KSC Catalog (2023-24)

Photos by Marcio Curvelo,

Finding Sheep at Kids Sea Camp

I’ve been obsessed with photographing sheep since seeing Dr. Alex Mustard’s famous photograph. I booked my Kids Sea Camp Philippines trip with Margo and Tom Peyton in 2020. I WAS EXCITED ABOUT SHOOT- ING THIS LITTLE SEA SLUG when I learned that “Shaun the Sheep” could easily be found on most dives. The guides at Amun ini are incredible, and can find almost anything you ask for, including the sheep! (Shout out to Reggie and Dave.) Finding the sheep under- water is fun, but capturing a photo of one of the critters you could imagine is quite the challenge. They are one of the most complicated creatures to capture since they live on a single green leaf that grows on the sandy bot- tom. Furthermore, they tend to blend in with their environment, namely, the leaf they’re trying to eat. On the first dive, Reggie, my guide from Amuni ini Divers, was excited because he found me one. Reggie was pointing to a leaf with a speck of green blob. I’m thinking to myself, is that it? That can’t be it? But it was! After taking several shots, I finally saw the creature when I zoomed in on the viewfind- er. Tiny, green, and cute. I kept taking photos,

but it was time to move on. A few seahorses, pygmy squid, and nudibranchs are all nearby; if I have to give one piece of advice, it is to have patience and more patience! You have to stop and spend your time getting a decent photo of a sheep. Upon finding Shaun, I spent 30 minutes on one leaf on my second dive! Kim, my lovely dive buddy and wife, was gone when I looked up. She finally decided to join another group and leave me with Dave, my excellent Amun ini guide. Finally, Dave wrote on his slate, “Have you had enough of Shaun the Sheep?” Onto the seahorses, we went. In the end, I ended up with some excellent photos. Noth- ing like Alex’s masterpiece. But it’s a work in progress. I look forward to our next trip with Margo and Tom to Lembeh with Family Dive Adven- tures and Murex Divers in January. I have been told that a “herd” of sheep lives there! I will become The Sheep Herder of Indonesia. By Marcio Curvelo : share my passion for scuba diving with my wife Kim, and my kids, An- drew, and Alessandra. PADI instructor, radiologist, amateur photographer and drone pilot

“For nearly half a century I’ve been passionate about photography. At the age of 15 I became a “professional photographer” working with a local shop, photographing events. Eventually, I figured I needed a more conventional job and became a radiologist. Still tak- ing photos but with a “different kind of camera”

www.familydivers.com 803-419-2556 dive@familydivers.com



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