Urban Extension: A Professional Development Offering

Tampa Bay Region, Flor ida, University of Flor ida

University of Florida Tampa Bay Region Cooperative Extension Services

Florida Statewide

Demographic Categories

How University of Florida Regional Urban Sustainability is positioned at the national, state, regional, and city levels: This case study details a community engagement approach that is easily replicable in urban and rural areas and can be scaled and adapted to meet educational goals. The Regional Specialized Agent (RSA), Urban Environmental Sustainability utilizes atypical educational approaches to connect the resources of the land grant university system with clientele in resource-rich urban areas. The RSA developed a unique educational program utilizing the platform of film as the content delivery mechanism. Film uses storytelling to educate audiences, creates excitement in the delivery methodology, and provides opportunities to support long-term community involvement. The agent has utilized the “regional” label to work across county borders, which leverages the interdisciplinary expertise of both the agent and the university and increases visibility of Extension and the land grant system as a resource. By positioning Extension in partnerships with other urban







Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander:


Native Alaskan/Native American:


Two or more races:


Other race:


Median age:


Total Population:


universities, this addresses the distance disconnect between the land grant university headquartered in Gainesville and potential clientele in the Tampa Bay region (population 3 million pl us); capitalizes on urban university partners’ name recognition, contributes to mutual educational goals, and showcases best practices in Extension methodology. The partnerships with other universities and colleges allows Extension to gain the broadest geographic visibility across the region, which maximizes its potential for connections with the urban demographic.


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