King's Business - 1963-09

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (FO RM ER LY T R IN IT Y THEO LOGICAL SEM IN A R Y ) An established school of Biblical studies with an expanded program leading to graduate degrees ANNOUNCESAN ENLARGED FACULTY to help meet the theological challenge and the spiritual demands of the “post-Christian era” with its ecumenical yearnings and de-mythologizing trends.

(L) Dwight Fuller, B.D. (Berkeley Baptist Divinity School) Assistant Professor of Missions Lewis Dean Hall, M.A. (University of Chicago) Instructor in Pastoral Counseling


(L) Arthur F. Holmes, Ph.D. (North­ western U.) Professor of Philosophy of Religion (part time) Wallace S. Johnson, Th.M . (Berkeley Baptist Divinity School) Instructor in Church History and Administration

. Kenneth S . Kantzer, P h .D . (H arvard), Dean and Professor of Biblical Theology. Form erly Chairm an, D ivision of Biblical Education and A pologetics, Wheaton College (III.); faculty, Young Life Institute; faculty, W inona Lake School of Theology. Post­ doctoral studies, University of Goettingen, Germ any; University of B asel, Sw itzerland.

P re sid e n t H . W ilb ert Norton, T h .D . (Northern B a p tis t), P ro fe sso r of Church H istory and M is­ sio n s. Form erly D irector, B ib le In s titu te o f th e Ubangi, Republic of Con­ go ; A uthor, History o fFree Church Foreign M issions.

(L) Walter Liefeld, M.A. (on leave first semester to complete thesis for Ph.D. at Columbia University) As­ sistant Professor of New Testament Richard N. Longenecker, Ph.D. (Edin­ burgh) Assistant Professor of New Testament (part time)

Wilbur M. Sm ith, D .D . Professor of English Bible. A uthor, Therefore Stand; Editor,

Peloubet's Select Notes, The Pastor's Study. Form erly faculty of Moody Bible Institute; Professor of English Bible, Fuller Theological Sem inary, Pasadena, C a lif.

On a new 79-acre north-suburban campus at Bannockburn, Illinois, T rinity E vangelical D ivinity S chool trains modern prophets o f the Word o f God. Programs o f study prepare students to become pastors, teachers, directors o f Christian education and missionaries. T rinity E vangelical D ivinity S chool presents a Bible- centered curriculum, maintains the highest standards o f scholarship, stresses complete loyalty to the Holy Scriptures as the inerrant Word o f God, the pre-millennial hope and Puritanism in Christian living. Sponsored by the Evangelical Free Church o f America since 1897, T rinity E vangelical D ivinity S chool enjoys the cooperation o f an interdenominational faculty in a climate o f evangelical fellowship. Students from all denominations are welcome. Married student housing construction beginning.

(L ) Robert D. Culver, Th.D. (Grace Theological Seminary) Professor of Systematic Theology Carl E. DeVries, Ph.D. (University of Chicago) Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament

(L) Vernon Olson, B.A. (Augustana College) Instructor in Christian Edu­ cation Irving G. Peterson, M .A. (Wheaton College) Associate Professor of Bible and New Testament

Jerome Ficek, Th.D. (Northern Baptist) Associate Professor of Theology

REG ISTRAT ION - OCTOBER 3 , 4 For information write: TheDean Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 2 0 4 5 H A L F D A Y R O A D • D E E R F I E L D , I L L I N O I S

(L) Elmer D. Sandberg, B.D. (North­ ern Baptist) Instructor in Practical Theology G. Douglas Young, Ph.D. (Dropsie College) Chairman of the Department of Old Testament and Near Eastern Studies



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