King's Business - 1919-06

A New Metkod of Evangelism Hero? anÿ CKurch can secure and promote a Soul Saving Revival


th e fron t of th e Testam ent agreeing to carry it and read a chapter every day, and of those who had signed in the back, confessing Christ. A, rem arkable revival was on hand, different from any th a t th e w riter had ever seen or heard of. A new method of doing work was before us; a new appeal offered for personal evangelism. It was discov­ ered th a t it afforded a means of simple, practical contact w ith pe.ople. It was easy to show the little book to any per­ sons and in terest them in it, making the offer to give it to them provided they would agree to carry it and read a chapter every day. Then it became easy to call atten tion to th e blank in th e back of th e T estam ent and urge them to make th e ir confession of Christ. Boys and girls, and men and women were soon enlisted and spontaneously th e work developed. Anybody could do it. The incidents in connection w ith the work were strik ing and elicited intense in terest. Children were signing up th e ir parents, and paren ts th e ir chil­ dren. Children worked in the schools. Sunday School teachers took it up w ith th e ir classes. Christian Endeavorers were enthused. P asto rs p u t it before th e ir people and a new in te rest in the' reading of th e Bible was awakened. One pastor had every member of his church and Sunday School signed up and a work was begun in th e neigh­ borhood which the pastor is following in a very definite way to bring the peo­ ple to Christ. Another pastor, afte r consulting w ith his church officers, lined up his church and school, and a revival sprung up which has continued ever since. In one m ilitary school, every cadet

TJRING the Torrey-Alexan- der meetings in Los An­ geles, a noonday service was held in th e Empress Theater, now known as “Biola H all,” th e evan­ gelistic center for the Bible In stitu te work. The hall

is well located in th e center of the busi­ ness section of th e city, and has a seat­ ing capacity of six hund red on the lower floor. The meetings were held each day from 12:00 to 1:00, and were conducted by Mr. A lexander assisted by his party. The meetings Were rem a rk ­ able in that; th ere were no addresses or sermons and no set program . Scripture verses were recited by the audience, and requests were made for prayer. During th e first week Mr. A lexander in tro ­ duced th e Pocket Testam ent League* calling for those who were w illing to sign a card and agree to carry a Testa­ m ent w ith them wherever they would go, and read a chapter every day, and to all such a beautiful Testament, printed on India paper, and containing a num ber of beautifully tin ted rep ro ­ ductions of actual photographs of scenes in Palestine, was given. Each day those who h ad th e ir Testam ents w ith them were called on to rise, hold them up, and sing “Take it Wherever You Go.” In a few days those who attended the services began to bring th e ir friends in, to have them sign up th e cards and th e blanks in the T esta­ m ent agreeing to these conditions. In th e back of the T estam ent is a blank to be signed by those who will accept Christ as Saviour, and th ere began to come in daily repo rts of the num ber of persons who had signed in

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