King's Business - 1963-09

Time Is Henning Out by Rev. Wilbur E. Nelson

■ here is a familiar but impressive story of a .Scotch preacher who asked each one of a group of friends, “ Do you expect Christ to come tonight?” When each in. turn said heW ally did not expect the,l/>rd’s return that r^dit the prefbher, in dee|i|olemnity, qhoted theshfvords of Jesus: “Therefore be ye^dso ready: for niypch an hour as ye thinliBpt the Son ofRian cometh.”

to make, money to pay back, something else to set right? Would you |iave to come before Him with nothing but ^ leaves in youk hands ■— no fruit, hp sheaves to lay at His ^ S ^ e t ? That^text from Wla^hew doesn’t sa* “ get ready,™' but “ be nS^hc” Of courSShtyou can’t beSs^ady unless

is that we His return. live to :< on a long jourrie lelling her he didnl pairing back and for^ ser absent husband

you first getn iady but the point Ip a state of preggred expectancy^ I read of a m who went aw3 He took a tenderHeave of his wife, ] know just when mitt that he was her to be ready^gEhe wife missed

iis expect of us ten, sixty, seventy for these we ma to wake

All picjB^lay-acting ¿side, I think Him to to n ig h t .3 ^ n a v e some t^lnty, or th ir^ -p r forty, or or m oM pa rs. We hawradne to bed years jira^^s our fatherekbefore expect Him at? apy time but not the next morning apd find that He

very much and ciw&hed his promise to return so that she sat on the porchflra^iafter day, her appearance be­ aching, worse and worse, tn&h^iildren neglected and rag- ged, thd house becoming a wretchedly untidy shambles. But one day her good sense prevailed over her mis­ guided sentiment. She said to herself, “What if he came, now, and saw me like this and the children and the house all neglected and dirty?” She hurried into the

A poll of, any evangelical congregation soihe Sunday morning wou|d reveal that the majority o f them—per­ haps all of th mh—believe He is craning again. A poll of many such congregations would repeal that the majority ihem_believe Hq may come and V*jjl come, soon. Most

hou^e and set'tb work,, scrubbing, cleaning and polishing a*iti3( the place gjistehed. jFrdtn that day; on her house i§ aujd ;persbp apd .children} were i^sady ifor the husband’s return. - "Vt, 1 ^’iS^Ey-JH^.^^i^Uu^ates our II while y- you neglect tW commands He ^ayeib^pfe He%ent away, j^ix td prepare^fe^ His coming |— get ready ana* ¿to- hbmfcascye think'not’’ ; 1 ^ ^ 'ispaaé^^ftiiKa^: this, Fm $ure, is xim ^0m ss in .the • ‘*^ ^ ^ ^ ^ h r is fe w ill^ .a^'-tragedy iB&rixu eontmhe tòpeglect it is ti^ lh lg ! I urge y t<^_ urtato Hmfehbw sa .while HeWiiits to received tìjke;; today isHhe^jlay of

;o| us are agreed pn illisi, vie béitéve titi is coining 'again.

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