King's Business - 1963-09

Difference in Words Q. Is there any significance in the fact that the preposition “ in” instead of “ on” is used in Matthew 6:10, John 11:25 and similar references? A. No; these prepositions are used interchangeably and generally have to do with belief upon the Lord Jesus Christ. For example, in appears in the following: John 3:15, 16; 7:5; 14: 1; Acts 10:43; Rom. 3:26; and on in these verses: John 3:36; 5:24; 12:44, 45; Rom. 4:5; 9:33 The terms are synonymous. Grace for Gentiles Q. Please explain Romans 11:13-26. Do these verses relate to personal sal­ vation? A. No, they refer to God’s provision and mercy for the Gentiles. In verses 17 and 24 of this chapter you will note that the olive tree is the symbol of Israel to whom the Lord Jesus Christ came first (John 1:11; Rom. 1:16). Because Israel rejected Him, He turned to the Gentiles and so Paul states in verse 15, “ If the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?” In other words, Israel is not perma­ nently set aside, but because of her failure, God did bring in the “ wild olive tree” — the believing Gentiles — who are grafted in. This entire passage to which you have referred is a message to the Gentiles to refrain from being “high-minded” or “ wise in their own conceits.” The blindness is mentioned here as happening only “ in part until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in” (v. 25). When Israel is restored, she will fulfill the purpose for which God chose her. Her relationship to the Lord was temporarily forfeited through her rejection of Jesus Christ as her Messiah (Isa. 27:6; Jer. 31:31- 34; 32:37-41). This restoration of Israel will not be brought about through some spe­ cial dispensation of grace or favor

spread far more widely and rapidly than it did when the Lord Jesus Christ was here upon the earth. The power for such witness was that of the Holy Spirit and the first fulfill­ ment of the promise was the preach­ ing of Peter on the Day of Pentecost. Soul-winning is the greatest work in all the world, greater than that of feeding the multitudes and healing the sick. Those signs of the deity of Christ were needed when He was here upon earth but now that we have the full written revelation of God we do not require such outward evidence of the truths of the Gospel. But we need desperately to win souls for Christ. Slang and Curbing Q. / was reared in a very strict Chris­ tian home and not allowed to use slang words such as “gosh, darn, dic­ kens,” etc. M y parents said all of these words had ev il connotations and actually derived from profanity. I 1 never learned to use them, but my children hear other Christians using such expressions and it is hard for me to convince them they are wrong. Is there anything to this statement that these terms have a bad background? A. Yes, I have seen studies that proved this, although I am sure that most Christians who sometimes resort to such words have no intention of blas­ pheming and likely have no idea of the origin of the expressions. They have come to be exclamations of won­ der, exasperation, etc. However, I do believe it is best to omit them from our speech and you are fortunate in never having acquired any such hab­ its. It would be hard to imagine any real Christian’s ever actually swear­ ing. There are two verses that cer­ tainly seem to apply here: “ But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give ac­ count thereof in the day of judgment.” “ For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned” (Matthew 12:36- 27).

shown her by the Lord. To gain a position of fellowship will only come by way of salvation — which is the way now and ever shall continue to be — individual acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on Cal­ vary. In this respect there is no dif­ ference between Jew and Gentile (John 14:6; Eph. 2:13-16). In that sense it is personal and national. Events Before Christ's Return Q. How many more prophecies must be fulfilled before Christ comes? A. No prophecies need to be fulfilled for Christ to come for the church but of course many predictions will be fulfilled after the rapture — during the seven-year period which will elapse before Christ comes with His own to set up His kingdom. His com­ ing is therefore always imminent. Meaning of Dry Bones Q. Please tell me what Ezekiel 37:11- 14 means? I have heard the Negro spiritual based upon this passage. A. This was a vision which God gave to the prophet Ezekiel. The whole passage refers to the resurrection of the nation of Israel. Long have they been buried in the many countries of the world but we have seen in our generation the restoration o f the na­ tion of Israel, and a great migration of Israelites to their homeland. How­ ever, this is but a token o f the real national resurrection which will take place when life comes to those bones. Ministry of Christ's Followers Q. How could the disciples do greater works than Christ Himself, as is stated in John 14:27? A. This refers more to the quantity of works than the quality. T h e Holy Spirit whom Christ sent in His Name was not confined by a body to one place, as the Lord Jesus Christ had limited Himself in His incarna­ tion. The Holy Spirit so energized believers everywhere that the Gospel



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