King's Business - 1963-09


POEMS WANTED To B e Set To Music Send one or more of your best poems today for FREE* EXAMINATION Any Subject. Immediate Consideration. Phonograph Records Mado CROWN MUSIC CO., 49 W. 32 St., Studio 761, N.Y. 1

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b y M e l Larson ^ " ihristian , do you have a TV? i f so, how much did it cost you? No, not dollars alone — what is it really costing you? What is the total cost? No Christian can afford to have a TV merely because someone else has one, or merely to provide hours of cheap entertainment. Christians must ask themselves, “How will my TV af­ fect my home, my children, my own soul?” Does this sound tough? It really isn’t. Christians have had to ask them­ selves similar questions relative to each new invention of science.. TV, however, is more than an ordinary target of criticism, for it opens up avenues of temptation in the home that few inventions ever have. It ap­ peals to “ the lust of the eye,” which is one of the strongest temptations of them all. So a few frank questions are in order: ^H a v e / watched programs in my own home which I would not have gone into a building outside my home to watch? Yes.... No.... O W hen my children were absent have l watched programs I would (continued on next page)

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