King's Business - 1919-06



nationalities, of all queer beliefs and unbeliefs, hushed and silenced the moment he begins singing “ Somebody’s h ere w ith an a c tin g h e a rt.” In the hospital we have seen raving patients, distu rb ing th e en tire ward, quieted down like sleeping babies in a moment as th a t tender, sympathetic voice rang ou t “ Jesus will give you re st.” Poor fever-racked, tossing bodies grow silent and passive; despondent, depressed, dis­ couraged faces ligh ten u p ; th e h ard lines spften and te ars for many a long day strang ers to those eyes, fall un­ heeded on scarred and w rinkled-cheeks as they h ea r again a fte r many long, wasted years, “He was nailed to the cross for me, He was nailed to th e cross for you; On th e cross crucified, F o r you He died, He was nailed to th e cross fo r you.” W aiting fo r a car, afte r a shop meet­ ing, we noticed a group of workingmen who h ad been allo tted a full hou r eat­ ing th e ir lunches on th e curb stone abou t a block away. We were soon in th e ir m idst where they good natu red ly made room for us. One poor, woe­ begone, discouraged looking man was leaning again st th e lamp post w ith such a w istful expression. A t th e close of our message in song and testimony, d istribu tion of tra c ts and Pocket Testa­ ments, th is man reached down into his old th readb are trou sers and pulled up a silver dollar (we afterw ard s learned it was th e only money he possessed in th e w o rld ), and pressed it upon th e singer. He was completely broken down and invited us to his place, and th e re for two hou rs poured ou t a most p itifu l tale of m isery and wretchedness. We had th e joy of seeing real contri­ tion and a coming back to th e F ath e r and home,— th e life all wasted, b u t the soul for whom Jesu s bled and died and rose again, restored. Thus was one hidden trea su re dis­ covered some th ree years ago, m iracu­ lously used to uncover still ano th er

and rising to h er feet told h er sto ry of how she too had come to believe in Jesus, th e despised Nazarene.— Jam es A. Vaus, Supt. ' $&£ A D iamond in th e Bough Often in th e most unexpected, out- of-the-way places, one run s across God’s hidden ones who are like “ unto a wedge of gold of fifty shekels’ w eigh t!” One such trea su re was un- SHOP earth ed nearly t h r e e WORK years since, covered w ith an old pair of grey jeans, working among th e men at: th e Salt Lake Shops. Our man was ,invited to sing, and offered a hymn book, and his response, so h e a rty and cordial, b rough t new h e a rt and courage to th e little band of Christian boys seeking to b ear te sti­ mony to th e Gospel of God’s grace which is th e power of God unto salvation unto every one th a t believeth. A fter th e m eeting he told us privately th a t he didn’t w an t to make a public stand for Christ among th e men un til he had thoroughly convinced them by his life and work of th e genuineness of his profession b u t it was no t very long a fte r th a t th a t he stood w ith us. It was then we discovered th a t in addi­ tion to his consistent w alk God had given him a most rem ark ab le voice. It h ad been train ed and used in th e old days for professional church singing, b u t now, und er th e power of th e Holy Spirit; and a yielded life, was being m ightily used and blessed of God among a class of men most difficult to reach. T h at was the beginning of rea l bless­ ing in th e shop work, and we have since h ad his fellowship in various shop and fire engine houses. L ike P au l of old, he works w ith his own hands and then lays off for a time, devoting his days and nights to singing th e love of Jesus into men’s hearts. Its a grand sight to see those rough, noisy men of all

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