Urban Extension: A Professional Development Offering

Climate Literate Extension Professional Competency Framework

This competency framework was developed by the Climate Literacy Project at Extension using the Impact Collaborative's Competency Framework Development (CFD) process. The framework is available for use in the Extension Foundation's Campus and can be referenced by Climate Literacy training materials. Institution: Extension Climate Literacy Project URL: https://cass.extension.eduworks.com/cfd/#View?id=https://cass.extension.eduworks.com/api/custom /data/schema.cassproject.org.0.2.Framework/34f6382a-fd68-46ae-920f-b636d734ad28

Extension in the Urban West

This paper outlines the elements required for Extension to be successful at programming in urban areas, including the underlying problems that need to be addressed. The organizational evolution to this approach will differ depending on local circumstance and state experience. URL: https://8907224.fs1.hubspotusercontent- na1.net/hubfs/8907224/Urban%20Extension/ExtensionInTheUrbanWest.pdf

Kentucky's Urban Extension Forum

Defining the success of Urban Extension units is sometimes elusive. Very limited work has been done to identify what makes certain units successful and others not. For those Extension agents, specialists, administrators and others who struggled through the years to bring solid research-based programming to urban communities. It is no surprise that working in these communities brings its own unique and difficult- to-solve challenges. URL: https://8907224.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8907224/Urban%20Extension/Kentucky- Extension-Plan.pdf

Framework for Programming in Michigan’s Cities and Metropolitan Regions

The ultimate aim of the information and recommendations presented in this framework is to promote innovative and creative MSU Extension programming and operations that are connected within and across Michigan’s urban and metropolitan environments. Through the implementation of th e recommendations presented in this report, it is the belief of the task force that over time MSU Extension’s work will contribute to healthier people, living more productive and higher quality lives in revitalized and vibrant urban and metropolitan environments across Michigan. URL: https://8907224.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8907224/Urban%20Extension/Michigan- Urban-Framework.pdf


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