King's Business - 1939-09

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p I ohmh ^ fob the (utuie! YOU C AN I N V E S T W I T H C O N F I D E N C E In a Moody Bible Institute Annuity

WHY. . . Because this Series

makes the Word of God truly loved and understood and keeps up pupil interest with between-Sunday activ­ ity. Let coupon bring you samples.

CHARACTER in business is as important as character in an individual. Money entrusted to the Moody Bible Institute is regarded as a sacred obligation. Behind each annuity agreement stands a record of 32 years of dependable and courteous service. During your lifetime you receive a Moody check on the day specified, annually or semi-annually as you desire. There is no waiting. R eturn from 3% to 8K per cent is paid according to age. You can arrange for the income to go to another, in the event of your death. You have security, certainly with a Moody annuity. And you have the added satisfaction of knowing th at your money is counting in the Kingdom of God— in training young people for Christian _________ _____________________________ service.

G>vddejcLS e r ie s Of SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS So fully meets the spiritual needs of pupils and teachers that every day 2 new schools

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adopt this series. Conforms to the sound pedagogical principle of Departmental Grading. All classes of each department study the same lesson each Sunday — the efficient way. Covers all departments— Beginners, Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Senior,Teach- er Training.

Everywhere schools using this Series give thrilling testimony of its power to win souls the only way—the Bible way. “The finest Sunday School literature in the world,” en­ thusiastically declares one leader. Another writes, “Rapid growth of Sunday School re­ quires new teachers.” “Results are amazing,” says Wyoming, and New York across the continent declares, “Attendance and interest greatly improved”.

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ChurchSchool PROMOTER New monthly m agazine of S. S. methods full of help and inspiration. $1 yr. (l). S.) Send 10c for sample copy.

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