the Moscow Baptist Church, the govern ment’s showcase church that seems to fool so many gullible Christians. So, regardless of Van Clibum’s spiritual state, I would say that he is definitely serving the Com munist cause very well with his “ cultural exchange” playing and subsequent publi city. Why doesn’t he wake up and get the facts on the true state of Christianity in the Soviet Union? There is ample docu mentation. As a matter of fact, why doesn’t THE KING’S BUSINESS publish some of this documentation in the near future? By doing so you would be serving the cause of Christ and freedom. Ann G ilbert, Santa Barbara, California E ditor ’ s N o te : W e would, appreciate re ceiving documentation. ENCOURAGES TO PRACTICE Thank you for encouraging our children with the testimony of Van Clibura. We have four children and they all take piano. They were thrilled for they all practice an hour a day, each. They love the Lord and are real fans of Van Clibura. It is wonderful when a talented and suc cessful young person loves the Lord and gives a clear testimony for Him. We par ents appreciate everything that will en courage our children to live for Christ. Thank you for printing the testimony of Van Clibura. Mrs. Oakley Krogh, Omaha, Nebraska REPRINT EDITORIAL The Committee of the International Council of Christian Churches, Auckland, New Zealand, would request your per mission to reprint the Editorial of the October 1962 issue of THE KING’S BUSI NESS, “ The Confusion of Tongues.” Dr. W . H. Pettit, who is advisor to our Com mittee, has passed this publication on and we consider it outstanding. R. Dowdell, Chairman of Auckland Committee, New Zealand E ditor ’ s N o te : Permission granted. Having recently read an editorial of yours which appeared in THE KING’S BUSINESS a few months back, “ The Confusion of Tongues,” I feel that it would meet a particular need in our congregation. Is there any possibility of your publishing it in pamphlet form; and if not, could we have your permission to do so? The question of translations is becoming a difficult problem in some evangelical congregations. W e have had to incorpor ate a by-law into our constitution making the King James version the standard Bi ble for all teaching and worship, yet of course, not prohibiting the use of other translations for reference purposes. This is truly, as you say, “ a day of confu sion.” God give us firm, sound thinking in these days, to faithfully stand upon His truth. God bless you, and the Institute and give you great influence and spiritual lead ership in these days of “ lukewarmness and apostasy.” Rev. James Story, Parkdale Evangelical Free Church, V ictoria, B.C.
"DESIGN FOR MURDER" Thank you for including Dr. Roy Zuck’s “ Design for Murder” in your March issue. I intend to show it to my own pastor and our youth advisors, and I hope it will im press them as it did me in a new and forceful manner, of the absolute need of providing for the spiritual nurture of the youth of our churches. Rev. Richard E. Troup, Curriculum Planner, David C. Cook Publishing Company "MR. CONFUSION" Recently an article “ Herbert Armstrong — Mr. Confusion” was given to me to read. This man and his teachings are reaching a lot of people. I feel he is a dangerous influence on our way of life. I should know, as our oldest son and his family have left our church to follow the teachings of this man. I wanted to know if I could get a cou ple of copies of the reprint. I do not know what the charge would be. I pray God that you may be able to penetrate this fog of confusion which Mr. Armstrong has spread over the land. M rs. W . A . McCollum, Dapp, Alberta, Canada E ditor ’ s N o te : Reprints are available from THE KING'S BUSINESS at five cents per copy. PRAYER REQUESTS “Here is an urgent prayer request that has come to us from our daughter who is now in language study in Paris, preparing for missionary service. She has been resid ing in a French home. The family, though nominal Christians and members of a church, does not know anything about per sonal salvation and being ‘bora again.’ She has had opportunity to witness to each member of the family separately and longs to see a ‘break through’ for them to come to know the Lord.” “ Your wonderful offer to pray for our requests has been on my heart for some time. I want to go out on faith and give you what I have prayed about without apparent success. 1) For the conversion of my three children, and 2) that my grand children will be drawn closer to the Sav iour. One needs prayer desperately. She has a psychosomatic condition. Thank you for your help.” Name and address withheld. VAN CLIBURN ARTICLE I read your article on Van Clibura in the February. KING’S BUSINESS with very puzzled feelings. Whether the young artist is a truly born-again believer is something only God knows and so I would not presume to comment on that phase of his life. However, I was sickened to read that he had donated his prize money to
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