King's Business - 1963-09

Byung Ho (0-1)

le Poon (0-2)

Jin Sook (0-3)

Jong Du (0-4)

Kee Won (0-5)

Sponsor one o f these needy Korean Orphans fo r only pennies a d a y ... You’ll be blessed!

CHRIST OUR LIFE 1. Bread of life (John 6:35). 2 . Fountain of life (Psalm 36:9). 3. Tree of life (Revelation 2:7). 4. Light of life (John 8:12). 5. Path of life (Psalm 16:11). 6 . Word of life (I John 1:1). 7. Prince of life (Acts 3:15). MARKS OF A "GREAT WOMAN" II Kings 4:8-37 If we class Elisha among the heroes of the Bible, we must call the Shunammite woman a heroine, and one of the great women of the Bible. 1. P iety (v. 8 ). She was one of the seven thousand who had never bowed the knee to Baal. Though wealthy, she trust­ ed not in uncertain riches, but in the living God. 2. Generosity (v. 8 ). She was a gener­ ous supporter of God’s cause and God’s servants. She built a room entirely for the use of Elisha (v. 10). 3. Discernment (v. 9). Spiritually- minded herself, she soon perceived the sincerity and goodness of Elisha. She discerned in him a man of kindred spirit, whose presence would bless her home. 4. Contentment (v. 13). She had no ambition for a high position, but pre­ ferred to live humbly among her own lowly neighbors and friends. She could say, “ I have learned . . . to be content” (Phil. 4:11). 5. Faith (w . 16, 17). She had faith that Elisha’s promise would be fulfilled; faith, when the child died, that he would be raised to life again. Though doubting Gehazi, she had firm confidence in Elisha and Elisha’s God (w . 26, 30), and her faith was gloriously rewarded, as faith always is (v. 37). THE USE OF THE COMMONPLACE 1. Moses and his rod (Exod. 4:2). Trace history of rod (Exod. 4:2, 17, 20; 7:15, 17; 14:16; 17:5). Had to be “ cast.” 2. Gideon and his pitchers (Judg. 7:16, 20). Had to be empty and “ broken.” . 3. Widow and her two mites (Mark 12:42). Her all; had to be “ given.” 4. The Master and the towel (John 13: 4). Had to be “ girded.” 5. Dorcas and her needle (Acts 9:39). Needs “ use” to keep bright. Blessing not in the commonplace, but in the use of that which is wholeheartedly given to the Lord.

Choose your own orphan from this group o f lovely children. For only $10 a month—just 30 pennies a day —you become a sponsor, a “Daddy” or “Mommy,” “Big Brother” or “Big Sister” for a child who is waiting and praying for someone who cares. Perhaps a friend will want to share the privilege with you, $5 each. Or suggest to your Sunday school, ladies’ group or church organization this worthy missionary work. As a sponsor your support will provide food, shelter, clothing, education. You will also help train a future Christian leader. The orphan you sponsor, if old enough, will write; if not, a staff member will do so. Any parcel of toys or clothing sent will .be grate­ fully acknowledged. What an oppor­ tunity for joy and blessing this per­ sonal contact will be to you.

I Sik Yuli (0-7)

Woo Re (0-6) Jung Nim (0-8) AL L H A V E TRA GIC S TO R Rescued from the streets and alleys o f Korea’s towns and villages, these hungry, neglected children have been brought to our Homes for care. All of them have heartbreaking stories. Byung Ho (0-1), aban­ doned by his parents, was brought to one of our Homes by the police. Ie Poon (0-2), lost both her parents, was brought to us when an uncle was no longer able to provide for her. A government official brought Jin Sook (0-3), to an orphanage when her farmer parents died of disease. Jong Du (0-4), was found roaming the streets, whereabouts o f his par­ ents unknown. Kee Won (0-5), was found begging in the streets after his parents died of disease. The father o f Woo Re (0-6), died o f disease, the mother remarried and then disappeared.

COMPASSION... Cares for more than 20,000 Korean orphans.


Maintains 175 orphanages (includes 15 homes for children of lepers; deaf, dumb and blind children), supervised by Bible-believing staff and board of directors. Provides more than 25,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government. CLIP AND MAIL TODAY! — EV ER ET T SWANSON, Founder and D irector


A pair of lovely, colorful Korean Baby Shoes—if you sponsor an orphan by October 1, 1963.


□ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice Is Number------- - If this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer 0 Boy, 0 Girl 0 Age. With God's help I will send $10 a month to Chicago office. Please send my child's name, picture, address and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for 0 first month, 0 one year. □ Yes, I want to have a part in the WARM PROGRAM. Enclosed is my gift of $__._____________ !____ □ Please send folder, "Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans.41 N a m e _______________________________________________________________________ A d d re ss ___________________________________________________________ C ity ____________________________________________ T one Sta te

More than 3000 orphans are with­ out sponsors. $12 will buy 2 out­ fits—including outer clothing, long underwear, shoes, stockings and hat. We urgently need gifts of $100, $500 and $1000 if these children are to be cared for. For each gift of $12, or more, we will send you F R E E ! . . . « recording by 600-VOICE ORPHAN CHOIR O recorded in Korea and produced by RCA for COMPASSION. 33H RPM long play.

Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. € O M P A S S IO M (The Everett S wmbor EvangelisticAssn., I k .) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation—Eat. 1952

Dept. K93

7774 Irving Farit Rd., Chicago 34, IN.

Phone 4 5 6 -till



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