The years that have followed have been filled with subsequent miracles of God’s grace. The young doctor was given a scholarship in the University of Southern California. He became the resident physician at the Holly wood Presbyterian Hospital. Then after seven years of separation from his precious wife and two sons, they were free to come to our country. Unable to return to China because of
ward to join him in plans for escape. One night, as twilight descended, the feverish plans for departure com pleted, this group slipped out of the hospital grounds and melted into the darkness. Almost immediately they were halted by Japanese patrols, but the medical pass enabled them to go on their way. In many miraculous ways God led and provided for all their needs. Although the trek to
1 FOR ADULTS O N LYT^ f) NOl Children can enjoy church, too! . . . when they can understand and participate in the service. Little children cannot be ex pected to sit quietly through adult church services of stately hymns, long invocations, and doctrinal sermons. However, they do appreciate church programs designed especially for children I With a good, age-graded children’s church program, boys and girls like to stay for church. Adult worship services are free from distraction. And total church attend ance grows. Scripture Press’ four CHURCH-TIME courses are departmentally graded, with a separate program beamed to. each group— Nursery, Beginner, Primary, and Junior. In each course, quiet and active times al ternate, providing a happy change of pace from the. Sunday School hour. There js purposeful freedom in a variety of activi ties. Older children help to plan and con duct their own worship services. Simple, yet enriching devotional experiences help children to love Jesus as Saviour and Lora and to understand the meaning of true worship.
In NURSERY Church-time, Bible truths are taught through all the child's senses. Correlated activities, motion songs, craft, fingerplays, vis uals focus on one teaching emphasis.
BERINNER Church-time builds on net- ural abilities and Interests of 4’s and 5's. Simple worship services em phasize God’s Word and encourage participation by youngsters.
PRIMARY-age children plen and par ticipate in their own (adult-super vised) church service. They learn how to belong to God's family and to live out the truths they discover in God’s Word.
JUNIORS enjoy planning and conduct ing their own worship service (under adult direction). They learn the re sponsibilities of church membership and leadership.
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Dr. Tin Y. Kwong, M .D ., and his fam ily, in America.
the Communist-control in his home land, the doctor has made America his new home. Today his busy, growing medical practice includes many opportunities to serve the Lord as an able Christian physician. He has faithfully taught in 'Biola School of Missionary Medi cine for over a decade and is beloved by the many missionary graduates who are serving the Lord throughout the world.
freedom left the party utterly ex hausted, there was a vivid awareness of the presence o f God. As Dr. Kwong touched his blistered feet on free soil, the Lord gave him a special song of rejoicing as found in Psalms 27:1: “ The Lord, is my light and my salva tion : Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life: Of whom shall I be afraid?”
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