LoudounPT_Stay a Neck Ahead of Chronic Pain


There is one more factor that often is not spoken about, but it’s a frequent cause of neck pain and discomfort: Sleeping Issues . Sometimes,sleeping inacertainpositionorsleepingonamattress orpillowthat istoosoftortoohardwillleadtoneckpain.Oftentimes, this pain will appear to be chronic, as the sleeping issue is likely something that you experience day after day, causing the pain to return regularly. It may be helpful to rule out sleeping concerns as a reason behind your neck pain by assessing your sleeping conditions and making any changes that you think may be necessary. Adjust how many pillowsyousleepon,thepositionyousleep inorevenyourmattress! For more support in finding relief from neck pain, talk to your physical therapist at our Leesburg (703-443-6700) or Lansdowne (703-858-9880) clinics or schedule an appointment at loudounpt.com/newsletter-request-appointment/.

AVOID THE FLU: TIPS FOR BOOSTING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM It’sfluseasonandthatmeansextraprecautions must be taken to avoid falling ill. We all know the general rules of preventing the flu – washing your hands (especially after being in a public place), getting your flu shot, carrying around hand sanitizer, avoiding sharing food/ drinkswithpeople–butdidyouknowyoucould actuallyhelpboostyour immunesystem to try and avoid developing the flu this year? Boosting Your Immune System There are several steps you can take to help your body stay as healthy as possible. These include: 1. Getting adequate rest. When you are well rested, your body is able to function at its optimum levels – which means it is better able to fightoff illness.Aiming for8-9hours each night will help your immune system work in the ways it was meant to. activity a day can help strengthen not only you, but your immune system as well. 3. Maintaining a nutritious diet. Having a diet that is heavy on fruits and vegetables is perhaps one of the best ways to boost your immune system. The essential vitamins found in many fruits and vegetables are key to making sure your immune system is as healthy as possible.

Even with the preventatives listed above, it is possible to still catch the flu if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your immune system is functioning in top shape – so your body can better fight off potential viruses.

Are you looking for more tips and tricks for avoiding the flu this year? Call Loudon PhysicalTherapytodayorvisitourwebsite at loudounpt.com/newsletter-request- appointment/.

2. Exercisingregularly.Exercise isalsoagreat way to boost your immune system. When your body is in shape, it quite literally has morestrength to fightoffunwantedviruses. Aiming forat least20-30minutesofphysical


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