King's Business - 1919-06



floor wax constitute th e furnishing of a b rid al nest, they say in effect it is no wonder th a t love soon flies out of th e window. The' old world is going on in its lively way to its predicted catastrophe. Every possible facility is sought by some well-meaning people to provide opportunities for the boys and girls and young people to mingle in the dizzy whirl that has brought more souls to ruin than any other agency of the devil. Whiskey has slain its thousands, but lust its tens of thousands.— T. 0. H.

th a t old w itch E ngland.” The Civilta Cattolica, “ the hyena of th e V atican,” ceased not to gird a t England a t every opportunity. In short, th e Vatican was, as usual, a spider clot of intrigue, — th is tim e as ever directed against the cause of freedom and ju stice.” BURIED IN THE BOOK It is said of th e g ran d fath er of Charles Spurgeon, th a t on one occasion he was so absorbed in Scripture study th a t when a neighbor came to visit him, he arose from his study long enough to show the gentlem an a ch air; hut, going straig h t hack to his open Bible, he soon forgot th e m an’s presence, and devouring sentence afte r sentence as a hungry child m ight devour food, he was h eard occasionally to m u tte r to himself, “W onderful!” "W ond erfu l!” while th e inner ligh t rad iated from every featu re of his old face. Our fo refathers in America were a Bible- loving, Bible-reading company; almost every day began w ith w hat is known as “ the fam ily devotions,” and they were not even hu rried .— Selected.

WILSON’S $40,000 HANDOUT FROM POPE P residen t Wilson is reported to have accepted a $40,000 present from the pope on th e occasion of his visit. The Record of C hristian Work says: The visit of P residen t W ilson to th e Vatican gives rise to various reflections. It has been perilously like a visit to an enemy country, for th e Vatican has been anything h u t n eu tra l in the gigantic struggle of th e past four years. In Vatican walls were hatched by Mgr. Gerlach a strin g of conspiracies, one of which ended in th e blowing up of two Italian battleships, th e Benedetto Brin and th e Leonardo da Vinci. F rom the same sources crawled th e peace propa­ ganda which culm inated in th e Capor- etto debacle. Men who had fought bravely in th e Italian arm y before the Pope’s Note was published stopped fighting because they though t he had so ordered. According to th e R. C. T ablet th e igno ran t peasan try were on th e ir knees before th e Madonna in thanksgiving for th e peace th a t the Pope had brought,— a peace which they believed would long before have been consummated “ if it h ad no t been for

FORM OF BEQUEST To Bible Institute of Las Angeles

I give and bequeath to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, incorporated under the laws of the State of California....: .......... . dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute of Los Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in. the premises.

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