Time Is Henning Out by Rev. Wilbur E. Nelson
■ here is a familiar but impressive story of a .Scotch preacher who asked each one of a group of friends, “ Do you expect Christ to come tonight?” When each in. turn said heW ally did not expect the,l/>rd’s return that r^dit the prefbher, in dee|i|olemnity, qhoted theshfvords of Jesus: “Therefore be ye^dso ready: for niypch an hour as ye thinliBpt the Son ofRian cometh.”
to make, money to pay back, something else to set right? Would you |iave to come before Him with nothing but ^ leaves in youk hands ■— no fruit, hp sheaves to lay at His ^ S ^ e t ? That^text from Wla^hew doesn’t sa* “ get ready,™' but “ be nS^hc” Of courSShtyou can’t beSs^ady unless
is that we His return. live to :< on a long jourrie lelling her he didnl pairing back and for^ ser absent husband
you first getn iady but the point Ip a state of preggred expectancy^ I read of a m who went aw3 He took a tenderHeave of his wife, ] know just when mitt that he was her to be ready^gEhe wife missed
iis expect of us ten, sixty, seventy for these we ma to wake
All picjB^lay-acting ¿side, I think Him to to n ig h t .3 ^ n a v e some t^lnty, or th ir^ -p r forty, or or m oM pa rs. We hawradne to bed years jira^^s our fatherekbefore expect Him at? apy time but not the next morning apd find that He
very much and ciw&hed his promise to return so that she sat on the porchflra^iafter day, her appearance be aching, worse and worse, tn&h^iildren neglected and rag- ged, thd house becoming a wretchedly untidy shambles. But one day her good sense prevailed over her mis guided sentiment. She said to herself, “What if he came, now, and saw me like this and the children and the house all neglected and dirty?” She hurried into the
A poll of, any evangelical congregation soihe Sunday morning wou|d reveal that the majority o f them—per haps all of th mh—believe He is craning again. A poll of many such congregations would repeal that the majority ihem_believe Hq may come and V*jjl come, soon. Most
hou^e and set'tb work,, scrubbing, cleaning and polishing a*iti3( the place gjistehed. jFrdtn that day; on her house i§ aujd ;persbp apd .children} were i^sady ifor the husband’s return. - "Vt, 1 ^’iS^Ey-JH^.^^i^Uu^ates our thoughts..here.. II while y- you neglect tW commands He ^ayeib^pfe He%ent away, j^ix td prepare^fe^ His coming |— get ready ana* ¿to- hbmfcascye think'not’’ ; 1 ^ ^ 'ispaaé^^ftiiKa^: this, Fm $ure, is xim ^0m ss in .the • ‘*^ ^ ^ ^ ^ h r is fe w ill^ .a^'-tragedy iB&rixu eontmhe tòpeglect it is ti^ lh lg ! I urge y
;o| us are agreed pn illisi, vie béitéve titi is coining 'again.
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