King's Business - 1919-06



years I have lived n ear h er, if she has ever done such a th ing before I have never h eard of it.” We were asked to call upon a young woman who was in Christian Science b u t who was an invalid. This“ young woman was being trea ted by a prac­ tition er b u t w ith no favorable results. She was told her recovery was retard ed by h er unbelief. G radually th e ten ets of h er Christian faith had been given up bu t when she was asked to give up h er personal Christ she found she could not. I found h er very restless and dis­ contented w ith w hat she had accepted. So we opened th e Bible saying, “Let us lay aside every opinion and go to th e Word of God and accept it as final. John 1:1 was read. “ Oh, b u t Christ is no t God,” she said. “ Shall we tak e th e Bible or Mrs. Eddy as our a u th o rity ? ” 1 John 1:9 was read. “ Oh, b u t we have no sins,” she said. Shall we tak e th e Bible fo r our au ­ th o rity ?” John 3:16 was read and fin­ ally th e Holy S pirit began to enlighten her and h er face became b righ t as she said, “ Yes, I see. We are ju s t to accept H im and His Word by faith .” A sho rt tim e ago my little boy came to meet me on my re tu rn from teaching a class, w ith the assurance th a t he could “sign up ” abou t two dozen boys for the Pocket Testam ent League. “Daddy” consented to provide th e Tes­ tam ents, and now we have, a Boys’ Pocket Testam ent League Club, meet­ ing every Monday afternoon in our home, to ask questions abou t th e rea d ­ ing of th e past week, and receive in­ struction in the Word Qf God. They come straig h t from school. It is a g reat sigh t to see these lively young­ sters, r^al boys every one of them , hold up th e ir Testaments, which have so m anifestly beep carried to school, at th e word of request. We ^ close our meeting in the dining room, w ith ligh t refreshm ents of some sort- th a t p ar­ ticu larly appeals to a boy’s h ea rt— lem-

our in strum en tality , and as th e last sign and outline of these ships disap­ p ear on th e horizon, we find com fort only in th e assurance th a t “He is able to keep th a t which we have comm itted unto H im .”— Oscar Zimmerman, Supt. a » T aking th e Gospel In to th e Homes The name and address of an unsaved woman was given by a friend to a Bible Woman w ith th e requ est th a t she call upon th e woman to ta lk w ith h er about her soul. Knowing WORK OF THE nothing o th er th a n BIBLE WOMEN the woman’s need of Christ, th e Bible woman, much in prayer fo r guidance as to w hat to say, w ent to th e home. She found th e woman w illing to ta lk abou t th e things of God and h er own soul because th e little d augh ter of th e home h ad been to Sunday school and has begun to ask th e m other questions which she could no t answer, b u t she did no t realize h er own g reat need of a Saviour. The afternoon was spent in studying from God’s Word th e plan of salvation-—m an’s g reat need and C h rist’s ab ility to m eet th a t need. The woman yielded h er h e a rt to Him. Surely “a little child shall lead them .” How often one h ears th e statem en t made “ I don’t care much for doctrine, it. is th e life th a t counts.” B u i we have re c e n tly proven th a t ones life is . b u t th e echo of w hat one believes. Some tim e ago, th e re came into one of the classes a woman who, though a pro­ fessing Christian for many years, was living absolutely to herself. This class, as most of th e classes, has received some p retty strong doctrinal teachings," and gradu ally th e woman h as been changing tow ard her neighbors. Call­ ing on one of th e members of th e class who was sick recently, she said to the Bible woman» “Mrs. — ^----- sent me in my lunch today. The Bible class must be getting hold of her, for in all the a »

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