Urban Extension: A Professional Development Offering

Expanding Into the Urban Arena

Most state conservation agencies don't have the resources, facilities, or networking capabilities of Extension to transfer wildlife information to these large, geographically separated urban audiences. Cooperative programming may be the most effective approach to successfully plan and implement an urban emphasis requiring wildlife expertise and information transfer capabilities. Effectively addressing urban residents' requests for wildlife information while also transferring technical information about wildlife needs and land- use decisions is both a challenge and a tremendous new opportunity for Extension. Institution: University of Florida-Largo URL: https://archives.joe.org/joe/1992summer/a2.php

Exploring the Challenges for Extension Educators Working in Urban Communities

This article provides Extension educators with a practical template of ideas and concepts to remember when working with urban audiences and communities. As communities begin to change, due to expansion and shifts in populations, so should the focus of Extension programming. In order to facilitate this process, there needs to be a greater source of information to help Extension educators achieve success in what could be unfamiliar territory. By providing practical techniques, the educator is aware of potential pitfalls and has information that will help ease the working relationship between all individuals, hopefully leading to a successful program. Institution: The Pennsylvania State University State College URL: https://archives.joe.org/joe/2007june/iw3.php


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