King's Business - 1919-06



fectly th a t of Jesu s Christ, and as a resu lt of th a t interview both of the children professed to accept Christ as th e ir Saviour and prom ised to tell th eir m other w h at they had done, and also to p ray th a t n igh t when they went to bed, in th e nam e of Jesus! A b ro th er of these girls was given a New T estam ent which he read very dili­ gently and which was used of God to lead to his conversion some tim e afte r­ ward, and th e la st we heard from him he was w itnessing a good confession to Jesus Christ both by lip and life. Another time, an older sister of these children, a young lady about eighteen years of age, visited one of our w orkers a t th e Mission Home, and while th ere was persuaded t o r e c e i v e th e Lord Jesus, th e Jew s’ Messiah, as her Sav­ iour. The m other of th is fam ily was visited while sick a t th e Hospital, and though she was not antagon istic tow ard Chris­ tianity, she was no t especially interested either. She said she could see one dif­ ference between the Jews and th e Chris­ tian s and th a t was th a t th e Jews were so discontented and unhappy, while the Christians seemed always to he so happy and contented. She was p re­ vailed upon to attend a Bible Class for Jewish mothers which was meeting each week in our Mission Home. Though she could not read English, she could understand it when spoken, and followed th e reading of the lesson in h er Yiddish Bible One day she attended a m eeting in a Jewish Mission, bu t before en tering th e door looked up and down the stre e t to see if any Jews who knew her were in sight, as she did not w ant them to know she was interested in Christianity, and then took a seat in a far corner of the room where she would be as little noticed as possible. H earing th e testimony of Jew s who had tu rn ed from the darkness of Judaism to the ligh t of Christianity, she could not keep quiet any longer, she said,

same tim e asking th e Lord to supply th e ir need. In answer to prayer they received a gift of money w ith which they paid a few debts and bought shoes for th e children, and then, when we were holding a cottage meeting a t th e ir home, handed us a five dollar bill say­ ing “We w ant to help you get your au to .” This was given as a thank-offer­ ing, and since then th e fath e r has obtained employment. How it makes our h earts rejoice when we see th e con­ verts begin to give tow ards the work of th e Lord. Including th is five dollars given by th is Mexican, we now have two hundred dollars tow ard the auto for which we are praying. So le t us continue to pray and praise th e Lord for answers to prayer. The warm w eath er is coming on and th e days are getting longer, and w ith a machine we could visit more th a n double the num ­ ber of section houses, as well as the many colonies of Mexicans on ranches. The W inning of a Jew ish F am ily The resu lts from the work of our Jewish Bible School seem to ju stify the quiet method which has been pursued in reaching th e Jew ish children w ith the Gospel message. JEW ISH The atten tion of the WORK teacher was one day drawn to two of th e little Jew ish girls in th e Bible class. As the tru th s of the Old T estam ent were shown to apply to Jesu s 6f the New Testam ent, and were pressed home in a very personal way, these two children showed g reat uneasiness, and convic­ tion was plainly revealed in th e ir faces. The teacher decided to visit them in th e ir home and th ere seek to win them to the Lord. A favorable opportunity sho rtly presented itself and such a visit was paid them . In a very simple way th e teacher showed how the th e descrip­ tion of th e Messiah given in th e Jewish Bible (i. e., Old T estam ent) fitted per­

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