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A s a d o c u m e n t a r y sequel to the ^ martyrdom of the five mission aries in Ecuador, January, 1956, “ I Saw the Aucas Pray,” newest mo tion picture of the Wycliffe Bible Translators, forcefully portrays God’s faithfulness and the transforming power of the Gospel. Phil Saint, (brother of slain missionary Nate Saint, Missionary Aviation Fellow ship), tells the firsthand account of his recent trip into the Auca village. Those who have followed the min istry of Miss Rachel Saint, a Wyc liffe Bible translator, and Mrs. Betty Elliot, widow of one of those slain by the Aucas, with their prayerful interest will find the pictorial story thrilling indeed. Not only has the Lord through His Word regenerated the lives of the tribal members, but also He has caused the Aucas them selves to have a deep and burning de sire to reach their fellow tribesmen for Him. ferocious enemies though.
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Dayuma and her bridegroom with W yc liffe missionaries Catherine Peeke and Don Smith. they be. As another interesting aspect, the Christian Quechua Indians, long hated by the Aucas, have now been accepted as friends and share with the Aucas testimonies of God’s good ness and grace. Only the entrance of the light of God’s Word could make such a change in the darkened hearts of men bound for so many years in pagan superstitions. “I Saw the Aucas Pray” is avail able from most Christian film libra ries or directly from the Wycliffe Bible Translators, Santa Ana, Cali fornia. As an excellent documentary presentation, the film will be a chal lenge to young people for missionary service as well as to adults for con tinued faithfulness in prayer. TH E KING'S BUSINESS
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