Manual - Original

9. Remuneration for Utside vork • ._4.

The missionary ·while in connection v1i th tr1e Bible Institute of Los ngeles will give his tiffie and strength to its work in China, under the general direction of the M 1 ssion and in accordance with the provis– ions of the [anual. If, v-1ith t11e express sanction of the 1·1ission ~ .. rte. the Board, he shall temporarilly undertake work not under the care of the Board, any su1n or money paid for such -v1ork shall be turned into the treas- ury of the ~ission and reported to the Board, except lith the approval ~ the Mission and the ex) licit consent of the Board to the contrary. Where the regular work is a source of revenue, such as medical fees, tuition etc., the amount shall be similarly reported. This provision is not intended to cover gifts . or oc asional remuneration received by miss- ionaries for nersonal • se1~v1ce s. Trav;l to Field. 5. The Board pays the expense of the journey from the home of the . missionary to his station or viae versa, by~ direct route. If any miss- ionary wishes t c;. deviate fron1 tl1is route 1 .ana. there _be no .va;Lid ( the ~y, he shall receive a sum equal to tl1e expense of the direct journey as estimated by the Board at the tfme. The expense is based uoon the s~ortest and least expensive route and is not intended to include items of emergency beyond those incident to delays from disarranged ser– vice. In case of deviation from the direct route or delays, the additional expense is assumed by the missionary. The Business Department of the Bible Institute, except in a very fe 1 1 cases, arranges for all steamship tickets, but due to a ruling re– garding clergy fares, it is necessary for the missionary to secure his ov~ railNay transportation after arranging for clerical certificates through the Business office.

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