RN to BSN Nursing Program
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Sumner College is accredited by the Accrediting Bureau for Health Education Schools ABHES. Sumner College is also accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, K Street NW, Suite , Washington, DC , --. Accelerated. Accredited. Achievable.
13 month program $180 Per Credit Hour
Classes start every 10 weeks Flexible and Convenient
No Mandatory Login Times
PROGRAM OVERVIEW The RN to BSN Program at Sumner College is academic weeks in length and includes quarter credits and clock hours of instruction. pre-requisite general education credits and nursing core credits are awarded to graduates of a registered nursing degree program that hold a RN license in good standing. total quarter credits are required to graduate from the RN to BSN Program.
Tuition and Program Fees Registration Fee: Technology Fees: Tuition: , Total: ,
The RN to BSN program is designed for working registered nurses, making it possible for employed nurses to advance their education without interrupting their employment. A few of the current opportunities for BSN graduates include resident care managers, travel nurses, charge nurses, direct care nurses in a wide variety of settings, and home health care.
Sumner College has been changing lives since 1974 Students entering the RN-BSN program bring knowledge and experience with them to the program as a licensed professional nurse. The program increases critical thinking and nursing clinical decision making, builds on previous knowledge and incorporates best practices and national initiatives which are woven throughout the curriculum. The program prepares and encourages graduates to continue education to masters level or higher. The RN-BSN program supports the mission of Sumner College by educating and training on current nursing standards. In keeping with the Sumner College mission, the RN-BSN Program provides a quality educational program for registered nurses to build upon their existing skills and abilities and attain intellectual growth and development to reach the level of baccalaureate generalist nursing practice in a safe and secure learning environment. The Registered Nursing - Bache- lor of Science in Nursing Program RN-BSN goals and student learning outcomes support the mission, goals, and objectives of Sumner College and are aligned to the current baccalaureate nursing competencies set forth by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. As members of the healthcare team the baccalaureate prepared nurse utilizes concepts of organizational and systems leadership, quality improvement and safety to assess for risk and advocate for improvements in quality and safety. Concepts are included in the curriculum to provide knowledge of health care policy, finance, delivery systems and regulatory environments needed in decision making and demonstrate professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal nursing practice.
RN- BSN Program
Length of Program: 50 Weeks, 5 Terms Total Credits: 72.0 Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Location: Portland Instructional Delivery: Online
MAT105 SOC207 NUR318
College Mathematics ................................................. Credits 4.0 Ethics................................................................... Credits 4.0 Introduction to BSN & Strategies for Success ....................Credits 5.0
MAT309 COM311 BIO313
Statisticsto Inform Decisions ...................................... Credits 4.0 Intercultural Communication .......................................Credits 4.0 Pathophysiology....................................................... Credits 4.0
NUR322 NUR324 NUR326
Nutrition for Nursing Practice .................................... Credits 5.0 HolisticHealth Assessment & Health Promotion ................. Credits 5.0 Community& Public Health Nursing ................................ Credits 5.0
NUR332 NUR434 NUR436
HealthcareInformatics .............................................. Credits 5.0 PatientSafety & Continuous Quality Improvement...............Credits 5.0 Organizational & Systems Leadership............................... Credits 5.0
NUR442 NUR444 NUR446
Global Health Nursing .............................................. Credits 5.0 Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice.................... Credits 5.0 BaccalaureateGeneralist Nursing Practice ....................... Credits 7.0
The college utilizes the Canvas Instructure learning management system for the online courses in the RN-BSN Program. Students are required to have access to a computer and access to the Internet to enter the program. No other equipment is required. Facilities and Equipment
Interested Contact us at BSNsumnercollege.edu
Course Descriptions
BIO Pathophysiology Prerequisites: BIO , BIO , BIO Credit Hours: . Contact Hours:
NUR Introduction to BSN and Strategies for Success
Credit Hours: . Contact Hours: Prerequisites: None
This course serves as an introduction to the RN-BSN nursing program and the role of the baccalaureate nurse generalist as outlined in the American Academy of Colleges of Nursing AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education for Professional Nursing Practice. National and organizational guidelines for clinical practice are explored. Strategies are introduced to enhance success throughout the program including; learning styles, study techniques, effective written communication using APA th edition format, time management, identifying and utilizing scholarly literature, civility, and netiquette in the online environment.
COM Intercultural Communication Prerequisites: SOC Credit Hours: . Contact Hours Communicating and establishing relationships with people of varying cultures builds healthier and more peaceful communities, reduces conflict, and increases tolerance. This course combines theory and application of intercul- tural communication to develop an understanding of how to communicate with people from diverse cultures. The course explores how cultures use communication in different ways and strategies for sharing information between cultures and social groups. This course is a study of the pathology and general health management of diseases and injuries across the life span. Topics presented include normal function, disease processes, trauma, cancer, and pain manage- ment. Common diseases and disorders of each organ system will be studied to develop an understanding of how pathophysiological processes disrupt normal functioning of the human body.
NUR Nutrition for Nursing Practice Prerequisites: BIO , NUR Credit Hours: . Contact Hours:
This course covers the science and fundamentals of human nutrition. Topics include nutrients and nutritional requirements across the lifespan to maintain nutritional balance, support growth and develop- ment, and restore health. The course focuses on identifying and promoting healthy nutrition for diverse patient populations.
MAT College Mathematics Prerequisites: None Credit Hours: . Course Contact Hours:
NUR Holistic Health Assessment and Health Promotion Credit Hours: . Contact Hours: Prerequisites: PSY , BIO , NUR
College Mathematics covers basic mathematical, algebraic, and geometric concepts and applications. Topics covered include fractions, decimals, and percentages; ratio and proportion; solving linear equations; consumer mathe- matics; metric and customary measurement; basic geometry; and probability and statistics. This course provides the opportunity to strengthen basic math skills and practice applying those skills in a real-world environment.
This course examines theories and practice of holistic health assess- ment and health promotion for individuals and families across the lifespan. Looking beyond physical assessment the course explores the social determinant of health, health beliefs and practices of individuals and families, and proposes patient-centered health promotion interventions. Topics for assessment include socioeconomic, age, developmental stage, gender, cultural, spiritual, psychological, and pain.
MAT Statistics to Inform Decisions Prerequisites: MAT Credit Hours: . Course Contact Hours:
This course presents concepts of statistics related to the collection, display, and analysis of data. Descriptive statistics, correlation, regression, prediction, logic of statistical inference, elementary probability models, estimation and tests of significance and graphing techniques for presenting data will be studied. Data presented in research studies will be examined for accuracy and significance to inform decisions.
NUR Community and Public Health Nursing Prerequisites: COM , NUR Credit Hours: . Contact Hours:
This course provides an overview of community and public health nursing. Concepts and methods of community assessment and health improvement are introduced. Topics include principles of biostatistics and epidemiology, policies impacting community health, environmen- tal health, and available or needed resources. Communication and collaboration with diverse population groups that make up the community is emphasized to form partnerships for public health promotion.
SOC Ethics
Credit Hours: . Contact Hours: Prerequisites: SOC
This course introduces moral philosophers and traditional moral theories. These theories will be applied to various real-world ethical concerns. Basic problem-solving skills are considered to assist in resolving moral dilemmas. Students will map their personal ethical values and construct a moral code.
NUR Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice
NUR Healthcare Informatics
Prerequisites: SOC , NUR Credit Hours: . Contact Hours:
Prerequisites MAT , NUR Credit Hours: . Contact Hours:
This course provides a foundation for understanding nursing informatics including analysis of various applications of information systems used to support the data, information and knowledge needs in the delivery of healthcare. Topics include computer-based patient records, telehealth, patient and nursing applications, and the use of technology for quality improvement, education, and research. Legal, ethical and social issues in healthcare informatics are discussed.
The course is an introduction to nursing research and the application of research evidence into nursing practice. The research process and research methodologies are reviewed. Critical analysis of research studies and application of research findings to practice are examined to develop an evidence-based nursing practice. Ethical aspects of nursing research including the protection of research subjects are studied.
NUR Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice Presrequisites: NUR , NUR , NUR , NUR , NUR , NUR , NUR
NUR Patient Safety and Continuous Quality Improvement Prerequisites: MAT , NUR Credit Hours: . Contact Hours:
Credit Hours: . Quarter Credit Hour lecture, clinical Contact Hours: Lecture, Clinical
This course provides an exploration of quality improvement and safety concepts, strategies, and implications to patient outcomes. The role of nursing in high-quality, safe, and cost-effective care is examined.
This course reviews and solidifies the role of the baccalaureate general- ist nurse. Students will reflect on the history as well as the future of nursing, the roles of the professional nurse, and theories and concepts of professional nursing practice. A practicum provides the opportunity to apply theories and concepts learned throughout the program in the implementation of the role of the baccalaureate generalist nurse. The role will be implemented, applied and evaluated through the guidance of nursing faculty and nurse mentors. By the conclusion of the course students will show mastery of the program student learning outcomes.
NUR Organizational and Systems Leadership Prerequisites: NUR Credit Hours: . Contact Hours:
This course focuses on the management and leadership roles and functions of the professional registered nurse within organizational structures. Leadership styles, management theories, conflict resolu- tion, delegation, fiscal management, resource utilization, and strategic planning are presented. The importance of effective communication and collaboration is emphasized.
NUR Global Health Nursing
Prerequisites NUR , NUR Credit Hours: . Contact Hours:
This course is an introduction to global health and principles to improve the health of populations. World health demographics, infectious disease transmission, water and sanitation-related diseases, behavioral and mental health, diseases impacting vulnerable populations, noncommunicable diseases, neglected tropical diseases, emerging disease threats, health inequalities, social determinants of health, and national threats to health are discussed. International strategies and programs promoting health and the role of professional nurses in global health are examined.
Interested Contact us at BSNsumnercollege.edu
RN to BSN Program Fact Sheet: 2023 - 2024 Reporting Year
Program Name Occupational Name Program Level
RN to BSN Program Registered Nurse (RN) 04-Bachelor's Degree
Program Length
13 Months or 50 Instructional Weeks
U.S. Department of Labor O*Net Standard Occupational Classification Codes and Links to Occupational Profiles
ABHES Job Placement Rate 1
79% Placement
ABHES Retention Rate 2
100% Retention
ABHES Credentialing 3
N/A - Credentialling Required to Enroll in Program
Application Fee: $0 Registration Fee: $100 Lab & Technology Fee: $1,600 Tuition: $12,960 Total Program Cost: $14,660
Total Cost of Program 5
Institutional Accreditation: ABHES: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools Programmatic Accreditation: CCNE: Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education NC SARA: National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements
Programmatic, Institutional Accrediting Bodies, and State and Authorizing Bodies
Transfer of Credit and Transfer Articulation Agreements with other Institutions
Graduation Rate for this Program 6
88.23% Graduation Rate
Average time students take to graduate by program in weeks 7 Average time students take to graduate at whole school level
62 Weeks
76 Weeks
On-Time Graduation Rate for this Program 8
96.4% On-Time Graduation
On-Time Graduation Rate at Whole School Level
98.63% At Whole School Level
Federal Loans: $6,464 Private Loans : $0 Institutional Debt: $0
Median Borrowing 9 : Federal and private loan amounts, and median annual loan payments of students
3 Year Default Rate: 0.0%
Loan Default Rate 10
Median Salary: $50.44 Per Hour
Median Starting Hourly Salary for Graduates 11
Student Acknowledgement
Fact Sheet Calculations and Footnotes
1 Placement Rate Calculation
The placement rate is determined by using the ABHES required method of calculation, for the report- ing period July 1 through June 30, as follows: Placement Rate = (P)/(G-U)
P = Placed graduates G = Total graduates U = Graduates unavailable for placement
2 Retention Rate Calculation
The retention rate is determined by using the ABHES required method of calculation, for the reporting period July 1 through June 30, as follows: Retention Rate = (EE + G) / (BE + NS + RE) EE = Ending Enrollment (Number of students in class, on clinical experience and/or leave of absence on June 30) G = Graduates BE = Beginning Enrollment (Number of students in class, on clinical experience and/or leave of absence on July 1) NS = New Starts RE = Re-Entries (Number of students that re-enter into school who dropped from a previous annual report time period) The credentialing pass rate is determined by using the ABHES required method of calculation, for the reporting period July 1 through June 30, as follows: Examination Pass Rate = GP/GT GP = Graduates passing examination (any attempt) GT = Total graduates taking examination
3 Credentialing Rate Calculation
4 OSBN NCLEX Pass Rates
5 Total Program Cost
Total program cost current as of January 01, 2024. See school catalog for specific details regarding program cost, available at: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/407242/ The Graduation rate is based on data reported in the ABHES Annual Report using the following calcula- tion: (G)/(BE) G=Total graduates who completed the program during the current reporting period July 1 through June 30, BE=Beginning Enrollment (number of beginning enrollments who were reported as starting with the graduating cohort) The average time that a graduate of a program from the reporting period July 1 through June 30, took to complete the program. Re-entry students who have withdrawn and re-entered the program are not are not included in this calculation
6 Graduation Rate Calculation
7 Average Time Students Take to Graduate by Program in Weeks 8 On-Time Graduation Rate Calcu- lation
Graduates completing the program within 150% of program length.
9 Median Borrowing
Reporting is for median rather than average borrowing.
10 Loan Default Rate
The FY 2021 default rates were calculated using the cohort of student loan borrowers who entered repayment on their William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans or Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) be - tween Oct. 1, 2020, and Sept. 30, 2021, and who defaulted between Oct. 1, 2020, and Sept. 30, 2023. Reporting is for the Median rather than the Average Salary. This median starting salary of Sumner graduates is for the reflected reporting year. This information has been verified by the employer through documented employment verifications. Not all employers provide salary information. Em - ployers who did not report salary information or reported “0” were excluded from this calculation.
11 Median Salary
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