CHILTON GREETINGS, 147 ESSEX ST„ BOS- ton. M ass., featuring new “ Ruby” Christmas C ards, See display ad page 368. >_________ J*®?*®1 TRUMPET COMPANY, SACRAMENTO. Calif., and Anderson, Ind., agents for “Eger- nle^,r ® Bible Story Book,” also “ Sunshine-Line” i or Christm as cards, seals, and calendars. See display ads pages 354 and 365.______________ MIDGET CARD SHOP, HARRISBURG, PA. send for salable assortm ents of Christm as cards on approval. See display ad page 36Ò, n a t io n a l G r e e t in g s , 357 s. s p r in g s t „ Log Angeles, Calif. Special greeting card and silver pencil offer. See display ad page 354. PEASE GREETING CARDS, INC., 864. LAUREL ,îî' offering C hristian greeting cards to r Christm as and everyday use. See dls- play ad page 358.___________ ■ PINE TREE GREETINGS, HARRISBURG, PA.; ° “ ers P‘an to r increasing funds. See display ad page jw . ROBINSON CARDS, 589 ORANGE ST„ CLIN- ton. M ass., offers extra-money-raising plan to r «hmreh. clulj, or Individual. See display ad page

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