Urban Extension: A Professional Development Offering

A National Framework for Urban Extension - A Report from the National Urban Extension Leaders Through an assessment of national trends and a review of Extension literature, NUEL leadership identified three primary shifts influencing Extension’s work in urb an communities. These included demographic characteristics, community conditions, and urban-suburban-rural interdependencies. In addition to this external perspective, an internal strategic analysis resulted in common themes that have emerged in urban Extension: positioning, programs, personnel, and partnerships. While there are many similarities to Extension’s work in all geographic settings, dynamic situations in cities and large metropolitan areas present unique challenges and opportunities as we bring E xtension’s history of innovation to the next 100 years. URL: https://8907224.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8907224/Urban%20Extension/A-National- Framework-for-Urban-Extension-2015.pdf

Essential Competencies and Innovative Practices for Urban and Latino Engagement

Essential Competencies and Innovative Practices for Urban and Latino Engagement - PowerPoint URL: https://8907224.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8907224/Urban%20Extension/Competencies- Panel-final.pptx

CFD: Competency Framework Development

This document details a method for Competency Framework Development (CFD) for instruction related to a job or job function (called a "job" in this document). Frameworks can be used to:

• Design new courses or analyze and update existing co urses;

• Help learners find the best material to use to meet a professional goal;

• Issue competency-based credentials or otherwise certify that a learner has demonstrated a set of skills or is qualified to perform a task.

URL: https://8907224.fs1.hubspotusercontent- na1.net/hubfs/8907224/Urban%20Extension/FrameworkDevelopmentMethod.pdf


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