King's Business - 1919-06

THE K I N G ’ S BU S I N E S S Yakima, Wash., engaged in Sunday School work for the P resbyterian Board. Evangelist Wm. P. Nicholson of the Bible In stitu te staff has ju st closed a most successful series of meetings in th e E ast Side P resbyterian Church a t Stockton, Cal. The pastor, Rev. Angus Matheson, w riting of th e meetings says: “ It was tru ly an old-time Holy Ghost revival, and we th a n k God for having sen t Mr. Nicholson to th is church.”


A L W A Y S P R A Y When your way grows dark my B rother And your hopes are lost to view, Ju st rem ember th e re ’s ano ther Whose help will wonders do; L ift your h ea rt to Heaven And ask your help from there, Tell it all to God dear friend, In open-hearted Prayer! The F ath e r always hears you, And will give a helping h and ; H is love will always cheer you In every clim e; or land. You’re never left w ithout Him No m a tte r w hat your woes, J u st tell it to th e F ath e r, He feels, and Hears, and Knows!

I have no cares, O blessed will! For all my cares are thine, I live in trium ph, Lord! for thou H ast made thy trium ph s mine.

— F. W. Faber.

In God we have a Keeper If we will only heed, And let His love in deeper; He’ll supply our every need. How kindly He will lead us To see a b righ ter way, and Make all things rig h t for us, Ju s t pray, my B rother Pray!

A CHALLENGING QUESTION Let "me ask a very challenging ques­ tion, a question which sm ites me to the very ground as I ask it, and let me ask it in g reat reverence: If you were God, would you answ er p rayers such as we toss so ligh tly an d easily in to th e sacred P resence? . . . How our Master prayed in Gethsemane in the birth -hou r and b irth -th ro es of th e world’s redemp­ tion! “And being in an agony He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was. as it were g reat drops of blood falling down to th e ground.” Such was the Savior’s suffering intercession. And His own Church is called to supplement those sufferings; she is called to agonize.— Dr. Jow ett.

“ Daddy” and “ Mother” Horton, caught bj! a student’s camera

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