King's Business - 1919-06



reading of Dr. F e rris’ w onderful dis­ course. F irstly , I mu^t say how we ourselves were uplifted by it and I was th en led to lend th e magazine to many people and asked them especially to read th is address. We have had the g reat joy of know ing of some who have been helped into th e knowledge of Jesus and all He is to us, by so doing. One friend who is well over 90 years of age was in my home and I read it to her and both of us shed te ars of joy over such a wonderful Saviour.” (Auck­ land, N. Z.) A rth u r F. W itt, 1916, and Miss Merle Hess, 1916, were m arried March 18th, a t San Diego, Cal. They have taken up Gospel Car work. Harby F. Sheerer, a form er studen t, and Miss B irdella Rauch, secretary to Rev. W. H. Pike, of th e In stitu te fac­ ulty, were united in m arriag e a t th e home of Rev. and Mrs. K eith L. Brooks Eagle Rock, Cal., on April 9th. About fo rty friends from th e In stitu te attend ed th e typical California garden wedding. E. B. Singer, 1918, has accepted th e pasto rate of th e B aptist church a t Paso Robles, Cal. A son was born on March 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Y. V. Eddings, in stitu te grad­ uates. Since 1915 Mr. and Mrs. Eddings have been m issionaries in South Amer­ ica. They are now resting in Los An­ geles. Alford J. Coffey, a form er student, who recently has been employed by the Biola Book Room, has accepted work among the stock men a t Arnold, Nebr. He is to be located in a section eight miles from the city where th e re are no churches. His work w ill be to organize Sunday Schools and Bible classes, doing personal work among th e men, w ith the view to ultim ately establishing a church. Mr. and Mrs. Leman C. Robie, form er students, have accepted a call to take up work w ith th e American Sunday School Union as m issionaries in Cali-

''Mel” Trotter who recently spoke at the Bible Institute fornia, th e ir h eadqu arters being a t Bar- stow. Rev. Chas. A. Nethery, 1918, is now pastor of the B aptist church a t Fern- dale, Wash. He w rites th a t in spite of many discouragements, th e Lord is richly blessing his m inistry. The many friends of Miss Read, Dr. Torrey’s secretary, and Miss W ight, Mr. H u n ter’s secretary, will be pained to learn th a t they have both been com­ pelled to give up th e ir positions because of broken health. We tru s t th a t they will be remembered in prayer by many form er students who came to love them . E. W. Hallowell, a form er studen t who has been w ith the forces as a chap-

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