King's Business - 1963-09

have often been unwilling to grapple with new terminology in order to gain fresh insights into God’s uni­ verse as seen through the scientist’?, or intellectual’s eyes. We have too soon dismissed as unspiritual or un­ profitable that which required .men­ tal effort and was not stated in famil­ iar terminology. The present volume is not light reading, but for the ser­ ious-minded it will be stimulating, ix, 140 pages; paper; William B Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.75. — Reviewed by George M. Cowan, President, Wy- cliffe Bible Translators, Inc. BOOK ENDS_________ (A Review of Current1 Publications) LET'S RETURN TO THE MOSAIC AUTHORSHIP OF THE PENTATEUCH by E. Z . Browne. Green­ wich Book Publishers, New York: $3.50. A Louisiana physician takes apart the so-called evidence of the critics who hold the Pentateuch to have been of composite authorship. WILL THE CHURCH ESCAPE THE GREAT TRIB­ ULATION? by John Linton. 95 pages; paper; the author, 328 Belle Isle View , Riverside, O nt.; $.90. In ten orderly reasoned chapters the au­ thor explores this delicate problem and comes up w ith a solid support for the affirm ative view . He takes apart in a kindly manner some of the arguments of Dr. George E. Ladd in Ns book, The Blessed Hope, which he acknowledges to be the best argument for post-tribulationism . The so- called "conversion" of some prominent figures from pre- to post-tribulationism is analyzed and some "straw men" identified. Linton does not hold all the detailed positions of some others, but has revealed a firm grasp of the main points in the argument. BREAD FOR EACH DAY by M. R . DeHaan and H. G . Bosch. Unpaged; cloth; Zondervan Pub-, fishing House. Grand Rapids; $3.00. Devotional selections for the 365 days of the year. Each day's material covers a page, and includes a Scripture text, prose and poetical m aterial, and a quotation. THE SPONTANEOUS EXPANSION OF THE CHURCH by Roland A llen, v iii. 158 pages; paper; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing ‘House, Grand Rapids; $1.65. First American edition of a valuable mis­ sions guide book published originally in England. Allen was an Anglican missionary to China from 1895-1903. For forty years he wrote on mis­ sionary themes, and is an authority on the indigenous church. TO TAL PRAYER FOR TO TAL LIVING bv Thomas A . Carruth. 116 pages; paper or cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.00 or $1.95. Prayer discussed from the viewpoints of the in­ dividual, the fam ily, the church, and the world. This is challenge to lift prayer out of the selfish realm to the larger sphere. THE GLORY OF HIS RISING by Neil M. Fraser. 127 pages; cloth; Loizeaux B ros., Neptune, N J. $2.50. The fact of the resurrection is not argued, but taken for granted here, and the rich heritage and blessings issuing from it to the believer are set forth. The w riter is on the visiting faculty of Emmaus Bible School, Oak Park, III. THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE NEW TESTA­ MENT by R . V . G. Tasker. 159 pages; paper; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $ 1 .4 5 .: This is a reissue of the second edition of an important work on this subject. Progressively* through the New Testament the use of Old Testament quotations is examined. IN THE MIDST by G. Don Gilmore. 100 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. C o., Grand Rapids; $2.50. The burden of this book is to revive the church at large. The pastor calls for, and cites instances o f, a new enthusiasm in evangelism calling for genuine conversion experiences. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street , Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy meal order service is also available. Free descrip­ tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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