RN to BSN Program Fact Sheet: 2023 - 2024 Reporting Year
Program Name Occupational Name Program Level
RN to BSN Program Registered Nurse (RN) 04-Bachelor's Degree
Program Length
13 Months or 50 Instructional Weeks
U.S. Department of Labor O*Net Standard Occupational Classification Codes and Links to Occupational Profiles
ABHES Job Placement Rate 1
79% Placement
ABHES Retention Rate 2
100% Retention
ABHES Credentialing 3
N/A - Credentialling Required to Enroll in Program
Application Fee: $0 Registration Fee: $100 Lab & Technology Fee: $1,600 Tuition: $12,960 Total Program Cost: $14,660
Total Cost of Program 5
Institutional Accreditation: ABHES: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools Programmatic Accreditation: CCNE: Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education NC SARA: National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements
Programmatic, Institutional Accrediting Bodies, and State and Authorizing Bodies
Transfer of Credit and Transfer Articulation Agreements with other Institutions
Graduation Rate for this Program 6
88.23% Graduation Rate
Average time students take to graduate by program in weeks 7 Average time students take to graduate at whole school level
62 Weeks
76 Weeks
On-Time Graduation Rate for this Program 8
96.4% On-Time Graduation
On-Time Graduation Rate at Whole School Level
98.63% At Whole School Level
Federal Loans: $6,464 Private Loans : $0 Institutional Debt: $0
Median Borrowing 9 : Federal and private loan amounts, and median annual loan payments of students
3 Year Default Rate: 0.0%
Loan Default Rate 10
Median Salary: $50.44 Per Hour
Median Starting Hourly Salary for Graduates 11
Student Acknowledgement
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