King's Business - 1963-09

A Message from the Editor (continued, from page 7)

EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR MISSIONARIES and CHURCHES SUBSTANTIAL S A V IN G S ............................ A SUBSIDIZED MINISTRY A service dedicated to EVAN G ELICAL, FUNDAMENAL m issionaries, pastors and Non-Profit Christian O rganizations to supply their needs on the mission field and in the churches at subsidized prices. O ur service NOT availab le to LAYMEN or STUDENTS. W rite for our list. M issionaries should indicate board and field of service. Pastors give name of church. WE FEATURE NATIONALLY

Here and there we find ministers of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ who take their stand against this whole sordid business, and they should be supported by God’s people, for this is a matter in which there can be no compromising position whatever. To compromise by saying that there are certain pictures fit to be seen and certain that are not fit to be seen is merely to sanction in­ discriminate movie-going by those who are not qualified to be so dis­ cerning. It would be wonderful in­ deed if God’s people everywhere would unitedly state that no longer would they support the moving-pic­ ture industry as it exists today. To withhold that amount of financial support to the industry would result in sortie soul-searching and no doubt would cause some rather quick chang­ es in policy on the part of the in­ dustry itself. “Money talks” loudly. We would to God that in this in­ stance it might be used to say that no more will glorification o f violence* crime, sex and immorality be coun­ tenanced in our neighborhood the­ aters. TV. QUIZ (continued) have been ashamed to have them see me watch? Yes.... No.... ^H a v e 1 found it easier to stay home from church services or prayer meetings because of a favorite TV program scheduled that night? Yes.... No.... ^H a s my reading of the Bible and of good Christian literature suffered since l bought my TV? Yes.... No.... ^ D o I resent friends coming to visit when especially enjoyable TV pro­ grams are on? Yes.... No.... + I s the social friendliness of our home impaired by our TV? Yes.... No.... ^ W ill the oft-repeated sight of to­ bacco and liquor ads have a bad effect on the children in my home? Yes.... No.... ^H a v e I neglected personal visitation because of the tug o f TV which kept me anchored to my living room? Yes.... No.... ^ A m l giving too much time to TV view ing? Yes.... No.... If your answer is “Yes” to these, or even a majority of these, you Jhad bejtter get rid of your TV and forget the sale price. For riddance at any price is a bargain if your TV is en­ dangering your home, and your own soul.


ENT S E R V I C E 210 W . Chestnut S t.

Chicago 10, III. Visit our display room— Open Monday through Friday 8:30 A.M . to 4:30 P.M. Parking Provided Free.

T R A I N I N G with P UR P O S E d i v e r s i f i e d a c c e l e r a t e d NURSING

Courses for 4 , 8 or 12 months. Classroom, laboratory and hospital instructions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board Examination and obtain the L V N Classes start in September and January, DENTISTRY

Four-month course. Approved by State of California Board of Dental Examiners, Department of Voca­ tional and Professional Standards. Offered In one semester. Practical training in missionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and laboratory work. Classes start in January. DISPENSARY Four-month course. Gives training in laboratory analysis and clinical practice. Instruction on how to set 'up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently with, common ailments. Classes start in January.

BIOLA SCHOOL OF MISSIONARY MEDICINE i 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.



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