Urban Extension: A Professional Development Offering

structured Extension program. The use of such an innovative technique allows Extension to promote sustainability education and support actions that positively impact communities. Institution: IFAS Extension URL: https://8907224.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8907224/Urban%20Extension/NSS- Poster_Final.pdf

Using Permeable Pavement for Sidewalks Saves Trees: Does Public Opinion Matter?

Mature trees have large root systems that break and lift sidewalks, causing hazards for pedestrians & costing cities. Removing a tree and replacing the adjacent sidewalk costs $1K to $3K. Retaining tree canopies and maintaining walkable, safe sidewalks requires creativity. The objectives of this study were to:

1. Reduce urban tree loss from sidewalk damage. 2. Test two alternative sidewalk materials. 3. Gauge and increase public support for alternative sidewalk materials.

Institution: Utah State University, Forestry Extension URL: https://8907224.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8907224/Urban%20Extension/Permeable- pavement-sidewalks-save-trees.pdf


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