King's Business - 1919-06

1 R e a l l y R e m a r k a b l e R e m a r k s S E N T E N C E SE RM O N S FO R B U S Y R E A D E R S

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There never has been a tim e when it was rig h t to give th e Lord less th an one-tenth of all one’s income. God keeps a costly school; many of its best lessons are spelled out through tears. Welcome th e cross of Christ and bear it trium ph an tly ; h u t see th a t it be in­ deed Christ’s cross, and no t th in e own. He is no t tru ly p atien t who is w illing to suffer only so much as he th ink s good, and from whom he pleases. “ Be much w ith God if you would be much lik e God.” There are people who would do g reat acts; bu t, because they w ait for g reat opportunities, life passes, and th e acts of love are no t done a t all. The glory is no t in th e task, b u t in th e doing of it for Him. As flowers never p u t on th e ir best clothes for Sunday, b u t w ear th e ir spot­ less raim en t and exhale th e ir odor every day, so le t your C hristian life, free from stain, ever give fo rth th e fragrance of th e love of God. No one can ask honestly or hopefully to be delivered from tem ptation unless he h as him self honestly and firmly determ ined to do th e best he can to keep ou t of it. He who cannot find tim e to consult his Bible . . . m ust some day find tim e to die; he who can find no tim e to reflect is m o st likely to find tim e to sin ; he who cannot find tim e for rep en t­ ance will find an etern ity in which repentance will be of no avail. They slumber sweetly whom faith rocks to sleep. No pillow so soft as a prom ise; no coverlet so warm as an assured in te rest in Christ. R est assured, Christ will no t live in th e parlo r of our h earts if we en tertain th e devil in th e cellar of our thoughts.

To a graceless neck th e yoke of Christ is intolerable, bu t to th e saved sinner it is easy and light. We may judge ourselves by this, do we love th a t yoke, or do we wish to cast it from us ?— Spurgeon. Answers to p rayers ai-e sweet cordials for th e soul. We need no t fear a frown­ ing world while we rejoice in a prayer­ hearing God.— Spurgeon. T h at which a man spits against heaven, shall fall back on his own face. — Thomas Adams. God loveth a cheerful giver, w hether it be th e gold of his purse or th e gold of his mouth which he presents upon his altar. In heaven’s court su ito rs are not worn ou t w ith long delays. T e r m - tim e lasts all the year round in the court of K ing’s Bench above. Ignorance is worst when it am ounts to ignorance of God, and knowledge is best when it exercises itself upon th e n am e of God. Rest upon His prom ises though He seem to kill thee; cleave unto His s ta t­ utes though th e flesh lust, th e world allure, the devil tem pt by flatteries or th reaten ing s to th e contrary. The lower th e h e a rt descends, the higher th e prayer ascends.— Thomas Watson. W hat folly is it to exalt th is vain world in our affections, whose joy, like th e child’s laugh ter on th e m other’s knee, is sure to end in a cry a t last! Never m ind who was your g rand­ fa th e r; who are you? The man who h as nothing to boast of b u t his good ancestors is like a potato; all th a t is good of him is under ground.” Reaching one person a t a tim e is the best way of reaching all th e world in time.

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