King's Business - 1963-09

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Here’s all you do. Fill out the application at the right. Notice the amazingly low rates! Enclose it in an envelope and mail to American Temperance Associates, Box 131, Liberty- ville, Illinois. Upon approval, you will get your policy promptly by mail, and cover­ age begins at noon on the effective date of your policy. No salesman will call. Don’t delay! Every day almost 50,000 people enter hospitals. Any day, one of them could be you. Protect yourself be­ fore it’s too late!

Why pay the penalty for those who drink or smoke? Every day you pick up the paper you read more evidence that drinking and smoking can shorten life. Because they are among America’s leading health prob­ lems—leading to cancer, heart trouble, sinus trouble, liver trouble and many other diseases—they’re a prime cause of the high premium rates most hospitaliza­ tion plans charge. But why should you pay the price for those who drink or smoke? You no longer have to! Here’s why. Our rates are based on your superior health The new American Temperance Hospi­ talization Plan is not offered to drinkers and smokers, because of the high rates . they cause. We can bring you a whole new set of rates that are unbelievably low because they’re based on your good health as a non-drinker and non-smoker. Also, your American Temperance premi­ ums can never be raised because you grow older or have too many claims. Only a general rate adjustment up or down could affect your low rates! And only you can cancel your policy. We cannot. HERE ARE YOUR AMERICAN TEMPERANCE PLAN BENEFITS 1) You receive $100 weekly— even for life The very day you enter a hospital you begin to get $100 a week long as you are hospitalized, even for life! Good in any lawfully operated

hospital in the world. Choose your own! We pay in addition to any other insurance you. carry. And we pay direct to you in cash... tax free! We send out our payments to you Air Mail Special so you have cash in hand fast. And there is no limit on the num­ ber of times you can collect. 2) We cover all sicknesses and accidents. Your policy covers you for every con­ ceivable kind of accident and sickness except pregnancy; any act of war or military service; pre-existing condi­ tions; or hospitalization caused by use of liquor or narcotics. Everything else that could possibly happen to you is covered. You’ll be protected as never before—at amazingly low rates! 3) Other benefits for loss within 90 days of accident (as described in policy) We pay $2,000 cash for accidental death. We pay $2,000 cash for loss of one hand, one foot, or sight of one eye. We pay $6,000 cash for loss of both eyes, both hands, or both feet. We invite close comparison with any other plan. There really is no other plan like ours. But compare our rates with others for similar coverage. Discover for yourself what you save. And remember, there is no limit on how long you stay in the hos­ pital, no limit on age, no limit on the num­ ber of times you can collect!


Read over your policy carefully. Ask your minister, lawyer and doctor to examine it. Be sure it provides exactly what we say it does. Then, if for any reason at all you are not 100% satisfied, just mail your policy back to us within 30. days and we will im­ mediately refund your entire pre­ mium. No questions asked. You can gain thousands o f dollars... you risk nothing.

Here at last is a new kind of hospitalization plan for non-drinkers and non-smokers only! The rates are fantastically low because "poor risk” drinkers and smokers are excluded. And because your health is superior...there is absolutely no age limit, no physical examination, no waiting period. Only you can cancel your policy... and no salesman will ever call! Starting from the very first day you enter any hospital...

SEND FOR YOUR POLICY NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! 441 APPLICATION TO PIONEER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS roi AT-300 AMERICAN TEMPERANCE HOSPITALIZATION POLICY Name (PLEASE PRINT)____________________________________________________________________________ Street or RO f ______________________________________________________________________________________


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Each adult 65-100 pays


Mail this application with your first premium to AMERICAN TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATES Box131, Libertyville, Illinois

Neither I nor any person listed above uses tobacco or alcoholic beverages, and I hereby apply for a policy based on the understanding that the policy does not cover conditions originating prior to its effective date, andihat the policy is issued solely and entirely in reliance upon the written answers to the above questions. Date:________________________________ Signed: X ___________________________________________ I AT1AT



T h e K i n g s B u s i n e s s E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman SEPTEMBER, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 54, No. 9 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-three Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home /M es THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD — Martin R. DeHaan ................... 10 TIME IS RUNNING OUT — Wilbur E. Nelson....................................... 12 FEAR — Billy Graham......................................................... ............................ 13 PERTINENT ANSWERS TO ARMSTRONGISM — Roger F. Campbell 14 A TIME TO LAUGH — Betty R. Stevens................................................. 16 I ATTENDED A FUNERAL — R. J. Michaels............................................ 18 TIME ERASING THE PAST — Jeannette Acrea....................................... 19 HOW TO WIN THE BATTLE OF LIFE — Vance Havner................... 20 THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE — C. T. Reid........................ 24 THE HOLY SPIRIT AND PHYSICAL HEALING — Robert L. Saucy I 25 YET — I Still Smoke......................................................................................... 29 GOD SAID SING — Einar Waermo......... .................................................. 37 A TELEVISION QUIZ — Mel Larson........................................................... 42 A SURPRISE FOR KIPPY — Betty Bruechert............................................ 44 MISSIONARY PICTURE................................................................................... 46 ESCAPE TO FREEDOM...................................................................................... 48 PRESCRIPTION FOR PEACE — George Mueller....................................... 50 Fedum MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland................... 6 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert...................................................... 22 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore.............................................. 32 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss....................................... 33 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert........................................................... 34 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry................................................. 38 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 39 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 40 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey.......................... ..................................... 47 Column READER REACTION ......................................................................................... 5 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS.......... ...................................................................... 8 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE.......................................................................... 41 — A ll Rights Reserved —

FILMS Tony Fontane— Big Blast— Teleo Walk the Tightrope — Orang Dyak Family That Changed the World Just A Stranger — Venture for Victory — Beyond These Skies Write for free catalogue of films and filmstrips.


Box 565,

La Habra, California

by W ILLIAM J . SCHNELL This is a guide and handbook for those who wish to recapture the art of witnessing which was practiced by the early C hristians, with emphasis on w it­ nessing to the Jehovah's W itnesses. OTHER BOOKS BY MR. SCHNELL THIRTY YEARS A WATCH TOWER SLAVE The simple, impelling and powerful story of a Christian caught in the meshes of this movement, his rise to positions of authority, the hopelessness of his situation, and remark­ able conversion after an entire night of prayer. $ 2 .9 5 INTO THE LIGHT OF CHRISTIANITY In this book Mr. Schnell stresses the false doctrines which have been fabricated by the Jehovah's Witnesses. Many personal experi­ ences of Mr. Schnell are also related. $ 2 .9 5 Special Price for the Tw o— $5.75 Order From BIOLA BOOK ROOM 560 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California California customers add 4% sales tax.

S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor

PAUL SCHW EPKER: Controller JAN E M. C LA RK: Circulation Manager JEANNE SHARP: Advertising Manager

V IRG IN IA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: W illiam Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith ; tVAMMUCALF

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U .S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM ITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'T h e King's Business/'

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — 'T h e King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U .S.A . by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 551 So. Hope St., Los Angelos 17, California.




the Moscow Baptist Church, the govern­ ment’s showcase church that seems to fool so many gullible Christians. So, regardless of Van Clibum’s spiritual state, I would say that he is definitely serving the Com­ munist cause very well with his “ cultural exchange” playing and subsequent publi­ city. Why doesn’t he wake up and get the facts on the true state of Christianity in the Soviet Union? There is ample docu­ mentation. As a matter of fact, why doesn’t THE KING’S BUSINESS publish some of this documentation in the near future? By doing so you would be serving the cause of Christ and freedom. Ann G ilbert, Santa Barbara, California E ditor ’ s N o te : W e would, appreciate re­ ceiving documentation. ENCOURAGES TO PRACTICE Thank you for encouraging our children with the testimony of Van Clibura. We have four children and they all take piano. They were thrilled for they all practice an hour a day, each. They love the Lord and are real fans of Van Clibura. It is wonderful when a talented and suc­ cessful young person loves the Lord and gives a clear testimony for Him. We par­ ents appreciate everything that will en­ courage our children to live for Christ. Thank you for printing the testimony of Van Clibura. Mrs. Oakley Krogh, Omaha, Nebraska REPRINT EDITORIAL The Committee of the International Council of Christian Churches, Auckland, New Zealand, would request your per­ mission to reprint the Editorial of the October 1962 issue of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, “ The Confusion of Tongues.” Dr. W . H. Pettit, who is advisor to our Com­ mittee, has passed this publication on and we consider it outstanding. R. Dowdell, Chairman of Auckland Committee, New Zealand E ditor ’ s N o te : Permission granted. Having recently read an editorial of yours which appeared in THE KING’S BUSINESS a few months back, “ The Confusion of Tongues,” I feel that it would meet a particular need in our congregation. Is there any possibility of your publishing it in pamphlet form; and if not, could we have your permission to do so? The question of translations is becoming a difficult problem in some evangelical congregations. W e have had to incorpor­ ate a by-law into our constitution making the King James version the standard Bi­ ble for all teaching and worship, yet of course, not prohibiting the use of other translations for reference purposes. This is truly, as you say, “ a day of confu­ sion.” God give us firm, sound thinking in these days, to faithfully stand upon His truth. God bless you, and the Institute and give you great influence and spiritual lead­ ership in these days of “ lukewarmness and apostasy.” Rev. James Story, Parkdale Evangelical Free Church, V ictoria, B.C.

"DESIGN FOR MURDER" Thank you for including Dr. Roy Zuck’s “ Design for Murder” in your March issue. I intend to show it to my own pastor and our youth advisors, and I hope it will im­ press them as it did me in a new and forceful manner, of the absolute need of providing for the spiritual nurture of the youth of our churches. Rev. Richard E. Troup, Curriculum Planner, David C. Cook Publishing Company "MR. CONFUSION" Recently an article “ Herbert Armstrong — Mr. Confusion” was given to me to read. This man and his teachings are reaching a lot of people. I feel he is a dangerous influence on our way of life. I should know, as our oldest son and his family have left our church to follow the teachings of this man. I wanted to know if I could get a cou­ ple of copies of the reprint. I do not know what the charge would be. I pray God that you may be able to penetrate this fog of confusion which Mr. Armstrong has spread over the land. M rs. W . A . McCollum, Dapp, Alberta, Canada E ditor ’ s N o te : Reprints are available from THE KING'S BUSINESS at five cents per copy. PRAYER REQUESTS “Here is an urgent prayer request that has come to us from our daughter who is now in language study in Paris, preparing for missionary service. She has been resid­ ing in a French home. The family, though nominal Christians and members of a church, does not know anything about per­ sonal salvation and being ‘bora again.’ She has had opportunity to witness to each member of the family separately and longs to see a ‘break through’ for them to come to know the Lord.” “ Your wonderful offer to pray for our requests has been on my heart for some time. I want to go out on faith and give you what I have prayed about without apparent success. 1) For the conversion of my three children, and 2) that my grand­ children will be drawn closer to the Sav­ iour. One needs prayer desperately. She has a psychosomatic condition. Thank you for your help.” Name and address withheld. VAN CLIBURN ARTICLE I read your article on Van Clibura in the February. KING’S BUSINESS with very puzzled feelings. Whether the young artist is a truly born-again believer is something only God knows and so I would not presume to comment on that phase of his life. However, I was sickened to read that he had donated his prize money to


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More Signs o l the Times In II Timothy, Chapter 3, we read, "In the last days perilous times shall come. Men will be lovers o f their own selves'. . . intem­ perate and loose in morals and con du ct. . . lovers o f sensual pleasures and vain amusements” (A N T Version). Today even the secular press is taking up the cry against the unspeakably vile moral condi­ tion the virulence o f which increases daily in our society. Right- minded people everywhere are decrying the terrifying growth in immorality, social drinking and drunkenness, pornography, sadism and brutality. This applies to the glamorization o f sex and licen­ tiousness in the motion-picture industry and in many other forms o f sinful and soul-destroying amusements conjured up by the w ick­ ed heart o f mankind. An appreciable percentage o f earnest, Bible-believing, spiritual­ ly-minded Christians have always taken their stand against the trends o f the moving-picture industry from its earliest beginnings. Nobody is against moving-pictures as such. Many outstanding mis­ sionary films and documentary films carry a tremendous spiritual and intellectual impact. It is the moving-picture industry which has done as much or more to corrupt the minds and destroy the souls o f children and young people than any other one feature o f today’s normal pattern o f living. Unfortunately, all too many Prot­ estant ministers are themselves devotees o f the moving picture theater. They claim to be selective in their choices o f films and perhaps they are. But their example o f movie-going is invariably followed by their parishioners and their children many o f whom are wittingly or unwittingly ignorant o f such principles o f selectivity. They attend whatever shows their fancy dictates, and point to the pastor as one who "goes regularly.” Several months ago, there appeared in the nationally-syndicated magazine, This Week, an article entitled, "What Shall We D o About The Crisis In Movie Morals?” A sub-head stated: "Parents every­ where are protesting Hollywood’s increasing emphasis on sex and brutality.” The Secondary School Teachers’ Association o f New York presented a petition to New York C ity’s Mayor and the Gov­ ernor o f the State, claiming that "violence, brutality and sadism shown in movies are a contributing force to juvenile delinquency in

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New York.” The Roman Catholic Legion o f Decency chided the film industry for its "alarming departure from previously accepted and respected standards o f decency.” The problem seems to resolve into a general awareness that the moving pictures o f today are no longer "fam ily entertainment,” but rather shapers o f the entire moral fiber o f the average American home. Many remedies have been suggested; the oldest and most widely-used is that o f censorship. Two years ago the Supreme Court o f the United States upheld a Chicago ordinance requiring approval o f a movie by the city censors before it could be shown publicly. Incidentally, this is one o f the rare instances in recent times in which the present Supreme Court has upheld a law supporting any type o f legislation in the interests o f public morality. But Eric Johnson, President o f the Motion Picture Association o f America, has stated that the movie industry will resist "whatever pressures shall be applied to censure motion pictures” and warns: "W e shall fight them! Manifestly, there is no organization in the country with the money and time to fight the showing o f every morally-degrading moving picture produced by Hollywood. Another effort to solve this crisis is that o f "graded movies.” It would divide all moving pictures into three categories, (a) U— suitable for universal showing; (b ) X— forbidden to children under 16 years o f age; and (c ) A—more suitable for adults than children. Evidently the theory back o f this is that the adult mind is immune to the suggestiveness o f immoral pictures. I f the adult mind is not interested in or affected by such pictures, why are they so widely patronized? Why do the moving picture people find such pictures outstanding box-office attractions? The simple facts are that these unclean movies intrigue the unregenerated adult mind and adverse­ ly affect the adult life o f America just as other films influence the minds and moral lives o f adolescents and children in our country. Sin is sin and is as attractive to adults as to juveniles. This is a lost world, dead in trespasses and sins. ’ And nowhere is it more evident than in the fact that for the “ almighty dollar” Hollywood producers and performers are willing to lend themselves to the corruption o f the lives and damnation o f the souls o f men and women and inno­ cent children. Periodically there are loud demands for the moving-picture industry to clean up itself. But they soon die down and the industry goes merrily on its corrupt way. A ll too many Christian people, themselves, have been lulled into a degree o f compliance with the "times in which we live.” Pressures by young people in the home are too great for parents to resist. As a result, more and more Chris­ tian people are contributing to the moving-picture box office re­ ceipts and in this very tangible way are helping to support this nefarious business. It is true there are some Christian people in the moving-picture industry who are making an earnest effort to pro­ duce and take part in decent pictures. But their influence is infini- testimal when compared with the damaging effect on the American way o f life o f the industry as a whole. (continued on page 43)


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P eo p le to th e M em

held on the Wheaton campus this fall. Among the speakers for the confer­ ence will be Dr. Frank E. Gaebelien, co­ editor of Christianity Today, and Miss Margaret Avison, poet and author, and editorial writer from Time and Life. Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, well-known Christian psychologist, has announced that scholarships are being offered by the Narramore Christian Foundation to evangelical, Christian young peo­

Tom Wataon, Jr., Radio and Films Secretary for The Evangelical A lli­ ance Mission, has announced the ap­ proval by TEAM’S Board of Directors for the absorbing of the Caribbean Broadcasting Company into TEAM’S family. The CBC is a California ra­ dio mission which has for a number of years sought a broadcast outlet on the island of Trinidad. David Crane, a Biola graduate, has served as presi­ dent of CBC, and will continue to carry on the work under TEAM. Stephen F. Olford, pastor of New York City’s Calvary Baptist Church ' alfti and c h a i r ma n of T K a the United Evange- r

“I appreciate STONY BROOK’S Christian Atmosphere” My* Mark Hanchett

ple who want to make a career of psychology. Recipi-. ents m u s t h a v e their masters’ de­ grees in psychology and be ready to work full-time on their doctorates in the field. “There is a g r e a t n e e d t h r o u g h o u t the

Stony Brook, '62— Wheaton, '66 The ideals of the founders of Stony Brook enter generally into the lives of the students. The School m otto is “ Character before Career.” In this atmosphere Christian deci­ sions are made, lives are given direction and purpose, and some are inspired to volunteer for a lifetime career of Christian service. Deputations of student speakers have done a vital service in meetings in churches on Long Island and elsewhere. The King’s Men, a choral group, makes regular concert tours each year. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli­ gious, academic, and recreational activities, the School aim« at a harmony of • purpose. By inteUigent applica­ nt tion of this Christian program, in 1 both administration and teach- jg\ ing, Stony Brook is making a dis­ o w n tractive contribution to American 1 H education. BkBj . D r . F rank E. G aebelein Headmaster J r f r i For Catalogue and Information, write ] L Director of Admissions, Dept. 80 V THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Stony Brook, Long Island • New York P R A I R I E A N N U I T I E S

listic Committee of New York, has an­ nounced that 20,- 000 square feet of l a n d h a s b e e n g r a n t e d free of charge by the New' York World’s Fair authorities for the SERMONS FROM George Speake. The

Dr. Narramore

United States,” says Dr. Narramore, “ for dedicated men and women in Christian psychology, and we trust these scholarships may attract and help outstanding young people.” All who are interested are encouraged to write Dr. Narramore direct, Box 206, Pasadena, California. Dr. Delbert Kuehl, Executive Assist­ ant Director of The Evangelical Al­ liance Mission, directed T E A M ’S 1963 Candidate School which was held this summer in Chicago. Fifty young people attended the school. Among the students were two doc­ tors, four nurses, ten teachers, and several pastors. Most of the young people have already selected their fields of service, with the largest number (13) headed -for West Irian (New Guinea). Edwin L. Frizen, Jr., has been ap­ pointed the new Executive Secretary

Rev. Olford presentation of SCIENCE by Dr.

SERMONS FROM SCIENCE Pavilion will be located in the Industrial Area of the Fair adjoining the Japanese ex­

hibit and the East­ man Kodak build­ ing. S E R M O N S FROM SCIENCE is aimed at reaching the multitudes of religiously indiffer­ ent persons w h o will be among the 70 million attend­ ing the Fair. Serv­

Dr. Speake

ing with Rev. Olford on the Commit­ tee are representatives of evangelical churches and ministries in the area, as well as Dr. Elmer W. Engstrom, Presi- dent of the RCA Corporation of Amer­ ica, and the Honorable Mark 0 . Hat­ field, Governor of Oregon. Oswald J. Smith of T h e Peoples’ Church in Toronto recently stated that “ in handing down the decision that it is unconstitutional to read the Bible in public schools, the Supreme Court is doing its utmost to destroy the United States of America. . . . This decision will mean that thou­ sands of private independent schools will be founded where the Bible can be taught. The Christian people of America will not want their children to study in godless institutions.” Dr. Clyde S. Kilby, chairman of the department of English at Wheaton College, has announced the Eighth Annual Writers’ Conference to be

8 Vi 0 / / o


of the Interdenomi- n a t i o n a l Foreign Mission A s s o c i a ­ t i o n o f N o r t h America. Mr. Friz­ en was instrumen­ tal in the founding of Far Eastern Gos­ pel Crusade , has s e r v e d o n t h e Home Council and

A N N U A L L Y (depending on your age) Write: Annuity Dept.

Mr. Frizen

as Home Secretary and Treasurer. Since 1954, Mr. Frizen and his wife have served with FEGC in the Philip­ pine Islands. Mr. Frizen succeeds Dr. J. O. Percy, who resigned to devote himself to a Bible-teaching ministry emphasizing missions.

CHRISTIAN SCHOL TEACHERS WANTED Qualified teachers interested in teaching in Christian Schools should write to CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS SERVICE. Inc. 10119 Lafayette Avenue, Chicago 20, III. Teacher Agency Service is Free



Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (FO RM ER LY T R IN IT Y THEO LOGICAL SEM IN A R Y ) An established school of Biblical studies with an expanded program leading to graduate degrees ANNOUNCESAN ENLARGED FACULTY to help meet the theological challenge and the spiritual demands of the “post-Christian era” with its ecumenical yearnings and de-mythologizing trends.

(L) Dwight Fuller, B.D. (Berkeley Baptist Divinity School) Assistant Professor of Missions Lewis Dean Hall, M.A. (University of Chicago) Instructor in Pastoral Counseling


(L) Arthur F. Holmes, Ph.D. (North­ western U.) Professor of Philosophy of Religion (part time) Wallace S. Johnson, Th.M . (Berkeley Baptist Divinity School) Instructor in Church History and Administration

. Kenneth S . Kantzer, P h .D . (H arvard), Dean and Professor of Biblical Theology. Form erly Chairm an, D ivision of Biblical Education and A pologetics, Wheaton College (III.); faculty, Young Life Institute; faculty, W inona Lake School of Theology. Post­ doctoral studies, University of Goettingen, Germ any; University of B asel, Sw itzerland.

P re sid e n t H . W ilb ert Norton, T h .D . (Northern B a p tis t), P ro fe sso r of Church H istory and M is­ sio n s. Form erly D irector, B ib le In s titu te o f th e Ubangi, Republic of Con­ go ; A uthor, History o fFree Church Foreign M issions.

(L) Walter Liefeld, M.A. (on leave first semester to complete thesis for Ph.D. at Columbia University) As­ sistant Professor of New Testament Richard N. Longenecker, Ph.D. (Edin­ burgh) Assistant Professor of New Testament (part time)

Wilbur M. Sm ith, D .D . Professor of English Bible. A uthor, Therefore Stand; Editor,

Peloubet's Select Notes, The Pastor's Study. Form erly faculty of Moody Bible Institute; Professor of English Bible, Fuller Theological Sem inary, Pasadena, C a lif.

On a new 79-acre north-suburban campus at Bannockburn, Illinois, T rinity E vangelical D ivinity S chool trains modern prophets o f the Word o f God. Programs o f study prepare students to become pastors, teachers, directors o f Christian education and missionaries. T rinity E vangelical D ivinity S chool presents a Bible- centered curriculum, maintains the highest standards o f scholarship, stresses complete loyalty to the Holy Scriptures as the inerrant Word o f God, the pre-millennial hope and Puritanism in Christian living. Sponsored by the Evangelical Free Church o f America since 1897, T rinity E vangelical D ivinity S chool enjoys the cooperation o f an interdenominational faculty in a climate o f evangelical fellowship. Students from all denominations are welcome. Married student housing construction beginning.

(L ) Robert D. Culver, Th.D. (Grace Theological Seminary) Professor of Systematic Theology Carl E. DeVries, Ph.D. (University of Chicago) Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament

(L) Vernon Olson, B.A. (Augustana College) Instructor in Christian Edu­ cation Irving G. Peterson, M .A. (Wheaton College) Associate Professor of Bible and New Testament

Jerome Ficek, Th.D. (Northern Baptist) Associate Professor of Theology

REG ISTRAT ION - OCTOBER 3 , 4 For information write: TheDean Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 2 0 4 5 H A L F D A Y R O A D • D E E R F I E L D , I L L I N O I S

(L) Elmer D. Sandberg, B.D. (North­ ern Baptist) Instructor in Practical Theology G. Douglas Young, Ph.D. (Dropsie College) Chairman of the Department of Old Testament and Near Eastern Studies



by Dr. Martin R . DeHaan

Its members walked after the flesh instead of after the spirit. They were saved, but they were still carnal and fleshly, and walked as babes. Paul calls them “ the church of God,” “ sanctified,” and “ saints” (I Cor. 1:2). In our Scripture, I Cor. 3:1, he calls them “ brethren.” We must, therefore, remember that whatever rebuke these Cor­ inthians needed, they still belonged to Christ; they were still the children of God. The word, “ carnality,” comes from the Greek word, sarx, meaning “flesh.” In the setting of our passage, it is synonymous with the old Adamic nature with which we were bom of the flesh the first time. When believers give way to this old nature which is still in them, even after the new birth, instead of walking in the Spirit, and in the light of God’s Word, they become carnal in their conduct and condition. Now carnality expresses itself in two opposite ways. Sometimes it manifests itself in worldliness, and indulging in the sins of the flesh. Most people naturally think this is the primary meaning of a carnal Christian, and speak of the worldly believer who lives in sin and indulges in questionable practices as a carnal Christian. However, Paul’s idea of a carnal believer in First Corinthians 3 is quite the opposite from this common notion. Carnality in Corinth manifested itself not so much in worldliness and sinful practices, as in a “ holier than thou” attitude toward others in their spiritual pride and boasting. They were proud of the fact that they did NOT indulge in worldly practices. They prided them­ selves that they were superior to others and became separ­ atists, contentious and proud in their conduct. The Cor­ inthians were divided, therefore, into sects and groups and cliques, each despising the other. Some were admir­ ers of the apostle Paul, some of Apollos, some of Peter, and thought that they were better because of their deeper progress in the things of the Word. The result was

“And 1, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. “/ have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto y e were not able to bear it, neither yet now are y e able.” I Cor. 3:1-2 There are only two kinds of people in the world, saved and lost, bom once and bom twice, those on the way to heaven and those on the way to hell. The lost are called “ natural men” because they have had only a natural birth, the others are spiritual because they have in addition to the first birth had a second, spiritual new birth from above. The bom-again man, however, still retains his old nature, called also “ the old man,” and the “flesh,” as well as the new nature, or the divine nature, which came from above. This fact of the two natures is the reason for two kinds of believers — carnal and spiritual. A carnal believer is a saved man who is still controlled in a measure at least, by the old nature within him, and he gives heed to the old, Adamic nature rather than submitting himself to the new, spiritual na­ ture. «The spiritual believer, however, is one who has gained the victory over the old, Adamic nature rather than submitting himself to the new, spiritual nature. The spiritual believer, however, is one who has gained the victory over the old nature, and has enthroned the spirit­ ual, and claimed victory over the flesh, and is walking in the newness of life. The carnal believer is in the light, but is not “ walking in” the light, while the spiritual believer in addition to being in the light posi­ tionally, is also walking and making progress in the light. CARNALITY DEFINED The church of God in Corinth was a carnal church.



envying and strife and divisions among them. PAUL’S ANSWER Paul’s answer to this tragic state of affairs was pointed and direct, for he says: “ Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but min­ isters (servants) by whom y e believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” I Cor. 3:5-6 Who then is Paul? Who then is Apollos, that you should follow after a man, and not after Christ? They are only channels and instruments whom God chose to accomplish His purpose. God uses different instrumental­ ities, different men, different talents, different approach­ es, different personalities, but everything still depends upon the blessing of the Spirit of God. And so Paul’s admonition seems to be, to get their eyes off the instru­ ment, and place them alone on the Lord Jesus Christ. He accuses these Corinthians of acting like little children. He tells them that they are still in their childish admir­ ation of human personalities, and have entirely over­ looked and missed the message with which these men have been entrusted by the Spirit of God. He seems to say to these Christians, “You think yourselves better than the others, but you are acting like little children so that I have to feed you with milk from a bottle, instead of the solid meat of the Word of God whereby ye may grow.” HIGHER MATHEMATICS Now listen to Paul’s amazing argument in the follow­ ing verses: “/ have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, (h e is a ‘zero’) neither he that watereth ( another ‘zero’) but God that giveth the increase.” I Cor. 3:6-7 Paul says that he is absolutely nothing by himself. He is nothing but a “ zero.” He also asserts that Apollos is nothing by himself — he also is a “ zero.” They are both “ zero,” nothing, nil. Apart from God and the Spirit of God, all o f their talents, all of their abilities, Paul’s logic and Apollos’ oratory, are only empty words and phrases. But now notice an example of divine calculation and mathematics. Here is the answer which Paul gives in a striking manner. “ Now he that planteth and he that watereth are ONE.” I Cor. 3:8 Here Paul says that zero and zero equal one. Two zeros can be something, if they are placed in relation to the digit, one. We have already shown that Paul is a zero, and Apollos is a zero, and yet Paul and Apollos together, when in the proper relation to Christ, become something. Now Christ, of course, is the ONE, the only ONE. Without him Paul and Apollos and Cephas are ab­ solutely nothing by themselves and collectively they still amount to only one big zero. But now add the digit, ONE, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the zeros immediately become something. That one digit makes the difference. If we

take a zero and place after it the numeral, ONE, we have .01, or one one-hundredth. It isn’t much, but it is after all something. Now take two zeros, and add the numeral, ONE, and we have .001, or one one-thousandth. The more zeros we place before the ONE, the less the amount. The more of Paul and Apollos we place before Christ, the only One, the less it amounts to, and the less we shall see of Christ. But now let us reverse these figures. Instead of putting the zeros before the one (Christ), let us place the one before the zero, and then we have 10 — ten. Nothing has now become “ten.” It has increased ten-fold in value. If we add two zeros after the ONE (add Paul and Apollos after Christ) then we have one hundred — we increase ten-fold. The more zeros we place behind the one, the more it increases — ten-fold each time. You see it all depends upon where we put the Lord Jesus Christ, and where we place the minister. If the minister comes first, Christ diminishes. If Christ is first, we lose sight of the servant, his faults, his weaknesses, his personality, his ability, his graces, his virtues, as well as his shortcomings, and we see only Christ. And now one other thing. If we add one zero to the one, we have ten, but the more zeros we add, the great­ er Christ becomes, and so Paul concludes this section with the remarkable words: “For w e are labourers together with God: y e are God’s husbandry, y e are God’s building. According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the founda­ tion, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.” I Cor. 3:9-10 LABORERS TOGETHER We are laborers together. God uses Paul and Apol­ los and Peter, and all the other instruments and gifts to the church. They have different personalities, they have different appeals, they have different abilities, but all are preaching the one and the same Christ. And after all, it is the message which counts, and not the messen­ ger, and as we become occupied with Him, we begin to lose sight of the instrument entirely. And this is the cure for all sectarianism and the evils of denominational- ism. We must become so occupied with Christ and His program, so busy preaching HIM, and recommending HIM to sinners, that we have no time to quibble over minor issues and hair-splitting differences, or to bicker over non-essential doctrines, and engage in profitless ar­ guments. We then can differ on many, many issues and disagree on many minor points, but still be so united in the one great program of the gospel and exaltation of the person of the Lord Jesus that we count these things as nothing, and holding Him aloft, we are submerged completely until men see not us, but only Christ. This is the desperate need of the church today. We are so busy defending our sectarian dogmas, so busy defend­ ing our own doctrinal positions, so busy building our sect or denomination or group, that we have left off present­ ing the Lord Jesus Christ. Thousands of Christians love their church more than they do the Lord Jesus, are more zealous in making chinch members and proselytes for their own denomination, than gettting people saved from the awfulness of sin and eternal condemnation.

.. quibbling over hair-splitting differences



Time Is Henning Out by Rev. Wilbur E. Nelson

■ here is a familiar but impressive story of a .Scotch preacher who asked each one of a group of friends, “ Do you expect Christ to come tonight?” When each in. turn said heW ally did not expect the,l/>rd’s return that r^dit the prefbher, in dee|i|olemnity, qhoted theshfvords of Jesus: “Therefore be ye^dso ready: for niypch an hour as ye thinliBpt the Son ofRian cometh.”

to make, money to pay back, something else to set right? Would you |iave to come before Him with nothing but ^ leaves in youk hands ■— no fruit, hp sheaves to lay at His ^ S ^ e t ? That^text from Wla^hew doesn’t sa* “ get ready,™' but “ be nS^hc” Of courSShtyou can’t beSs^ady unless

is that we His return. live to :< on a long jourrie lelling her he didnl pairing back and for^ ser absent husband

you first getn iady but the point Ip a state of preggred expectancy^ I read of a m who went aw3 He took a tenderHeave of his wife, ] know just when mitt that he was her to be ready^gEhe wife missed

iis expect of us ten, sixty, seventy for these we ma to wake

All picjB^lay-acting ¿side, I think Him to to n ig h t .3 ^ n a v e some t^lnty, or th ir^ -p r forty, or or m oM pa rs. We hawradne to bed years jira^^s our fatherekbefore expect Him at? apy time but not the next morning apd find that He

very much and ciw&hed his promise to return so that she sat on the porchflra^iafter day, her appearance be­ aching, worse and worse, tn&h^iildren neglected and rag- ged, thd house becoming a wretchedly untidy shambles. But one day her good sense prevailed over her mis­ guided sentiment. She said to herself, “What if he came, now, and saw me like this and the children and the house all neglected and dirty?” She hurried into the

A poll of, any evangelical congregation soihe Sunday morning wou|d reveal that the majority o f them—per­ haps all of th mh—believe He is craning again. A poll of many such congregations would repeal that the majority ihem_believe Hq may come and V*jjl come, soon. Most

hou^e and set'tb work,, scrubbing, cleaning and polishing a*iti3( the place gjistehed. jFrdtn that day; on her house i§ aujd ;persbp apd .children} were i^sady ifor the husband’s return. - "Vt, 1 ^’iS^Ey-JH^.^^i^Uu^ates our II while y- you neglect tW commands He ^ayeib^pfe He%ent away, j^ix td prepare^fe^ His coming |— get ready ana* ¿to- hbmfcascye think'not’’ ; 1 ^ ^ 'ispaaé^^ftiiKa^: this, Fm $ure, is xim ^0m ss in .the • ‘*^ ^ ^ ^ ^ h r is fe w ill^ .a^'-tragedy iB&rixu eontmhe tòpeglect it is ti^ lh lg ! I urge y t<^_ urtato Hmfehbw sa .while HeWiiits to received tìjke;; today isHhe^jlay of

;o| us are agreed pn illisi, vie béitéve titi is coining 'again.

•«»urspnal' aspect 4s- the »mpoi^nt iMhg> ■|ay i^ i'b c lie p e <3hà^:|s' «pnhng’1 ‘i


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"^A ^ hether you will admit it or not , there are few v v of us who do not experience fear in some manner. Man is the only creature on earth whose existence is passed in a state o f dread, who is prey to constant fear of one sort or another. Some people are possessed of physical fears; they live in constant dread o f the loss of health, and go to great lengths to keep themselves in the best possible physical trim. Some have social fears; they are afraid o f contact with other people, or they are fear­ ful lest they will not receive due recognition. Many a man doing business on Main Street operates his business with fear surging through his heart; he has fears concern­ ing his competitor, the loss of business or money. Still others are possessed of political fears; politicians fear their constituents and only too often trim their principles to suit the opinions of the voters. There are others who have fears regarding their appearances; they are afraid of being kept out of fashion, and because of this they will almost bankrupt themselves to keep up with the latest fads and fancies, literally selling every virtue to keep themselves in style; to them, “ keeping up with the Jone­ ses is the biggest thing in life. There are thousands of people who are afraid of death; to them death is com­ pletely a mystery and an unknown. They shudder and break out in beads of perspiration at the very thought of dying. A doctor said some time ago, “ Fears are the most dis­ ruptive thing we can have.” I know a lady who is in a mortal dread of germs. She stays inside her house, the prisoner o f her own fear, lest she meet one. She doesn’t realize that fear itself is ten times more deadly than the germ. I know a school teacher who had a basic fear which brought on a stomach ulcer; when she got rid of the fesar, she got rid of the ulcer. A former psychologist says, “ Fear is not natural, but faith is. I am so made and constructed that worry and anxiety are sand in the machinery of life. Faith is oil. I live better by faith and confidence than by fear, doubt SEPTEMBER, 1963

and anxiety.” Here Christian victory is experienced. A Johns Hopkins doctor says that we do not know why it is that the worriers die sooner than the non­ worriers. But that is a fact. We are inwardly constructed in nerve, tissue, brain cell and soul for faith, and not for fear. God has made us that way. Therefore, the need of faith is not something imposed on us dogmatically, but is written in us intrinsically. We cannot live without it. To live by worry means ultimate destruction of body as well as of soul. Jesus said we áre not to fear; we are not to be any, ious: we are not to fret; we are not to worry. The Bible teaches that this type of fear is sin. “Peace I leave with you , my peace I give unto you . . . L et not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). The greatest fears are those of death, judgment and eternity. And these are indeed well-grounded fears, but confidence in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary and in His Word will conquer all such fears. If we trust Him, we do not need to fear judgment, for He shows us that the believer shall not come into condemnation. The Bible declares that for those in Christ, there is no ~ that the sting of death is gone for them. Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he [Jesus Christ] also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy fum that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetim e subject to bondage?’ (Hebrews 2:14, 15). Your fears can be banished, yoür frustrations quieted; your worries can flee if today you give your heart and life to Jesus Chnst. Right where you are now you can TK “yCS: to Christ. You »«y, “What do I have to do?” A ll you have to do is at this instant submit your will to Him and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. You must acknowledge that you are a sinner, and then by faith let Chnst come into your heart. 13

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