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Bible content and teaching methods are graded to meet the interests, abilities, and spiritual needs of each age-level. All ALL-BIBLE lessons are flexible —you can easily adapt lesson plans to meet the varying needs of your pupils. Because ALL-BIBLE lessons are de- partmentally graded, you can have effec tive Total Hour Teaching. Every precious moment of each Sunday School hour can be focused on one specific aim—pre session, worship, prayer, songs, Scrip ture memorization, visuals, class discus
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teaching program . . . including the Flexi-record system, a complete library of correlated visual aids, five sparkling take-home papers, a new Departmental Achievement Testing program, and many other features. Thousands o f Sunday Schools use ALL-BIBLE lessons every quarter be cause alert Christian educators want the best Sunday School lessons with the most Bible content for their pupils. Why not give your Sunday School the best? Ask for FREE sample lesson packets today.
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REDEEMING THE TIME— Shows how to analyze Sunday School needs and select best lesson m aterial. WHO ELSE IS THERET- Demonstrates how to organize and operate a successful Home De partment. SO HIGH A CALLING— Arouses Sunday School teachers to need for sp e cial train in g fo r their God-given task.
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