New York.” The Roman Catholic Legion o f Decency chided the film industry for its "alarming departure from previously accepted and respected standards o f decency.” The problem seems to resolve into a general awareness that the moving pictures o f today are no longer "fam ily entertainment,” but rather shapers o f the entire moral fiber o f the average American home. Many remedies have been suggested; the oldest and most widely-used is that o f censorship. Two years ago the Supreme Court o f the United States upheld a Chicago ordinance requiring approval o f a movie by the city censors before it could be shown publicly. Incidentally, this is one o f the rare instances in recent times in which the present Supreme Court has upheld a law supporting any type o f legislation in the interests o f public morality. But Eric Johnson, President o f the Motion Picture Association o f America, has stated that the movie industry will resist "whatever pressures shall be applied to censure motion pictures” and warns: "W e shall fight them! Manifestly, there is no organization in the country with the money and time to fight the showing o f every morally-degrading moving picture produced by Hollywood. Another effort to solve this crisis is that o f "graded movies.” It would divide all moving pictures into three categories, (a) U— suitable for universal showing; (b ) X— forbidden to children under 16 years o f age; and (c ) A—more suitable for adults than children. Evidently the theory back o f this is that the adult mind is immune to the suggestiveness o f immoral pictures. I f the adult mind is not interested in or affected by such pictures, why are they so widely patronized? Why do the moving picture people find such pictures outstanding box-office attractions? The simple facts are that these unclean movies intrigue the unregenerated adult mind and adverse ly affect the adult life o f America just as other films influence the minds and moral lives o f adolescents and children in our country. Sin is sin and is as attractive to adults as to juveniles. This is a lost world, dead in trespasses and sins. ’ And nowhere is it more evident than in the fact that for the “ almighty dollar” Hollywood producers and performers are willing to lend themselves to the corruption o f the lives and damnation o f the souls o f men and women and inno cent children. Periodically there are loud demands for the moving-picture industry to clean up itself. But they soon die down and the industry goes merrily on its corrupt way. A ll too many Christian people, themselves, have been lulled into a degree o f compliance with the "times in which we live.” Pressures by young people in the home are too great for parents to resist. As a result, more and more Chris tian people are contributing to the moving-picture box office re ceipts and in this very tangible way are helping to support this nefarious business. It is true there are some Christian people in the moving-picture industry who are making an earnest effort to pro duce and take part in decent pictures. But their influence is infini- testimal when compared with the damaging effect on the American way o f life o f the industry as a whole. (continued on page 43)
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