King's Business - 1963-09


Moneywithout manismeaningless, andmanwithout moneyor its barteringequivalent, likewiseismeaningless inthesocial andeconomic systemwhich civilization isbuilt upon. Man learnedcenturies agothat collective investingwas byfar thesafest means of protection. This collective investment idea was namedANNUITY.

b y Einar W aerm o T he passengers in our coach drank, smoked, and played cards. The atmosphere was indescribable. As we crossed Arizona, the condition im­ proved but was far from satisfactory. Toward afternoon as I sat in a cor­ ner reading my Bible, I felt the urge to sing. “No, Lord, I can’t,” I answered. Then the Word of the Lord came to me, “Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: but he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God” (Luke 12:8, 9). “ But,” I protested, “ singing is not permitted here.” There was neither escape nor ex­ cuse, so I took my songbook to the front end of the car. It was hard to begin. A baby sat in a buggy and I played with her for a while; I asked her name,* how old she was, where she was going, and so forth, but I knew that was not why I had come there. I took courage at last, opened my songbook; and, turning to the passengers, closed my eyes and sang: “/ have a Friend, oh, a wonderful Friend, He is all in all to me, Patient and sweet, and so tender and kind, So loving and good is He. I sang all the -verses, and scarcely dared look up. Warm and perspiring, but light of heart, I closed my book and sat down. How glad I was to have fulfilled my mission of witness­ ing for the Lord Jesus! A lady seated across the aisle from me leaned over and with tears ex­ pressed her gratitude for the song. She was on her way to her father’s deathbed, and admitted that Christ was not a reality in her fife. After a while the man who the previous night had been drinking the most sat down beside me. I had the privilege of telling him of Christ who is mighty to save. When later I walked down the aisle of the coach I saw a man and woman sitting together weeping. “We are backslidden,” they con­ fessed. “Won’t you pray for us here that we may be restored to fellowship with God?” Of course I would, and as the train rushed across the prairie these two souls were brought back to the fold. They stepped off the train somewhere in Missouri, joyful and happy, and I expect to meet them both in Eter­ nity’s morning.



S O C I E T Y A N N U I T Y enables youto place your investment where youknow andunderstand its purpose. What It Accomplishes: the sedof the Kingdom, andmay lo kfor the harvest. 1. Next totheBibleandthe livingministry, one ofthe most effective means of presenting the "Word of Truth” wil befound incolorful, instructive tracts de­ claring some of the great andglorious truths of the Gospel. GI F T

Hewho sows the Word, sows


2. Eachyear (since 1869) theAmerican Tract Society presents specially-bound Bibles to the incoming Cadets at West Point. The fruitfulness of this ministry is evident whenyouconsiderthat theseyoungmen, future U.S. Army officers, wil helpshape our nation's destiny. 3. It is good to know that what remains, when we are called home, wil continue to spread the Word of God andthe gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. MAN Taxes: Certain benefits can be expected with the acquisition of anAmerican Tract Society Gift Annuity: 1. A substantial part of your gift (annuity) is de­ ductible from your Federal Income Tax. 2. A portion of your annuity income (depending upon your age) is deductible from your taxable income.

\ \ [ IX YouCanProvide for Others:

Inaddition to providing

JnL i 1 1/ for your own ned, the AGREEMENT canbearranged to

include a Survivor whereby you can provide an as­ sured income for life, not only for yourself, but a relative or friend. H il A 1VT1? V Security: The American Tract Society, instituted in i f l V 11 Ju 1 1825, hasbeen isuing gift annuities since 1907 and hasmet every test. For Further Information write to Dr. Henry G. Perry, General Secretary, for a clearly illustrated folder and personal counsel.




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