King's Business - 1963-09

HO. 9*5883



world newsgrams British Vicar Proposes Hymns Be Jazzed Up A Vicar of the Church of England criticized traditional religious music recently and urged churches to jazz up their hymns. In a book, “ English Church Music 1963,” published re­ cently, the Rev. Ronald Gordon, of St. Peter’s, Birmingham, said: “To most would-be worshippers, traditional church music is almost an unknown tongue. It neither expresses what our congregations feel nor does it arouse feeling in them.” Professors Censure Illinois U. for Its Dismissal of Biologist The American Association of Uni­ versity Professors voted recently to censure the University of Illinois for dismissing an assistant professor of. biology who publicly criticized con­ ventional standards of sexual moral­ ity. The action was taken in the case of Prof. Leo F. Koch. He was sus­ pended in the spring of 1960 and dis­ charged in June, 1960, because of a letter from him printed in the daily M ini, a campus newspaper, March 18, 1960. He closed the letter with this paragraph: “With modem contracep­ tives and medical advice readily available at the nearest drugstore, or at least a family physician, there is no valid reason why sexual inter­ course should not be condoned among those sufficiently mature to engage in it without social consequences and without violating their own codes of morality and ethics. A mutually sat­ isfactory sexual experience w o u ld eliminate the need for many hours of frustrating petting and lead to much happier and longer lasting marriages among our younger men and wom­ en.” We are not shocked nearly as much with Dr. Koch’s letter as we are with the Association of University Professors in censuring the University for its action in the matter. The issue censuring the University administra­ tion was debated almost an hour by the delegates to the association’s 49th annual meeting held recently in San Francisco. But not once was the pro­ priety of Professor Koch’s letter ques­ tioned. The letter had been directed to the newspaper in comment on an article it had carried about campus morality. We are not so surprised when a man of Dr. Koch’s leanings appears on the scene, but we are and should be deeply concerned when an Association of University professors uphold him in his public expression of such views.

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