King's Business - 1919-06



g reatest ad jun ct he has ever known, and is including it in his Correspondence Course on P ersonal Work, as an invalu­ able suggestion to those who desire to do definite and satisfacto ry service for th e Lord. A leaflet telling how to begin and carry on th e work will gladly be sen t to any who desire it on application to T. C. Horton, Superintendent Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, 536 S. Hope S treet, Los Angeles, Cal. CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR NOTICE . During the month of July, in th e absence of Dr. Torrey, Rev. Wm. P. Nicholson, evangelist of th e Bible In sti­ tu te, will fill th e pulpit morning and evening each Sunday, and will also con­ duct some special services. During th e month of August, Dr. Arno C. Gaebelein, ed ito r of “ Our Hope,” will be w ith us, speaking th re e tim es on Sunday, and on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and F rid ay nights each week. His program for th e evening services will include the Book of Genesis th e first week, the Book of Exodus th e second week, the Book of Joshua th e th ird week, and the Prophecy of Isaiah th e fou rth week. A fu ll program will be p rin ted in the Ju ly num ber of The K ing’s Business. . During th e month of September, Dr. A. C. Dixon for th e la st eight years pastor of Spurgeon’s Tabernacle in Lon­ don, England, and who has now taken service w ith th e Bible in stitu te of Los Angeles, w ill be w ith us. Dr. Dixon is so widely known as a g rea t preacher and teacher th a t th e mere notice of his presence will be sufficient to a ttra c t larg e audiences. Dr. Dixon w ill be available also for conference work th roughou t the country during the fall and w inter.

signed up, and th e in te rest manifested was so g reat th a t when th ey m et each o ther they challenged w ith th e uplifted book. Every one of th e teachers and officers and employees of th e school car­ ried a Testam ent, and while th e dinner table was being cleared for d essert th e cadets would read th e ir Testam ents, in consequence of which an o rd er was given for an “ a t ease” during th is period. The teachers, also, gave them ­ selves to reading th e Testam ent a t th is time. A book could be compiled of intensely in teresting incidents developed during th is sho rt campaign. F o r instance: a gentlem an sitting in th e stre e t car took o u t his T estam ent and began to read. A policeman sitting opposite took out his T estam ent and also commenced to read, and th e m otorm an looking back th rough th e car as it stopped, called out as he lifted a Testam ent from his pocket, “You men have nothing on me.” A stre e t car conductor on being approached to sign up a Testam ent, said: “Why, I have one now, and a h alf dozen people have been a fte r me since. I th in k all of our men have Testaments. W h at’s th e m a tte r w ith the people in th is town,' anyhow ?” School children would stop th e ir m ates on th e stre e t and commence to deal w ith them . Testimonies concern­ ing th e conversion of men, women and children, were of daily occurrence. Some fifteen thousand of th e T estam ent were circulated and th e work is being pushed in all of th e cities and su r­ rounding towns. We are giving th is account to our read ers w ith th e sincere desire th a t it may inspire many of them to tak e the m a tte r up w ith th e assurance th a t if it is faith fu lly carried out, a revival can be had in any church or community a t a sm all expense, and w ith large results. Anybody can do it. It works. A fter fo rty years of service along evangelistic lines and personal work, th e w riter can testify th a t it is the

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