P eo p le to th e M em
held on the Wheaton campus this fall. Among the speakers for the confer ence will be Dr. Frank E. Gaebelien, co editor of Christianity Today, and Miss Margaret Avison, poet and author, and editorial writer from Time and Life. Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, well-known Christian psychologist, has announced that scholarships are being offered by the Narramore Christian Foundation to evangelical, Christian young peo
Tom Wataon, Jr., Radio and Films Secretary for The Evangelical A lli ance Mission, has announced the ap proval by TEAM’S Board of Directors for the absorbing of the Caribbean Broadcasting Company into TEAM’S family. The CBC is a California ra dio mission which has for a number of years sought a broadcast outlet on the island of Trinidad. David Crane, a Biola graduate, has served as presi dent of CBC, and will continue to carry on the work under TEAM. Stephen F. Olford, pastor of New York City’s Calvary Baptist Church ' alfti and c h a i r ma n of T K a the United Evange- r
“I appreciate STONY BROOK’S Christian Atmosphere” My* Mark Hanchett
ple who want to make a career of psychology. Recipi-. ents m u s t h a v e their masters’ de grees in psychology and be ready to work full-time on their doctorates in the field. “There is a g r e a t n e e d t h r o u g h o u t the
Stony Brook, '62— Wheaton, '66 The ideals of the founders of Stony Brook enter generally into the lives of the students. The School m otto is “ Character before Career.” In this atmosphere Christian deci sions are made, lives are given direction and purpose, and some are inspired to volunteer for a lifetime career of Christian service. Deputations of student speakers have done a vital service in meetings in churches on Long Island and elsewhere. The King’s Men, a choral group, makes regular concert tours each year. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli gious, academic, and recreational activities, the School aim« at a harmony of • purpose. By inteUigent applica nt tion of this Christian program, in 1 both administration and teach- jg\ ing, Stony Brook is making a dis o w n tractive contribution to American 1 H education. BkBj . D r . F rank E. G aebelein Headmaster J r f r i For Catalogue and Information, write ] L Director of Admissions, Dept. 80 V THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Stony Brook, Long Island • New York P R A I R I E A N N U I T I E S
listic Committee of New York, has an nounced that 20,- 000 square feet of l a n d h a s b e e n g r a n t e d free of charge by the New' York World’s Fair authorities for the SERMONS FROM George Speake. The
Dr. Narramore
United States,” says Dr. Narramore, “ for dedicated men and women in Christian psychology, and we trust these scholarships may attract and help outstanding young people.” All who are interested are encouraged to write Dr. Narramore direct, Box 206, Pasadena, California. Dr. Delbert Kuehl, Executive Assist ant Director of The Evangelical Al liance Mission, directed T E A M ’S 1963 Candidate School which was held this summer in Chicago. Fifty young people attended the school. Among the students were two doc tors, four nurses, ten teachers, and several pastors. Most of the young people have already selected their fields of service, with the largest number (13) headed -for West Irian (New Guinea). Edwin L. Frizen, Jr., has been ap pointed the new Executive Secretary
Rev. Olford presentation of SCIENCE by Dr.
SERMONS FROM SCIENCE Pavilion will be located in the Industrial Area of the Fair adjoining the Japanese ex
hibit and the East man Kodak build ing. S E R M O N S FROM SCIENCE is aimed at reaching the multitudes of religiously indiffer ent persons w h o will be among the 70 million attend ing the Fair. Serv
Dr. Speake
ing with Rev. Olford on the Commit tee are representatives of evangelical churches and ministries in the area, as well as Dr. Elmer W. Engstrom, Presi- dent of the RCA Corporation of Amer ica, and the Honorable Mark 0 . Hat field, Governor of Oregon. Oswald J. Smith of T h e Peoples’ Church in Toronto recently stated that “ in handing down the decision that it is unconstitutional to read the Bible in public schools, the Supreme Court is doing its utmost to destroy the United States of America. . . . This decision will mean that thou sands of private independent schools will be founded where the Bible can be taught. The Christian people of America will not want their children to study in godless institutions.” Dr. Clyde S. Kilby, chairman of the department of English at Wheaton College, has announced the Eighth Annual Writers’ Conference to be
8 Vi 0 / / o
of the Interdenomi- n a t i o n a l Foreign Mission A s s o c i a t i o n o f N o r t h America. Mr. Friz en was instrumen tal in the founding of Far Eastern Gos pel Crusade , has s e r v e d o n t h e Home Council and
A N N U A L L Y (depending on your age) Write: Annuity Dept.
Mr. Frizen
as Home Secretary and Treasurer. Since 1954, Mr. Frizen and his wife have served with FEGC in the Philip pine Islands. Mr. Frizen succeeds Dr. J. O. Percy, who resigned to devote himself to a Bible-teaching ministry emphasizing missions.
CHRISTIAN SCHOL TEACHERS WANTED Qualified teachers interested in teaching in Christian Schools should write to CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS SERVICE. Inc. 10119 Lafayette Avenue, Chicago 20, III. Teacher Agency Service is Free
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