RN-BSN Information Packet

NUR  Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice

NUR  Healthcare Informatics

Prerequisites: SOC , NUR  Credit Hours: .  Contact Hours: 

Prerequisites MAT , NUR  Credit Hours: .  Contact Hours: 

This course provides a foundation for understanding nursing informatics including analysis of various applications of information systems used to support the data, information and knowledge needs in the delivery of healthcare. Topics include computer-based patient records, telehealth, patient and nursing applications, and the use of technology for quality improvement, education, and research. Legal, ethical and social issues in healthcare informatics are discussed.

The course is an introduction to nursing research and the application of research evidence into nursing practice. The research process and research methodologies are reviewed. Critical analysis of research studies and application of research findings to practice are examined to develop an evidence-based nursing practice. Ethical aspects of nursing research including the protection of research subjects are studied.

NUR  Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice Presrequisites: NUR , NUR , NUR , NUR , NUR , NUR , NUR 

NUR  Patient Safety and Continuous Quality Improvement Prerequisites: MAT , NUR  Credit Hours: .  Contact Hours: 

Credit Hours: . Quarter Credit Hour  lecture,  clinical  Contact Hours:  Lecture,  Clinical

This course provides an exploration of quality improvement and safety concepts, strategies, and implications to patient outcomes. The role of nursing in high-quality, safe, and cost-effective care is examined.

This course reviews and solidifies the role of the baccalaureate general- ist nurse. Students will reflect on the history as well as the future of nursing, the roles of the professional nurse, and theories and concepts of professional nursing practice. A practicum provides the opportunity to apply theories and concepts learned throughout the program in the implementation of the role of the baccalaureate generalist nurse. The role will be implemented, applied and evaluated through the guidance of nursing faculty and nurse mentors. By the conclusion of the course students will show mastery of the program student learning outcomes.

NUR  Organizational and Systems Leadership Prerequisites: NUR  Credit Hours: .  Contact Hours: 

This course focuses on the management and leadership roles and functions of the professional registered nurse within organizational structures. Leadership styles, management theories, conflict resolu- tion, delegation, fiscal management, resource utilization, and strategic planning are presented. The importance of effective communication and collaboration is emphasized.

NUR  Global Health Nursing

Prerequisites NUR , NUR  Credit Hours: .  Contact Hours: 

This course is an introduction to global health and principles to improve the health of populations. World health demographics, infectious disease transmission, water and sanitation-related diseases, behavioral and mental health, diseases impacting vulnerable populations, noncommunicable diseases, neglected tropical diseases, emerging disease threats, health inequalities, social determinants of health, and national threats to health are discussed. International strategies and programs promoting health and the role of professional nurses in global health are examined.

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