King's Business - 1919-06



modern and original, we should feel under obligation to be p atien t w ith them ; bu t when, like th e Gibeonites, they come to us “w ith old sacks upon th e ir asses, and wine bottles, old and re n t and bound up,” and when they hold up before us th e “ bread of th eir provision” and ask us to accept it as fresh-baken and wholesome, we are not so easily beguiled as was Joshua. The label of “m odern” scholarship is w hat captures th e im agination. It has an allu ring attractio n for certain m ental deficients who have a consum­ ing passion to be “ ab reast of th e tim es.” “Modern” scholars have stripped Jesus of His Deity and His dignity, no t to speak of common honesty and have reduced Him to th e ran k of common men, far beneath themselves in point of scholarship. We decline to deliver our sp iritu al assets into th e hands of such a precarious syndicate. I t would be th e exchange of guaranteed secur­ ities for w orthless debentures of doubt. T rue believers in Christ are becoming restless and im p atien t w ith infidelity in th e pulpit. W ithdraw al from a church, self-branded w ith apostasy is one method of protest, and it is becoming increasingly frequ en t in churches where th e preacher has thrown up his commission, and is exhausting w hat rem ains of his in tellect in a dis­ avowal of th e faith once delivered to th e saints. O thers, unw illing to sever th e ir church connection, suffer in sil­ ence, feeling th a t any p ro test would be useless, or serve only to b rand them w ith the stigm a of zealotry. Such refined persecution is not coveted, and the full compliment of th e m arty rs seems to have been made up .”— Dr. Ford C. Ottman.

th e others worked.” A lexander tu rn ed to me and asked, “Are you a Chris­ tia n ? ” I said, “ I am, sir.” “Why don’t you go to w o rk ?” I was mad enough to knock him off th e platform . W hat rig h t had any man to ta lk to me like th a t? Then conscience said, “Are you a C h ristian ?” I replied, “Yes.” “Why don’t you go to w o rk ?” I can knock Alexander down bu t I couldn’t silence Conscience. I stepped off the platform and met a man*3+he was com­ ing tow ard the pulpit. I asked, “Are you a C h ristian?” He said, “No.” “Do you w ant C h rist?” “ I do.” I sa t w ith him and led him to Christ. Oh, the joy of it! There is no joy like it. He th en took a small book from his pocket and said— th a t was nine months ago— “ here are the names and addresses of two hundred and tw enty men whom I have won to Christ in nine months. Twenty-three years of silence and not a soul won! Nine months of pleading and two hundred and tw enty souls won. Off which bond will you take your Coupons— on th e day of judgm en t; the bond of silence, or th e bond of speech? Wisdom wins. Wisdom wins souls because it knows values. We get wis­ dom from th e Bible and in prayer. We use wisdom in life and in speech, and wisdom wins. THE SCHOLARSHIP APOSTASY “Modern scholarship” sounds so august, so impressive and imperial so au tho ritativ e and final, th a t any in te r­ rogation of it may seem like th e pre­ sumptuous folly of the un learn ed ; but if certain men, “wise in th e ir own con­ ceit,” and under th e spell oi it— have usurped and appropriated th is senten­ tious expression as a badge of th eir distinction and unique rig h t to be h eard in things spiritual, th en let us follow them w ith caution. If th e findings and exhibits of these “ scholars” were in reality something

W inning one soul a t a tim e usually resu lts in th e w inning of a m u ltitud e of souls in th e process of tim e.— Truth- bull.

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