King's Business - 1919-06

526 Last, bu t not least, of all is the Work done in our large hallway where hun­ dreds of men and women h ear th e Gos­ pel as it is preached from th e platform day by day, w ith the aid of a large ch art showing the dispensations. We have had over a hund red men and women g ath er in th is lobby and a t th e close of th e service over twenty-five of them step up and tak e a Gospel of John from our hands and agree to read it through. P ray for th is work th a t God will reach many of these men and women for Christ. You will be especially interested in one of th e men who stepped up and heard the messages, and a t the close wanted to have a ta lk w ith the speaker, and for two weeks came every day seeking to know more. F inally, afte r showing him by the Word of God Jesus as his Saviour, he was led out into the ligh t and is today a regu lar atten d a n t a t the noon-day .meeting, rejoicing in Jesus as his Saviour. W ith your co­ operation we hope to be able to reach many men like th is one for Christ. “Therefore, my beloved b reth ren , let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we fain t no t,’’—-M. H. Reynolds, Supt. 'm . Giving Out th e Sure Word We are sowing the precious seed in the Oil F ields and tru stin g th e Lord know ing th a t “ in due season we shall reap, if we fain t no t.” The Lord has sent us a good WORK IN THE helper in a Rev. Mr. OIL FIELDS Page, a form er stu ­ den t of th e Bible In stitu te. One whole fam ily was led to th e Lord through his personal work. Our tra c t boxes work n igh t and day, and plenty of the very best Gospel trac ts are kept, and the people take them gladly. B rother Page and I go to M cK ittrick and Reward tog ether and hold services for the people th ere who have never had a m inister since B rother

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Seigle left them two and a half years ago. Needless to say, th ey always wel­ come us, and I always feel a secret joy in giving out the good things of God. No one can speak a word for Jesus w ithout receiving a blessing to one’s own soul, for to speak of Him whom God h ath highly exalted and given a name which is above every name, is to do th a t which delights the h e a rt of our God and brings blessing always. Think of th e thousands going down to death! And if th e Gospel is not tak en to them , it will be our condemnation. Never give up the grand tru th s of God for th e husks of the higher critics, bu t know th a t God will ever own and bless His own holy Word, th a t Word forever settled in Heaven.— F. J. Shelley, Supt. gfe> gte P rep ared H earts and P rep ared Messenger Day afte r day brings changing groups of men to our very doors on vessels which sail away afte r having been visited and th e men reached w ith th a t Word th a t “ liveth SEAMEN’S abideth forever.” The WORK number of ships reached grows to larg er and larg er proportions and w hat a joy it is to th in k of them going to th e far cor­ ners of the earth carrying the message of the Christ in th e cabins and in the h earts of men! There is a th rill in the coming into view, far off of th e horizon, of a little smoke, sm aller th a n a m an’s hand, indicating th e soon arriv al of a vessel. A day or so passes and on th a t foreign vessel the gospel is preached to men who never before, perhaps, heard the Word of the living God, and when th e vessel disappears on the horizon again th ere passes out, for th e tim e being, th e work of the Lord and only th e day will declare w hat fru itag e the sowing of th e seed has b rough t forth. Can we afford to be lax in prayer for th is work? God forbid. It was a pleasing surprise to en ter

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