King's Business - 1919-06



onade and cake or pie, or sometimes w ieners and buns. When these la st are served th e boys ro ast th e ir own w ieners over th e kitchen range. A larg e class is now being held in a suburban town, in th e home of a woman b rough t to Christ in a small city class. The p resen t hostess came to th e class a t th e invitation of a member of the class whom she met casually a t lunch, eon, a stran g er to h er b u t a woman w ith a h e a rt for th e Lord’s work. In th is class she found h er Lord, and is now try ing to win o th ers to th e same Lord th rough a class in h er home.— Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt. THE OLD WOMAN Someone asked Dr. Munhall w h at he th o u g h t of th e “ new woman.” He re­ plied, “The old woman is good enough for me— ju st as God made h er, to be the m other of our children.” CHRISTIAN PARENTS- IMPORTANT! WHAT ABOUT YOUR SON—YOUR DAUGHTER? To w h at school or college are you considering sending them for the com­ pletion of th e ir education? Beware of infidel universities, where th e ir Chris­ tia n faith , unless they are thoroughly grounded in th e Word of God, will be completely underm ined! H undreds of our young college g raduates are being tu rn ed ou t ran k skeptics, pickled in German k u ltu r, and having little or no use for th e Bible or th e church of Christ. The question of where your son or daugh ter will get th e ir teaching is a trem endous one in these days, and one th a t Christian p aren ts should decide most carefully and prayerfully. W hat is God’s will in th e m atter? W hat does H is Word say about th e vain philoso­ phies of the world? W hat is th e repu­ tatio n of the school? Who are the teachers? Do they b erate th e Bible and b elittle th e Son of God? Everything hangs on your decision!

THANK GOD FOR LAUGHTER A sto ry is told of Theodore L. Cuyler, of New York, and Charles H. Spurgeon, of London, England. It is related th a t on one occasion, afte r a period of un­ usually h ard work, they w ent ou t into th e country together for a holiday. As they roamed th e highways and meadows w ith all th e enjoym ent th a t th e tru e lover of n atu re can find under such con­ ditions, Dr. Cuyler told one of his ex­ periences, a t which th e famous London preacher laughed heartily . A moment la te r he tu rn ed to Dr. Cuyler. “Theo­ dore,” he said, “ let us kneel down and th a n k God for la u g h ter.” And there, says the w riter who relates th e incident, “ on th e green carpet of th e grass, under th e trees, two of th e world’s g reatest men k n elt and thank ed th e dear Lord fo r th e b righ t and joyous g ift of laugh ­ te r.” SENTENCED TO READ BIBLE The following is from th e Los Ange­ les Times: “Bible study in th e county ja il for th irty days was th e preference expressed by H arold Lane in court yes­ terday, when confronted w ith th e possi­ bility of a term in th e penitentiary. Three years ago Lane was charged w ith bu rg lary and was given a suspended sentence of ten years. Recently he vio­ lated th e term s of th is sentence by stealing Bibles from a local church and selling them . Y esterday he was given the choice of read ing th e Bible from cover to cover in th e local ja il or being comm itted under his form er sentence.” W hat a pity th is cannot be tried on th e ring leaders of th e p resen t day here­ sies, who claim to found th e ir doctrines upon th e Bible, b u t deliberately over­ look nine-tenths of it.

Contributions of $5 o r over to th e B ible In stitu te of Los Angeles, en title givers to a y ear’s subscription to “The K ing’s Business."

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